Thursday, September 28, 2023

It's my Friday!

 The end of September, the last few days left! At least it's going to be in the mid 80's for the next few days. We are heading south for a few days then up to the north shore to finish off the long weekend. 

Going to Landsboro area to bike/hike and camp. We are staying at a Hipcamp where they have goats again. We stayed there last year and liked it. Just didn't like the big walnuts falling since I was afraid of the car getting hit or the tent. It could make a big dent! They are letting us pick a spot to camp on the grass by their pond. A much better option to be on grass too and not in the woods. It also might rain at night making their road muddy into the woods. If we camp on the grass, we won't have to deal with the mud at all. 

We will come home on Sunday and set up for car camping and will leave right away for the North shore. I just need to get all ready to go when we get home so it's a quick turn over. We won't be brining the bikes, only doing hiking and enjoying the fall colors. 

Monday, September 25, 2023

Last week of September!

 It's the last week of September. 

I sent Kendra info for the Hotz Farm in Eagan. It's a cute small farm that had some fun little kid activities. 

Steve and I got dressed in Vikings shirts and went to Back Channel Brewery to watch the Viking lose. At least it was a nice afternoon sitting outdoors watching the game in a fun atmosphere. 

Took Zoey for a walk at Lebanon around the lakes. 

Some fall colors. 

I finally got to see some goats, sheep and alpcas. 

We tried a new bakery. Marc Hue Patisserie. It was just okay. Not very flaky. I'd rate it a 4 out of 10. 
Also it's been 7 years of wanting to go to this free Art Museum on the Uof M east bank campus. 

Street view of the colors starting to change. 

Finally but the screen up on the sliding door to keep out the bugs. Works pretty good. Should have put this sooner. 
Went to Evan's soccer game on Thursday and brought Madelyn some pom poms to cheer on her brother. 
Tried a few pumpkin spice coffees, Starbucks was the best, followed by Mcd's and then Caribou. I have yet to try Dunkin's or Wendy's. It's on my todo list. 

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Sept 21st and 82*F today!!

 The weather this week has been perfect, summer like temps for September! Loving the weather. Our drought ends this weekend with rain. Ugh!! It's a 50/60% chance both Saturday and Sunday. Go figure! I checked everywhere and it's a big storm system so no area is dry and sunny. All rain everywhere!  

Here's some ideas of what to do this weekend. There are a bunch of breweries having Octoberfest. Might have to check a few out. 

I've been waiting to do this art museum for years. It's free and only 30 minutes away by the UofM. 

I have been sleeping out in the tent with Zoey and Steve. 

It's been 60*f at night which is sooo nice! As long as it stays in the 50's I will be outside sleeping in the tent. Well, we will see how it is after the weekend of rain. I might have to move the tent if it gets wet under the tent. 

Fall colors are just starting. Some trees are 100% red, but not much color yet. 
Our closed road looks almost done. They put the dirt back and now just need to re-tar the road. It said until Friday, but maybe done today? It hasn't been too bad going around to the other side. It will be nice when it's all done and they are out of here! 
Our neighbor friends are moving this fall. It will be sad to see them leave. They've been here for 18 years! We are on 24? Time flys and it's hard to imagine living anywhere else. They will be renting and then? They have a nice lake house, so that's the plan to retire there and some where warm too. Our plan? I'd like to rent out our house and then build a cabin, travel in a van and see the country.  I would still need somewhere to live and come back home. I'd like to start downsizing what we have in our house! Probably should do more of that this winter. Just do one room at a time and get it done. It's time to go through stuff and throw it out, sell, recycle or donate. We have far too much stuff after 24 years! Things we haven't used in years needs to go! 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023


 It was super warm out last night sleeping. Only got down to 60+F. Which felt perfect! I checked the weather for the week and it stays no colder then 60+F at night till Sunday and then only in the mid 50s after that. Still good for outdoor tent sleeping. I'll probably put the heater out there sometime next week. I just don't like getting up out of the covers in the morning when it's in the low 50's, and 40's. I'll stay out there until it gets too cold. Well, until we are going to have snow. 

I was trying to look for stuff to do this weekend. I made a short list, but it's not very exciting. Just an art museum that I've been wanting to check out. Its free and by the UofM. The building looks cool from the outside and that's why I've wanted to check it out. There are also some Octoberfest's at some breweries around town and then a few bakeries that I still want to try. Always the farmers markets. All indoor stuff with the rain. Its not going to be a 100% washout, but still not great! 

I have almost everything to make my Thai Soup. Of course it's going to be 84*F today. I don't really want soup tonight. I'll at least make it today. I just need a few more items to add to the soup. 

I really need to start taking caffeine in the afternoon. I just get lazy and want to lay around. I do need little down time between work and going to workout. I just don't need the entire afternoon to do that! 

On a positive note. I got an extra $80 tip working yesterday for an hour at 4pm. Got to like that!  It was just a one time job, but very good paying for the hour! All thanks to advertising. It paid for itself and then some. Plus, Steve has gotten 3 calls, a deck, drywall and indoor painting. Not sure what all he will get, but at least it's potential work for the future. He still has a lot of jobs in the waiting, but I like to make sure he is booked out at least until December. I still would like to pick up more clients. I'm hoping doing more advertising will do the trick eventually. Just got to work on it every chance I get for a little every day. I mostly want to get rid of all the old flyers. I just want to print new ones and update it. It's going to be awhile before I get rid of them all. I'm sure its doubled in price for printing too. You have to spend to make money! So there is that! 

Zoey needs another fur cut. I am not going to do any dog grooming at our house. Steve said no to that idea. Plus, we really don't have a great area to do that right now. I could use my bathroom, but then we'd have to take the dogs through the house and I don't want to do that either. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Tuesday... Day 2 of the week and construction

 We had a noisy day with road construction on our street. Made it not so fun having our road closed on this side of the loop. It's supposed to go till Thursday or Friday. So much for the nice new road being perfect! I think must be fixing the gas line that runs under the road? It really hasn't been that bad going around to the other side to leave our street loop. 

Tuesday. I have work this morning and then will do a little more advertising I think? It might be too windy. Otherwise, I'll enjoy the 80*F degree day, biking and ham-mocking out in back yard. 

Weight loss hasn't been going great. It's more like weight gaining. I need to stop that asap! I hav been getting exercise, planks, dumbbells, 1 mile of running and then biking 9 miles plus, working = moving. 

Yesterday, I biked and got rained on a little. The wind picked up and it sure didn't look like rain, but I had a few drops on me part of the 9 mile ride. I just did the loop by my house. I really wanted to go check out this park that's 30 minutes from home and go for a bike ride. I'm just bored with the paths I've already done. 

Steve has an estimate today, which is good. I'm sure it's from my flyers. Plus, got another call for other work too. I just want to make sure he has work lined up till Christmas and beyond. Otherwise, I start to worry. I could use more work too, so hopefully will get some calls eventually. Which means more advertising. I used to do it more often, but really haven't done much of any in the last 3 or 4 years. I need to re-do my flyer, but will wait till I use up all the old ones first even though I don't like them. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

The weekend.. Already Sunday

 It's already Sunday. Time flys no matter what day it is! Life is just speeding up. Maybe that's why I have dreams all the time where I am pressing the breaks and the car just keeps going and doesn't slow down. This time the car did stop, but on the other side of the intersection and then I was hit by a few cars. I was told in my dream that it was not our fault. I've had this dream more than once, but never had it turn out that way. Usually, I keep going and am fine. 

Yesterday we went to two breweries and watched sky diving. We had to go through River falls and stop at the spiral brewery where we had there pretzel and cheese.

Steve got the beer with a toasted marshmallow. 
The regular plane broke down last week and they were still fixing it. They had this smaller/quieter plane instead. 

Got to watch a bunch of people sky dive. 

Came home and set up our back yard old dark out tent that the zipper is questionable. I fixed it, but would never take it on a camping trip. I just don't trust the zipper fix! It works for the back yard just fine. 
We had a bonfire too and got rid of a little more wood. 

It was a cool night down to 52*F. I put up the tarps between the top of the tent and the roof tent. It helps to hold in the heat. I didn't bring the heater out, but will if it gets down into the 40's. Felt a little chilly sometimes, but I also got a little warm too. 

Zoey loves sleeping out side in the tent. I'd sleep out there all year if I could. Well, except when it's hot. I like it cooler for sleeping. 
Evan and Madelyn at an apple orchard. I took this photos off Kendra's FB page. 
Steve made stuffed mushrooms, tomatoes and potatoes for dinner the other night. Such good leftovers. Yum!! We had this for breakfast Saturday morning. 

It's cloudy this Sunday morning. A bit chilly to start at 54*F at 9am. I should go run or get in a workout at the gym. At least yesterday we ran Zoey at the park and then lifted weights at the gym. 

For all my hard work advertising I finally picked up a job. It's just a one time, but it paid for itself by just getting one call. Steve also had a call for a deck and some drywall. Again as long as we get calls. It's working!! I only have time this Monday to do a little more advertising otherwise, work is busy all week! 

Today we are going to the car show. I'd also like to get in a bike ride. Plus, we will sleep outside tonight and maybe another bonfire. 

before the 4th

 The 4th weekend is going to go fast. unfortunately looks like rain every day! Probably should have done option #2 and headed to the north s...