Thursday, September 30, 2021

Thursday.. one more day of 80+F!

 One more day of 80*F with some rain tonight. It will cool off to 72+F all next week and sunny. That's pretty much perfect fall weather. 

I went for a morning run with Zoey, after Steve and I went for a 11 mile bike ride. We rode down to Hastings to have lunch. Who knew it would be a day where everyone wanted to be out on the patio. It was full, so we ended up sitting inside. 
I'm still debating on if I should take down the tent or leave it up for next weeks 72+F? Probably will just leave it up and use only during the afternoon hours. This way, I don't get huge welts from the no see um bugs. 
My back yard tent. Pretty sure this will be the last year using this tent. The kids say it drips on the top when it rains. I have yet to find any holes but its already had a few repairs. I think we've now owed this tent for 4 years? That's a lot of tent use. 

I also worked yesterday but not till 3pm. This was planned so I could enjoy the day. I have today off but work Friday morning and then at 4:30pm we will be at the airport picking up Logan. He is flying home from college, Milwalkee. We haven't seen him since the move in to the dorms, the last week of August. He wants to go to dinner Friday night, Sunday we will have a family turkey dinner and then he flys back around 7:30pm. It will be a quick weekend with him home, but he will be back in 4 weeks for his birthday! 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Tuesday is this the last 86*F day?

 I had the day off on Tuesday so I got a lot done with errands and being outdoors for as much of the day as possible. It was 81+F and sunny! 

I used to run this path 2 miles along the lakes at Lebanon. I decided to just walk it, take some photos and enjoy the morning. It took 27 minutes in total. Just 7 minutes longer than running so not too bad! 

I did stop a few times to take quick photos of fall colors and some still blooming flowers. 

I'd say about 25% fall leaves are turning color right now on the 29th of September! 

I've seen some photos from up north in Lutsen and all the maples are bright orange. 75% full color or 100% by today.  Would have been a great weekend to go up and camp to see the fall colors. 

Today I do have to work, but not until 3pm. I wanted to be able to enjoy our 86*f last day of summer heat. I have plans to run at the park with Zoey. Steve and I also are biking late morning at Ft Snelling along the river to Mpls. We both decided just to enjoy the nice weather. I was hoping to put off working till Thursday when we have a 30% chance of storms and its only going to be 80+F. 

I spent another night out in the tent. I got Steve to join me. The coldest temp was this morning at 59*F. Felt great sleeping with cool air. Zoey must have been a little chilly as she wanted under the blankets. She actually crawled up between us, and put her head on the pillow after she was covered with the blanket. That was a first! lol.. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021


Well, my finger is still swollen and red from that bee sting. Not loving how my finger is still fat and itches. I have been using cortisone cream every chance I get to help with the itching and redness. Hopefully, tomorrow it will be a lot more back to normal?? 

We went out for drink 2 for 1's on Monday night at the local  Baldman Brewery in Eagan. I am not that all big on week day drinks but the weather 80+F on a September fall day is a cause to through that idea out the door. So we played some cribbage and had a drink sharing the two for one and got another free drink to share. 

I had set up our old popup tent in the back yard a few days ago. Last night I decided to just sleep out there since the house felt warm from not having any AC on. I hate to turn on AC when we have limited 80+F fall days and the nights cool off to the 50s and low 60's. It only got down to 59*F last night and I was plenty warm under all my blankets. I love extending the summer nights by sleeping outdoors. I might just keep sleeping outside till Friday when we have a 30% chance of rain and it will cool down to the 70's by the weekend. 

I have Tuesday and Wednesday off from work. I have plans to do some errands, get more propane for our fire pit tables and we need printer ink. I purchased the wrong ink so its back to the store for me! 

I want to walk/run around the lakes this morning. This afternoon I will ride my bike along the river. I'm hoping Steve will join me for a bike ride to Mpls where we can have happy hour and ride home. Its always a really pretty ride along the rive with all the colorful leaves in the fall. 

Dieting is not going well. I have 19 days left to lose weight before our Texas trip. Ugh!! I need to focus and do something now before I am all mad about not trying to lose any weight while on Vacation! 

Monday, September 27, 2021

Sunday - Funday!

 Waconia wine, apples and beer tasting day! 

Deardorf Winery/ Apple Orchard
Schram's Winery/Brewery

Sunday, September 26, 2021



I should have taken more photos of Kendra and Paul's Beer, Bourbon and chili party yesterday afternoon. 

I got to spend lots of time with Madelyn. Evan was off with friends most of the day. 

I did indulge a bit too much in some beers, but it was spread out over many hours 3 to 9pm. 

Today, Steve and I are going out to the western side of MN in Waconia to apple pick, wine/beer taste. Should be a fun day even thought I probably don't need more to drink! It's going to be 81+F and sunny today so we have to take advantage of the nice weather! 

I'm missing my fur baby. Steve's parents took her for a walk yesterday and never brought her home. We got home at 9:30pm so too late to pick her up since they never dropped her back off at home. She is my morning buddy and it's an odd feeling of her not here having some PB pretzel nuggets with me for breakfast. 

I am really missing Logan. He finally is flying home from Milwaukee next week on Friday. He only will be home 3 short days and I'm not sure how much time we will get to spend with him as he probably wants to see friends and hang out with Celina. We do have a family dinner planned so he can see everyone while home. We also will fly him home for his birthday and over T-day will take the train. Seeing the accident with Amtrac this morning has me worried but I'd be worried about a plane or car ride home too. 
I do have a tent problem. I just want to extend our time outdoors and this might be a good solution to doing that. A winter Ice fishing tent! 

Looking back over our summer photos. We really did a lot this summer. We traveled almost every weekend and spent as much time outdoors as we could to soak up the summer days. I don't want it to come to an end. Good thing we have one more big trip planed this fall to Texas and to the ocean. That will probably be the last trip till spring unless we plan a mini winter getaway. 

Saturday, September 25, 2021

2nd Ant in a row??

 I'm on my laptop and along the edge was a rather large ant. I flicked it off and a few minutes later another ant? What the?? Where are these ants coming from and why are they crawling across my laptop screen edge! ugh..nature!!

What have I been doing? Working in the mornings most days M-F, maybe having a day off some where. Last week, I worked all 5 days for at least a few hours every morning. 
My day starts off by getting up some where between 5 am and 7:30am. I just get up when ever I feel like it. Its usually some where around 6am. Now that it stays dark longer, I sleep in usually. 
I still do my floor sleep stretching yoga. Mostly for my legs because the pain feels good. Otherwise, I'd just be far too stiff. I'm already not very flexible, but I do feel like doing yoga stretches every day does help. While doing yoga I go over my daily and weekly todo list in my fitness journal. I update what I ate the day before and check off or add to my todo list. This way, its harder to forget what I need to get done or bills to pay etc.. I plan only a week at a time. 
M-F, I email friends and after do some blog reading and then maybe post something myself. I've been trying to get back to daily planks and dumbbell weights. 1 minute bent arm plank, 10/10/20 dumbbells with 15 pound weights. I should run at the park with Zoey every day, but I don't. Some weeks I get out, others not so much. It's just a mile run and the park is right down the road. A quick 20 minutes out of my day. Not much but sometimes I'm short on time in the mornings because I spend too much time on my phone or doing yoga, or mailing. I really need to switch up my morning order and get in my run before sitting on the internet and emailing. A little habit change can add up to big results! Weekends are kind of more of the same schedule. I always get in my yoga! It's the first thing I do. 

What I eat for breakfast. I have never been a breakfast person. I'm never very hungry. I just have a few (10 or less P.B pretzel nuggets. I always share a few with Zoey (my springer dog) just to get her to come over by me. 

I usually am dressed already for work, just wash my face, brush my teeth, fix my hair into a pony tail and put on little makeup. I'm out the door by 9am most days or somewhere around there. All my customers are within 25 minutes of home. Most are 15 minutes or less away. I get in some exercise, chat a bit and earn some money. I have a very flexible job and don't have a start time, but I like to be done by noon or shortly after every day if not earlier! Every other week, I do have a client at noon, so I do work till 1pm occasionally with usually a break before I go to her house. Easy schedule and I love it. 

You'd think I could be more productive in the afternoon... nope. I usually need some downtime. I have lunch, sit on the couch look at the internet sometimes for hours. Not really moving and some afternoons I get in a nap. A few days a week, I might run some errands, go to Target, Cub or where ever to shop. I might have phone calls or texts to send out. A few bills to pay. I always tell myself I should go bike or run do something productive, but that doesn't happen as much as I'd like. Some days I even spend the afternoon catching up on TV shows I've missed.  

Evenings are not much more productive. We might go to the store, sit outside for dinner on the patio, or go out to eat. I usually clean up after dinner since Steve makes the food. Dishes usually wait till the next day at some point. A few days a week, I have TV shows that I watch Monday, below deck, Wednesday's the challenge. We do like to watch news before bed from 8 to 10pm most nights. 

I'm kind of on repeat on what I do week after week. This is why I love the weekends when we go out of town and camp. I'm forced to be out doors 24/7 and even when we are sleeping in our tent, we are doing something and out enjoying nature. I love exploring new areas and doing something different. A complete change from the weekend schedule. Which is probably why I need down time during the week! 

I've always looked ahead to when.. when I can travel, when I can pay off a car loan, a mortgage, empty nesters, home projects done. I need to just enjoy more where I am and not wait till.. I need to start doing now. 

We are waiting 5 more years to even think about building a cabin. We want our mortgage paid off 100% to not add to our debt. Once again, waiting for something... I will be 5 years older and don't really want to wait but we know that we can build without a loan if we wait. Which is a better investment. 

In 5 years a lot can change with our family. Steve's parents are getting older, both in their 80's, our kids are in college and will be done or all have jobs, moved out of our house by that time. I will be 58 ad Steve will be 60. Closer to retirement if we ever do? Time to do things now. I can't wait longer to live!

Friday, September 24, 2021

Get up!

Zoey was persistent this morning. She wanted me up and letting her out the front door two time, then the back door and now wants to eat! She lets me know exactly what she wants and when!  

Not sure I was ready to get up at 5:30am this morning but I had a slight headache from the two drinks last night. 

I didn't take any happy hour photos but did a snap chat of it instead. Seems I do more snapchat videos then taking photos lately. So I have nothing to show on my posts. It was Celina and my first time just going to happy hour together. Now that she is 21 and covid is well, still going on but what ever at this point. We tried to get a table outside on the patio since it was a nice night, but no luck. We just sat in the bar. Her boyfriend joined us an hour later and what do you know. Steve and his brother showed up on guys night out at the same IGH Brewery. So we joined them for a while until I decided to go home. I was there long enough and was ready to be home, while they all stayed. 

No big plans tonight. Since we went out last night, I'm not sure we will go out tonight. I spent $80 on drinks and food so I'm pretty much done spending! 

We have Kendra's BBQ Saturday at her new house. This will be our first family get together since April of 2020. I need to bake some thing. Was thinking of making pumpkin bars? Some thing fall to go with her chill, beer and bourbon BBQ. 

We have nothing planned for Sunday but that might be a good day to do some wine tasting out in the country or go have a picnic and watch some sky divers out in Wisconsin and maybe check out one of their state parks too. 

I set up one of our tents in the backyard yesterday. We are going to have nice weather 10+ days out as far the weather report goes. I want to be outdoors as much as possible. Since the no see um's and mosquitoes are now out, I wanted to be bug free in the tent. So that was my best option as the hammock they can still bite me from under the hammock through the fabric. I am that crazy woman that puts up a tent in her back yard. I'd totally want a she-shed but we aren't allowed to have sheds in this neighborhood, so I have no other options. 

Yesterday was wonderful outside in the tent. I read the news on my cell phone, took an hour nap. Perfect way to be outside and enjoy a fall afternoon. I probably should have biked first but after I set up the tent I was ready to relax. 
This is a good photo to show how I am just going around and around and not going any where. I do need to make some life diet changes and to be more productive. I try and make a todo list, and I get most things done. I'm just not making progress in other areas. 

Friends- keeping up by emails daily M-F, getting together with other couples for nights out. Taking a trip in October with two other couples. 

Diet- daily challenge to eat healthy. Lose weight by eating less. Cut down on weekend drinks and opt for lower calorie beverages. I mostly drink water but like a few drinks on the weekends which doesn't help the weight loss. 

Exercise- trying to run daily, bike, do planks and lift weights. Plus, just move more, at least in the mornings. 

Still thinking I need a small lap dog since Zoey doesn't want to be that dog for me. 

Travel- Austin Texas and Corpus Christi in October, weekend smaller trips to area's around where we live. Camping as much as possible or going to the lake. 

Work - picking up a few new every 2 week customers with a few move out cleans. Need to advertise more and pick up more clients to fill up my schedule for the winter, earning more money. 

Savings- Trying to not dip into our savings. Saving all we can. 

Not spending on things we don't need. Still need to work on this. I purchased new gray towels for our bathroom just because I was tired of the white towels. Purchased a new winter jacket. I already have three black jackets but wanted a new one this winter. Also went shopping for clothes a few times as I really haven't shopped for myself in over a year. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Fall is here!

 We are having a fall day. Its only going to be a high of 65+F, down from 89 the two days before! The maple tree out front already had a touch of orange/red leaves. I'm not ready for this! 

I get to try on the rough draft of my favorite cardigan I'm having made tomorrow. Fingers crossed it fits and I like it. I know it's not going to be the same, but I hope its close enough to be my favorite! 

I applied for a Covid Business grant through MN yesterday. It's for women, people of color, and vets who were impacted by covid. You have between Sept 20 - 29th to apply and on Oct 20th they will randomly select businesses to call to see if they are illegible. I filled out and sent in all the forms needed. Just hope I'm picked as it could be 10K grant! My business certainly has taken a hit since Covid started. I'm still not where I use to be and have a long way to go. It's coming back but very slowly. I'm trying not to get my hopes up but this would help out a lot! 

I went shopping for some clothes to wear in Texas. This is more my style. Too bad I can't seem to pull it together! 

I'm down to 4 weeks to diet and lose weight before Texas. Ugh! I keep failing every day, but every day I try again. 

At least I get exercise every day. I'm not working today, so Steve and I went for a run in the park. I'll be mowing the back yard and want to get in a 10 mile bike ride this afternoon. 

I did do a 1 minute plank yesterday and weights so I need to keep that up too. Doesn't take much time and I feel better for having done something. little changes add up every day to better choices! Just got to keep plugging away! 

Monday, September 20, 2021

Sunday afternoon

Afternoon in Hastings! The last car show of the year. We got there at the end of the show, 2:30 but it ended at 4pm. Cars were still leaving early.  

Had a drink at the brewery in town. 

IGH, Brewery for dinner. Beer and Pizza. 

Plus, ham mocking in the back yard with Zoey. 

Sunday, September 19, 2021

New Ulm

 We had a fun New Ulm weekend getaway at the State Park in town. This was the Mayo house in Lesur on the way home. 

Minnesota River on the way home. 

Bonfire at night. Perfect 70+F and no bugs! Just sounds of goats near by. 

 A really bad Mexican food dinner view on the Patio! 
More beers... 

Eating German food at a German Restaurant when your in a German Town and at least 75% German! 

The clock tower. Got there right at 5pm to hear the German bells and song/dancing figures on the clock tower

A trolly ride to the brewery Schells. 

a bee sipping beer! 

View from the tower! 

Lots of spiral stairs to climb up to the top! 

Fruit beer at Starkler owned by Schells. 
Inside a warehouse, transformed into a cool brewery. 

Delicious wood fire pizza at Morgan Creek winery by New Ulm 

All delicious wines! 

State park
Herman Tower we climbed 
The river behind our campsite at the State Park 
Sand bottom beach at the state park in town. It was empty for the season. 

Camp site #11. A little loud for an hour with a dumb RV camper running the generator Friday and Saturday night! A lot annoying! 
Camping breakfast and perfect sleeping weather! 

before the 4th

 The 4th weekend is going to go fast. unfortunately looks like rain every day! Probably should have done option #2 and headed to the north s...