Thursday, March 10, 2022


 Playing with edit... Before Picture

After Edit. I probably should do this more often to my photos!
Still not the right light. My Edit function is very limited. 

One of these days I'm going to tackle putting this alcohol collection away some where. We have an entire bar in the basement and I should clean out the cabinet below to store all the bottles. We seem to entertain a lot so its always filling back up. At least a small section is a coffee bar, just hidden by all the bottles! 

I've been pretty good about doing a mile on the cross ramp every morning. Well, about 4 to 6 days a week.  It's an improvement, but not as many miles as I could be running. I'm slowly getting back up and will add more time 12 minutes right now.. probably could just do 15 minutes, then 20 etc.. Building back up to an hour or 6 miles per day. 

It's a lot easier on my feet, but I'd rather run outdoors when the weather is nice! 
Dieting went better yesterday! Here's what I ate!

Breakfast - 2 PB nuggets (20 cal)
Lunch/snack - frozen oj, popcorn (100, 300 cal)
Dinner - baked chicken nuggets with hot sauce and some blue cheese dressing (500 cal)
1 naam bread with Parmesan cheese 150 cal
Chunk of CC cookie dough (not the best choice) 75 cal
lite Yogurt cup   80 cal

Grand total = 1225

Exercise = working moving 400 Burned cal
Cross ramp 1 mile = 112 burned cal
Weight lifting - ? 
Total burned 512 calorie 

March please hurry up because I want Spring and summer! Its 5+F this morning with a high of 28*F. Next week we will warm up to 56-60 for the high. Maybe I will actually get outdoors! I'm just ready for it to be warmer so we can do more then sit inside. 

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