Saturday, February 5, 2022

Friday was our afternoon fun day!

 The last stop of Friday night, Malcolm Yard for 2 beers, chicken sandwich and a burger with fries. Steve and I share all the food. Oh, and an ice cream cone. Delicious night out! 

We started our Friday fun afternoon at Como Zoo. Made reservations for 2:30pm. It was actually a lot better reducing the number of people going to the zoo. Not so crowded! We actually had the primate building pretty much to ourselves and at some times, we were the only people in there! That never happens! I suppose there are some really good business decisions coming out of Covid! 

Always our favorite part of the conservatory. The flowers!! We sat in there for quite a while just soaking up all the flowers, colors and people watching. 

Since we can't go any where tropical, this is our best option for green and the tropic temps. 

Felt good to soak up the greenery! 

I'm I good till spring? Not really, but it does help a tiny bit! 

The kids bathroom is soooo close to being almost done! The floor tile, just a few more cuts by the door and the shower curb needs to be finished. I'm sure that's all to be finished this Saturday. Sunday, maybe grout and Monday door and plumbing installed?? I might have to be the first to take a shower in there! I also need to get a squeeze and some vinegar spray to keep the shower glass door from being coated in a while salt (calcium/magnesium) film. We have really hard water and got rid of the water softener after it wrecked the toilets and plumbing by clogging them all up with this orange brine salt. I'm really loving how the bathroom is turning out! 

A little Zoey pix with her baby. 

We missed the morning hot air balloon lift off. To be honest, it was -1 out this morning. We might just go for the 3:30pm time this afternoon or Sunday morning 7:30am lift off. 

I'm cat sitting/feeding this weekend. Just a quick stop over in the morning and at night. I'd better go do that asap! 

My plan for today, 
Fed the cat
Shop for a new mirror for the kids bathroom
Stop at Costco get water bottles
Target, pick up PB pretzels and a squeeze
Exciting plans!! 

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