Monday, May 13, 2024


 That's right, took my blood pressure and its high! 144/97 ugh!! pulse 53. Time to do something about those numbers!! We have heart issues in our family! 

Here's what I'm doing! Day 1 weight loss! Getting more protein/Veggies and eating less. Also snacking on fiber/popcorn! Getting to the gym weights and doing cardio (bike/run/cr) daily!! I'll also be monitoring my blood pressure daily and taking an average of 2 or 3 readings. Logan also has high blood pressure! Time to get him doing cardio too! 

Mother's Day was super nice! I had all my kids for breakfast and grandson along with Steve's parents and brother for the morning breakfast out on the deck. 

Kendra made this amazing charcuterie cups. So pretty and what a great idea! She gave me a really nice gift card to get a facial. Celina, Don and Logan all got me a new rice cooker, which we needed! 

I gave all the mother's some purple pansies in pink tin cups with a bow. A cheap $2 dollar gift, but cute idea. I should have taken photos of the flowers Tins were 1.25 each at the dollar store, flowers for 4 were 3 dollars and the bow free since I reused what I had and also dirt free from our yard. 

Before everyone came over for breakfast, I mowed the front yard and blew off the driveway and sidewalk.  Plus, cleaned the house and helped a little with breakfast. After, I got to sit in the hammock for an hour before heading out to watch Celina and Don's soccer game. 

Logan and his 3 good friends have been hanging out together non stop. They are a really nice girls. I'm super happy with his friend choice! 

Took some photos off their snaps to add to my blog. 

After soccer, we went out with Celina to Hastings for a drink to celebrate her new job! 
Came home and had dinner with Logan's friends, leftover ribs, corn, potatoes and coleslaw. Delicious! 

Today, it's back to work. I have to work for a hour+ then I want to do some advertising right after for an hour. I have paint the deck on my to do list and then get in a bike ride/cardio at some point. Maybe get to the gym to for weigh lifting. 

To make myself accountable for dieting I'm posting what I eat and my workout. 

Am- Coffee with a touch of sweetness 50 cal
Snack - 
total ate:

Exercise: dumbbells, 1 min plank, clean 1 hour= 150 cal, stain deck 200? , cardio/bike 100/ 200? 
Total burned: 

We all tried to see the Northern lights, No luck!!Ugh!! 

Here's what I got instead of the lights

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