Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Week #27!!

 Whoo week #27 on my weight loss journey. 

I'm not all that excited about my measurements today. Once again no change. I am not surprised by that since the last two weeks have been none stop vacations. I did try and control eating and got exercise, but not the gym kind. More of tent setting up and taking down and just not sitting very long. 

I did reach my summer goal. To fit into my bikini and feel comfortable once again. Which is 100% what I did this past winter. I started Nov 30th and didn't give up. Here I am week #27, day #183. 

My waist is 33, hips 40 and thighs 23. I've been stuck here for weeks. Last time I weighted in I was 166 pounds weeks ago. I think it was week 18. I might be down to 163 if I lost 1/2 pound per week? No idea and I'm not ready to get on the scale. I do want to lose around 10 more pounds. 

23 weeks at the gym working out on a regular basis too. 

I've let myself enjoy. I've had a few chips, ate some cookies and marshmallows. Had a few extra drinks and didn't get to the gym while on vacation. I never skip the gym if I'm home. I makes sure to go. 

Yesterday, I worked, biked and then went to the gym. I really wanted some apple crisp with vanilla ice cream, so I made some and ate it. I have been up to 2000 calories per day. Still burning more than I eat. Which is good. I don't feel like I ever lose weight if I'm not at or below 1000 calories for the week. I just can't eat 1500 or 1700 and lose weight. So back down again to 1000 for the day. I just need to lose 10 more pounds to get rid of all the belly fat I want to lose. That's the goal by the 4th of July! 

My fitness book #23 is almost 100% full. I need to make #24. I'm on week #600 from when I started the orig workout and weight loss 10+ years ago. Even though I got off track and gained back all the weight during covid. I went back to what works for me. Exercise on a daily basis and eating less, tracking calories. Will I always have to do this. Yes, will I never gain weight again. Hard to say, but I'm going to sure try and not gain all that weight back again. This is why I need to just buckle down and lose the last 10 pounds. It's always the last few inches that is harder than starting. Maybe it's because I've been doing this for 6 months now. I also want to eat more now, but I can't reach my goals if I don't cut back. I have 5 weeks to lose the weight, at 2 pounds per week that will be 10 pounds! No better time to Start and make my next weight loss goal! Fat gone on stomach and lose 10 pounds to 150-155 is the goal weight! 

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Memorial Day Long weekend!

 It was a busy and fun filled Holiday weekend!

We went up to the lake, the weather was just about perfect. Well, no rain at least, but we had wind! Crazy strong winds all weekend long. At last it let up at night which made it easier to have a fire and sleep! 

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Is it progress?

Am I really in a plateau? Well, I ate around 1380 calories yesterday. Higher than my 1000 goal amount.  

Well, that's still below 1500, so I'm okay with that! 

I didn't exactly lose all the stomach fat before Memorial Day/ Swim season. I'm a work in progress and it's going to take more time. The older I get the more the stomach fat wants to hang on. What am I doing about it other than trying to limit calories? Burning them! 
I managed to burn 750 calories yesterday with working, and going to the gym. The only thing I skipped was an e-bike ride. It's going to be 76+F perfect riding conditions. 

We did check out Ebikes for Steve yesterday

He did not like the version/foldable guys bike similar to mine. He hated the style. 
I just think this makes more sense for what we want it for, trails up North and easy transport. 
He didn't like the big bike either. It was 2000 and not the style he wanted either. So he is back to looking at other bikes on line that might be cheaper and more his style. Whatever that might be? 

The goal today is to work this morning, go to the gym, bike and get Zoey's nails cut and a vet appointment made. I want to stick with 1000 calories for the day and get in extra exercise. Plus, finish my todo list above! 

I should include wash clothes on my todo list too! 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Taking a hard look!

 I took a hard look at my progress chart for my weight loss. Once again I measured my progress. Same and no change. I'm starting a new week #26, weight loss day #176. I should have been able to drop 8 pounds but instead I probably didn't lose much if anything the last 6 weeks. 

I was watching Video's where people ate just 500 below their deficit per day. Well, that brought me into the  1500 to 1700 and up to 2000 calories per day range. Which I was stuck losing weight. 

I noticed when I kept my calories below 1100 I continuously lost weight. Going back to what works to lose the last 10 pounds. 

Yesterday, I ate 1080 calories:

Breakfast 0 

lunch- popcorn,  130 cal

            watermelon  2 cups, 60 cal

            1 smore chocolate, 70 cal? 

Afternoon snack - watermelon 2 cups, 60

Dinner - sloppy Joe on bun 150 bun, 150 meat

Potatoes mini tater tots air fried,  200 cal

evening snack - yogurt 80

 Raspberries 1 cup 50

Popcorn 130 cal

Total calories - 1080

I really didn't need the evening popcorn but since I was still within 1100 calories I ate it. Probably should have just skipped it. 


 Weights 30 min = 100 burn

Stairs 30 min= 250 burn

Clean 2 hours = 300 burn

Yard work/branches and mowed back yard 200

Total burn = 850 calories

I didn't make it out to bike!

I'm almost out of fruit, but since we are going camping Friday at the lake for the weekend. No need to pick up more till we are back home. I do need more popcorn! Probably get some blueberries and raspberries to hold me over till Friday. 

My plan going forward is to workout at the gym daily, and bike in the afternoons. Keep doing what I have been to burn more calories. Eat around 500 to 1100 cal. Cut back on alcohol with drinking more water when out! 

Making sure to get exercise on vacation! Not a 100% splurge!!! 

Am I where I wanted to be the end of May? Nope, but I'm close to my goal. Just have to keep at it. 

Monday, May 22, 2023

24th Wedding Anniversary!!

 It's easy to keep track of our anniversary since Celina was born 9 mo later! 

Yesterday, Sunday we went to Hastings first car show of the year. Lots of people and cars. It was 78 and felt hot. Logan and I weren't really into looking at the cars and Steve with his parents were walking soooo slow. We ended up just waiting for them at the brewery. After they came back to our house for dinner. 

Celina and Don come back home today from their trip to St. Louis. They left Friday morning and will be back late tonight. It's a 9 hour drive. Not too bad! 
Sounds like they did a lot. Went to a baseball game, toured a cave, ate BBQ, listened to some bands, pool party and arch. 

Sunday, May 21, 2023


 We went out for pizza last night since Logan had friends over making pizza in our outdoor coal oven. It's only the 2nd time using the oven and we made sure to tell them the dough had to be super thin and not too many toppings or sauce. It looked like that worked! 

I will never eat pizza again without adding lots of fresh basil on top. We had to do a quick store stop to pick up some fresh basil because I forgot to pick some off our plants at home. Yikes! Glad I remembered because pizza is just 100 times better with basil. This is one of my favorite pizzas at Merics in Hampton. Wood fire and soooo good! 

One of Logan's friends is going to be working at this bakery in St. Louis Park. Can't wait to check it out! We will wait awhile till she is settled into her job before going. 

We spent most of Saturday getting mulch, running to Menards and Home Depot to fix the wheel barrow tire and purchase plants for the pots. I did a little spray paint fix up too on our pots and lawn furniture. Looks so much better! We opted for bright orange mulch since it fads anyway. I don't really like the dirt color look, so we just went with the un-popular color for now. Maybe some day we will switch over?? 

We used the entire truck load on just the front yard. Not sure if we will freshen up the back yard or not this year? Might have to do that today? 

I didn't go crazy and buy a bunch of plants for the front pots. It's pretty sparse so I'll have to pick up more flowers at Walmart where I'm hoping they are a bit cheaper then Menards prices. 

After doing all that yard work, I had to clean our house since Logan's friends were coming over and it needed a good clean up! I even vacuumed the outdoor deck carpet and cleaned off the tables etc. Washed a few windows and need to do more of that today too. 

I have a list of what we need to get done. Best to do it early, so we can enjoy it all summer and fall since we will do the same next year! 

I also need to tar our driveway. We can hire it out for around $200, but for $60 in materials I can do it myself and get some exercise. I actually enjoy it and like the efforts once it's done. 

I keep checking the weather for next weekend, Memorial Day. It was supposed to rain with lighting every day earlier this week, and now, sunny and 80*F! I was super happy to see the weather forecast change! I want to camp up at the lake and the kids all have friends coming for the weekend. 

We won't bring the boat, but we will need to mow, which means we need the lawn mower! Ugh! More to bring up! I also need to get three more tent rugs and a longer tarp for our new tent. It's on my todo list this week! We will have fix it projects up there too since it flooded the beach. Probably boulders to fix the walls and more sand. Always something to do! 

In weight loss news. Day #173

I'm feeling suck in no weigh loss for a few weeks now. Well, I did have about two weeks of vacation which I at least didn't gain any weight as far as I know. I haven't lost any either but that I don't know either. 

What have I been doing? Counting calories, eating fruit and popcorn with still eating whatever for diner. The only splurges were 2 lemon cookies every day till they were gone which was 150 calories. I bought another watermelon and raspberries which I eat what ever since they are low in calories. Popcorn has been my morning breakfast somedays where I feel hungry like today. Still want popcorn for lunch too. 

I've been eating up to 1700 calories, which I'd like to be lower but that seems to be what I want to eat/drink for the day. I still burn around 2100 or more calories per day

I'm sure that I'm still in a calorie deficit, and losing weight very slowly. At least it's losing and not gaining. Just going to take longer. I'm at that point where I know that I can see big weight loss if I just lose another 10 pounds. I'm right on the edge of feeling 100% better with getting rid of stomach fat. Just for some reason now I want to slow down progress and eat more. 

My plan is to just see what I need and adjust to my hunger making sure its just not boredom and wanting to eat for the sake of just eating. 

Friday, May 19, 2023

Trying something old but new again!

 I need to get back to a bigger calorie deficit. I'm going all in on Monday to lose the last 10 pounds. Going to limit calories to 500 up to 1000 per day. Right now I'm up to 1800 calories some days and a few over that while on vacation. If I can do that for 5 weeks, I should lose 2 pounds per week or 1.5 and get to my goals by the end of June. I just want to push though and get to my goal weight. I'm soooo close that it's not the time to give up or not try harder to lose the last few pounds. 

I have another busy work day. It's Friday, so one more day to go! Next week will be back to normal and a day off Friday to extend the holiday weekend to 5 days! Right now, I just have to get though today! 

I'm not starting my 500 cal today, but will try to aim closer to 1000 or less. Since I've been working more, I didn't get to the gym yesterday. Plus, didn't get to the gym while on vacation. I did do my morning plank and weights yesterday and did one plank while on vacation. Its something! 

I made a few adjustments with my fasting. Since I can't eat lunch till late, 2pm I am having my popcorn for breakfast. This way I'm not starving while working. I'll just have popcorn for lunch too and fruit for a snack. I've cut up another big watermelon and have been eating that a few times a day. One of my favorite fruits along with raspberries and now blueberries. 

I also skipped having a beer while out to dinner last night. As much as I wanted a drink with my meal I didn't need it. No one else got a drink either which made it easier to resist. 

Thursday, May 18, 2023

weight loss..

 I'm still feeling chubby. Ugh! I've been dieting for 25 weeks and I'm not where I thought I would be by now. I know.. I put the weight on for two years and I'm expecting it gone in 6 months. 

I did reach my goal of being able to wear my bikini. It fit once again even if I have some stomach fat to lose.  

I just need to stay focused. Now that I'm back from vacations it's time to what what I eat and workout! 
Yesterday since I had a busy day of working and burning calories from 9:30am to 2pm, I just went and lifted weights for 30 minutes. Figured I got enough cardio in working and I was tired. 

I won't have time today to get in a gym weight lifting workout, but I'll be back at it Friday and the weekend. 

This is what I am doing...
Counting calories, making better food choices although I had some slip ups yesterday. Samples at Costco while shopping, higher cal dinner, of cheese ravioli, but I picked fruit for snacks and had popcorn for lunch and an after dinner snack. I did eat a chocolate croissant for breakfast. Probably not my best decision but it was hot and fresh. 

I'm finding it a little harder to not be hungry in the morning since vacation. I was eating a little more breakfast while away. I mostly stuck to fruit but did have some pastries and fast of eggs two days in a row.  I'd like to go back to fasting till noon, but having some fruit is a good option even though I want bread! Plus, my lunches are going to be around 2pm today and tomorrow. Late! 

I still want to drop 10 more pounds. I keep thinking I need to go back to eating super low calories. Re-set and do a very low cal diet. I don't feel like I lose weight eating more and just staying in a 500 cal deficit. Of course I've gone over that on vacation, but staying below maintenance calories. Just not getting any where on that type of diet. 

I finally took this weeks measurements. No change, well might have gone back up 1/2 inch but not sure I really was down that either the week before. So no change from the last few weeks. Just staying stuck. I don't feel like I've dropped any weight, but I don't feel like I've gained either which is good considering we were on vacation for two weeks in a row! 

What's the plan? 
Make good food choices
Count calories
workout (cardio/weights)
do daily exercises
keep pushing forward! 

What calorie range, under 1500. Aiming for 1000 per day is what I need to start doing. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Week #25 weight loss after vacations!

 I have to admit, not much exercise happened on our vacations. 

I have a busy work day today, but will do something like lift weights etc to get back into it right away. 

Week #25 and it's measure day. I'd love to skip it, but I won't. I might just wait till tomorrow morning instead of today for the weekly measurements. 

I don't think I look like I've lost weight in this photo. I do have on a medium skort and a medium tank top. 
Last summer, XL tank and skort. 

Back to work on losing another 10 to 20 pounds! 

before the 4th

 The 4th weekend is going to go fast. unfortunately looks like rain every day! Probably should have done option #2 and headed to the north s...