Friday, March 10, 2023

101.. made it past day 100

 I burned a lot of calories on day #100 of my weight loss journey. Instead of treating myself to a pedicure in the afternoon for a 100 day reward. I am saving it since I just got my hair cut on day 99. 

Instead I went cross country skiing while it was snowing. This was after working and burning at least 150 calories and going to the gym in the morning stairs 30 min and weights 30 min. I figured in all I burned around 950 calories for the day. A good amount! I also ate about that much too! 

I made dinner last night because I was starving. Made rice, fresh pico, guac and chicken breasts backed with corn flakes. I also ate a few pita chips with hummus and had strawberries and blueberries for dessert. A delicious, but hot meal with all the hot sauce. I did use a bit of ranch since it was pretty HOT! 

I was feeling like this at night, right along with Zoey! 

It's Friday!! I have a very busy all day workday! After I'm sure we will go out somewhere. I'd like to try this Nashville chicken coop place but it's all dark meat for their sandwich and I just had chicken all week! Maybe something else? I'm kind of craving a sloppy Joe. I'd make that for a dinner with brioche bread. 

Not sure I'll have time to ski or go to the gym this afternoon. I'm guessing work will burn at least 500 calories or more. I'll be home around 3:30pm, so I'd like to wash and style my hair before going out. I'll save all the working out for Saturday. We got at least another 3 inches of fresh snow last night and will be getting more on Saturday about 3", plenty of fresh stuff for skiing! 

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