Wednesday, May 15, 2024

 The stairs are done, well almost as they need some touch ups. This is the before photo, brown and a mess with brown paint peeling. 

After with the rails, and stairs painted black! 

They cleaned up nice! Amazing what a little paint will do. So far we are in 2 gallons and need one more to finish off the posts and save some for next years touch ups. We got by with one gallon of stain. Using a rebate and return money saved us on this project. Plus, using our own labor saved thousands. In all a cheap costing project with a big impact. 

I did all the down low touch ups. Now to get to the up high ones on the ladder. We also have all the leg posts to paint and the front board under the deck. We want all to match, which requires another gallon of paint! 

I also mowed the back yard since I mowed the front on Sunday. I was trying to do no mow May, in the backyard, but it was getting way too long. 

The next project is washing all the window screens and wiping out the window tracks. Which I can do today after all the painting touch ups are done. I'll also have to blow off the driveway again as we keep getting various tree droppings. First it was all the pedals from the crabapple and now it's the pedal stems and next it will be the maple tree seeds dropping. Always something on the driveway. It's been nice having the blower. It's quick, fun and easy to do on a regular basis. Plus, the blower is good at getting all the cotton seeds off the house and bugs. This will keep the house siding looking a lot cleaner. I need a blower extension to get up high! lol

Bills are due today. UGH! The mortgage will ben soooo nice to have paid off in only 2 more years. 2026! count down time. Also count down to paying for college as its Logan's last year. 11 more apartment payments and we are done. 

Today is working and errands this afternoon along with the other home projects. I should be advertising too. I'll put that on my todo list for an hour to make some progress. 

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