Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Bingo Tuesday or is it just a Tuesday?

 I had a few schedule changes due to the holiday weekend, so not working at all today. I do have plans to mow the back yard, go biking with a neighbor friend and do laundry. 

I did try my regular mountain bike again on Monday. Steve and I just rode the 8 mile loop. Plenty for the first time out this year. I need to do that loop more often with just the mountain bike and not my e-bike! Defiantly got more exercise. 

I tend to do more snap chat video's with music than just taking photos. 

Fishing in Hastings. 

The water is still up high but the current was running too fast to catch any fish or get any bites. We need to find another fishing spot. 

Watched some boats go by on the river. 

We had a nice Memorial Day of weather. Had a drink on the deck. 

Monday, May 30, 2022

Memorial Day

 We are home from the lake as of Sunday afternoon. There are strong storms predicted all day Monday. We had enough of a scare Saturday at 4am when a storm rolled in with lots of lightening. Camping on the beach, next to the water, under trees is not a good place to be. Thankfully, we all survived and it wasn't crazy windy either! 

This is my tent view. Love waking up to this view!

Just a great place to camp for the weekend. We truly have a nice lake land. 

Some bonfire pictures with Steve, Celina, Don and Kevin. We had a perfect bonfire night, no wind and the lake was like glass. Warm too at around 65- 70+F. 
I fixed the solar lights on the beach and wrapped two more trees. Made it feel so fun. 

I had a little relaxing time in between fixing the lights, setting up camp and fixing the beach. 

The kids decided to see if the lake was warm enough. Still chilly, but not too bad considering the ice went out lake 3 weeks ago. 

Steve fixing the rocks (boulders) around the water edge. Some always collapse every year from the ice and  now flooding. Mostly the sand washed out, but the walls held up. 
Our picnic area, tree covered surrounded by lighted trees. 

The kids tent and first beach area we made. Love the flowering neighbors tree in the background. 

It's kind of rough looking and not perfectly groomed beach, but that's how we like it, more natural. 

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Thirsty Thursday!

We are packing up today and driving up to the lake for the weekend! 

 Even though we have work todo, it will be a nice getaway with some fun too at the winery/brewery. We have other weekends to work on the beach after we cut a few trees and the water goes down more. 

How's my diet progress going? Not as strict of a diet as I would have liked. 
Time to lose more weight! Eat less and burn more calories! 

Wednesday's food
Breakfast: 2 small bananas and raspberries 200
Noon- Rice (pkg) 300 cal
Snack - popcorn 200
Brownie 500
Dinner - beef burrito with salsa 200
Jalapino popers 200
watermelon 100
Beano ? 100
Total Calories= 1800

I needed to skip eating the brownies! 
Total ate: 
Burn Working 400
Plus plank and weights (check!)
No biking because it rained. Needed to run on the cross ramp but of course didn't. 

Today, I'll be working for an hour, burning 200 calories at least. Biking in the afternoon and doing a plank, with lifting weights. 

Breakfast- Raspberries 50
Lunch - 
Dinner - 

plus, packing up the car and getting ready to go this weekend. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2022


 It's another bingo night. The cover all is up to $850 so might as well go! I've said it before, but this might be the last Bingo till winter! The kids will join us too. So it will be more money spent, but a fun night out. 

Zoey is going to the groomer this morning. She is in desperate need of a trim. She is looking like a fury beast! I need to get her more breath-dog bones too and more turkey/veggies to mix into her dry food.

I am also treating myself to a facial and hair cut this afternoon. I have to run to the bank to pay Steve's Truck loan. We are almost done paying that off! I'm sure he will want a new truck as soon as that's done, but I'd like to hold off until my SUV is paid 100% which will be in a few years. Ugh! Always something to pay off! 

Monday, we both had the day off, so we drove up to the lake. We had to make sure we could get up the driveway. The water was gone, but there is a low spot to fill in with some rocks. We can easily buy a few bags of rocks to take care of the driveway. I was kind of hoping we could just get the guy to come out and put more rocks on the whole driveway instead of just doing one spot! Steve has to cut down that tree that's hanging over the driveway and about to fall down. We will go up Friday early and will cut that down and get it out of the way. One more project! We have sooo many trees to cut and clear! This wasn't even part of the tree cleaning project! 

We got a new dock section. It floated up on our shore. We saved two old dock sections from when we had a dock. Now we have three and this one is at least in really good shape! We keep looking at getting a new dock 20ft aluminum with wheels to roll in the water. I'm just not sure we need a new dock! It's also a pain to take out the dock every fall. We don't have a ATV to pull it out and would need to move it ourselves. 

The beach damage wasn't too bad from all the flooding. The water was over the wall. So we do have a lot of sand to replace. I'm guessing we most likely will get more rocks delivered and sand. This way it will be quick to dump and fix all at once. This might be a yearly project! I'm hoping we can build up the wall high enough this year and that will take care of it. 

Sunday night I had to feed the cat for the last time. It was a nice night so we headed up to the roof top. Took in a beautiful sunset. It was a bit chilly but at least not windy! 

Got lots of great photo's as the sun was setting

Our explore Sunday, Wisconsin Willow River Park. A hike to see the waterfall. 

Nothing crazy for water. This wasn't flooded at all in Wisconsin. 

A cave in the hill side of the waterfall area
Steve getting a little too close! 
Over looking the St. Croix river below

Our Sunday fun day. Wineries, breweries in River Falls Wisconsin and dinner riverside along the St. Croix at a new restaurant in Prescott. 

Day5 of no Caffeine. I finally feel normal! It was a real struggle Friday and Saturday! I felt so out of it and tired again Sunday. I actually felt fine Monday but napped a lot on our ride up to and back from the lake. I am sleeping better and no heart burn! Even with spicy foods! That was the goal! 

Now on to the diet. Started off great Friday and Saturday. Sunday, afternoon with wine, beer, fries and sharing a burger was not the best, but at least I didn't finish my half of the burger, limited the beers and wine. Monday, ate healthy
B-fast Smoothy
Lunch  - Turkey sub
Diner - Chicken patty with a pepper and salad
Snack- popcorn and a frozen oj

Got in a bike ride too and we did some hiking at the park over the weekend with some yard work/rocks and grass seed, cutting branches and some house cleaning. 

This week, I work Wed and Thursday. Not a great money making week like last week! We leave to the lake again Friday and will be back Sunday. There is rain so plans might change! Can we get a break on the weather!
Today is a facial and a groomer appointment along with paying the truck loan and getting in a bike ride with bingo tonight! Busy, but fun day ahead! 

Saturday, May 21, 2022

It's all about making progress!

 I need to make some big changes! I'm doing it in baby steps once again. I've been taking far too many tums daily for heartburn. Meaning I need to stop taking caffeine in the morning and having any Advil for aches and pains. Friday was Day #1 of no caffeine. How did I do? 

1. I was tired. I did wake up at 5a.m and then went back to sleep till 8:00am. I might do that this morning too. Zoey got me out of bed at 5:30a.m and I could have slept longer. I do have a slight back of the head, headache today too. Yesterday I also had a headache to be expected, so I did take 1 Advil in the morning and again 2 at night. Heartburn was somewhat better but I still took at least 4 tums. 

After a long work day, I was too tired to bike or do much of anything. It was enough just to go feed the cat and stop at Walmart to get some hair color. I'm trying to keep up on the grays. I have a reward set up for my 1st mini goal of getting off Caffeine and Advil of a facial and much needed hair trim. 

I have two more days of cat feeding or 4 more times and I'm done again. Nice side hustle of money! My other goal is to hang on to my cash! No more giving it to the kids all time. 
Back to the bike. I'm going to start taking my mountain bike out for a ride 8 miles and then the e-bike for another 8+ miles. A little of both and on busy work days, maybe just the e-bike. 

My other goals are to fit into summer clothes. I need more to wear and the only way to do that is to drop some weight. 

I'm going to make up some 5 calorie drink frozen cups as a snack. Mostly just stick to eating a small dinner and losing a few pounds quickly to jump start my weight loss. I might do a self tic Tok to keep track of my weight loss progress. 

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Can't sleep!

 I've been up from 1am on, so after tossing, turning and being on my phone for a few hours it was time to give up. To be honest, I might have napped a little in the hammock yesterday afternoon. 

Our tree's out front. Wish the pedals would last a bit longer. They bloom for a day and start falling. We have enough to look like snow on the driveway. I made a snap of it. 

I do like making snapchats. I make a few each week. I just love the creative aspect, of adding music to something I filmed. I need some new ideas. I do a lot of Ching's with drinks, landscapes, animals, food, exercise. Anything where I'm not in the photos. It's usually what we are doing, which is an easy topic to get some good snaps. It's the one app, where I only watch what my friends post and not anything else. 

What else is going on.. I'm always entering receipts into Fetch. Hoping to do enough for some gift cards at Christmas time. 

I've also been biking a lot with my bike. I completely skipped biking yesterday. I decided to eat a foot long sub and was tired after. So instead of biking, I laid in the hammock and took a nap. Good thing Steve got me up and we went to the stores. Just Home Depot and Sam's. Found more summer floating tubes that we had to purchase. It will be nice for everyone to have their own tub. 

I'm now working on Saturday. It was a better option than working longer on Friday. I was already busy that day and to add more work would have been overly exhausting. 

I also picked up more cat sitting for a side hustle of an extra $105 this weekend. Can't complain about the extra cash! Although, in the summer we go away most weekends and I won't be cat sitting. 

My kids are all home. This might be the last summer we are all under one roof. Celina graduated college and most likely will move out at some point. Logan, I'm sure will get an apartment or house next year and might end up spending the summer in Wisconsin? I'm hoping he comes back home in the summer. 

In 2026 our mortgage will be 100% paid off. I'm counting down the years, months till we are mortgage free. Once that happens we can build a cabin at the lake and rent it out for passive income. I'm excited for the day it happens, but not excited to getting that much older. I turn 54 this August. 

I also need to make some changes. Eat more healthy, get more exercise, figure out my foot issues, so I can run again. Stop laying around all afternoon. Get more accomplished. Seems most afternoons, I'm just waiting for the day to be over. 

The 3 B's - Bingo, Biking and back yard

 It was a bingo, biking and back yard Tuesday! 

I came close to winning the cover -all. Next week it raises to $825.00. We might have to see if the kids and Steve's parents want to go to Bingo next Tuesday! 

After my 16 mile bike ride with my neighbor, I sat out in the back yard on the hammock for awhile. Our grass/back yard needs a lot of spring clean up! Good thing we are home this weekend to do some of these projects! 

We biked to Hastings and I'm sure with the rain we are getting today and tomorrow, the river will spill over the edge in town. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

20 miles of ebiking

 Yes, my butt gets sore from sitting on my bike before I get tired at all! 

I rode the whole Spring Lake trail! I think 20 miles total? I would have never rode my mountain bike that far. Max would have been 10 miles since it's pretty hilly. I certainly don't get as much exercise, but I do pedal the entire time and I'm outside getting fresh air. I was gone for like 2 or more hours! 

I sat in town on the swing watching the barge go by. The River sure is up high! 

The river in town almost to the top and spilling over. I'm sure if we get rain tonight and Thursday it will crest over the top! 

The Bison are going in this fall. Can't wait to see them out there! 
Very windy across this land bridge! It was kind of scary crossing! 

In all a beautiful day for a bike ride! 

before the 4th

 The 4th weekend is going to go fast. unfortunately looks like rain every day! Probably should have done option #2 and headed to the north s...