Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Deals /gifts and diet

  I used some of our Visa points to purchase 2 - $50 gift cards to TJ max that will go to the kids for a Christmas gift. Plus used fetch points for a Target gift card of $25 and almost have enough points to purchase one more $25 gift card. I also used my Target app's $20 credit on a wallet finder slim card/ Tile. That will go to Logan because he always looses his wallet. I need to purchase a few more of those cards, one for Steve too! 

I decided I have 25 days to lose weight before Christmas and the new year. No better time to start than now! I will feel a lot better because this summer I want to be wearing a bathing suit again at the lake. I want to start running again and skiing this winter. My plan is to have one meal a day, low calories. No alcohol as that will just delay weight loss progress. I might end up eating dinner around 4:30 pm, but it will be one meal only. I am giving up sugar too as I don't need it. Only sugar will be from sweet potatoes. 

Day 1 = Morning, yoga and working from 9am to 1:30pm.. Burning calories. Hardest part of the day will be when I'm home from working around noon to 4:30pm (4-1/2 hours) I'll ski, read or nap the time away for the first few days. Today, Zoey has a vet appointment at 3:30pm and I get home late after 1:30pm, so only 2 hours of time to focus on diet and sticking with it. Not much time to deal with thankfully. Tomorrow, will be noon to 4:30pm which I'll get in some skiing to burn more and stay out of the kitchen! I'm sure after I'll be tired and hungry so pre-thinking about what I'll have for a low calorie dinner is key! Salsa and rice or a sweet potato will be good options we have around already. I'll be making some low calorie soups too for variety. Plus, skiing every day and doing my morning weights etc.. 

It's just 25 days to start for my diet. I figure if I can stay around 500 calories and under 1000 I could lose a pound every 2 days. That would give me around 13 pounds of weight loss by Christmas. A good goal and 15 pounds by New Years Day! I like that idea instead of gaining or staying the same weight. I'm sure once in a while I'll have more than 500 but will plan to stay under 1000 calories for the day. My goal is to get back to my weight before gaining it all back this past few years. I lost it quickly in about 2 months years ago and I can do it again. I just need to stay focused and want better health going forward in my 50's. 

Exercise/running kept off the weight and when that stopped, the weight came back on. Plus, drinking beers added to that weight. All which I need to give up with sugar. It's just not healthy! 

So here is to day 1 and my progress as I go on my weight loss journey. 

We got snow!! 8"

 This was the starting of Tuesday's snow.. 9am just an inch and 5pm 8" of fresh snow. 

Now I can ski on groomed cross country ski trails! Just need to purchase a ski pass!! 

Sunday, November 27, 2022

54*F on November 27th!!

 Steve and I went for an afternoon walk at the White Tail Park in Farmington. Since the park was extra busy, we parked up on the hill by the 5 cabins you could rent. We checked them out since they weren't occupied. They are exactly the kind of cabin style we want to build but a bit bigger and an actual bathroom too. 

The grass was so golden color and the sky so blue. 

 After we went to Hudson Wisconsin and had some happy hour drinks, a game of cribbage and then dinner  we shared at two different places. A nice night out with good food too! We always like going to that town. As we were driving out, we noticed they lit up the park and we could have walked through all the holiday lights! We will have to go back on a semi warmer night. 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Happy 27th Birthday Don.

 Celina's boyfriend, Don's birthday was the day after t-day this year. 

We all celebrated his birthday on T-day and then again on his birthday going to Fogo de chows in Minneapolis. 

Thanksgiving 2022

 We had a total of 21 people the largest group for Thanksgiving ever! When I was growing up we wouldn't have Thanksgiving on that day due to my father being on a business trip in Japan every year. We would just have Thankgiving meal when he came back and it was mostly the 4 of us. Occasionally after I got married for the 1st time we had my ex and his family one time. 

We still all fit around two large tables at our house. 

We had to move around some furniture to make sure there was standing room and sitting in the porch. Mostly everyone gathers around the food and drinks. 
The kids did a 3 miles turkey run to start the day. 
Logan made pies and was making the whipped cream topping. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Logan is home for the week!!!

 I should have taken a photo of Logan as he walked towards us at the train station. Here is a photo from a month ago in October when we all went to Milwalkee to visit. 

It's good to have him home. We picked up pizza and he ate as we drove home late last night at 11pm. He brought home all dirty clothes so first job was to wash everything he brought. Saves him money washing clothes at home since they charge at school. We will have him home till Next Tuesday morning when he goes back on the train to Milwalkee. At least he will be home again for a month in 3 weeks. We won't see him till spring break which will be in March or April a long stretch. 

We ended up getting a parent plus loan to help pay for college this year for Logan. We just can't keep coming up with $10K per year, plus give him $300 a month for food and school supplies etc. 

Steve's truck will be paid in full in 5 months, so after we are able to put that money towards paying for an  apartment next fall. Logan will also need a job this summer to save up and pay part of his share. 

I have an easy work day today. Just an hour of working, going to be with Evan this morning for an hour and stopping at the store to pick up cheese and half/half to make the Mac & cheese dish from scratch. Plus anything the kids need to make pies. 

I'll save cleaning my house for tomorrow since I have nothing to do till 3pm when everyone shows up. If the weather is nice, I'll take Zoey for a walk and get in some exercise before the big meal. Since we ate turkey all week, I'm only looking forward to having stuffing and my Mac and cheese with all the pies. 

Steve has this last job until he gets a big basement finishing job. That's on hold till they sell their house and it's been on the market almost 3 months now? We might have to do some advertising to get him some jobs until that one comes though. He does have some work lined up this spring to repair decks, and a potential other work too if they sell their house and move locations. It's all up in the air or on hold due to weather outdoor work. A little stressful, but we should be fine till he gets more work. There are always jobs out there. We just need to advertise a little. I'm hoping it all works out and the next job is ready to go after he is done with this job. Fingers crossed it all works out!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Logan is home for a week, starting tonight!

 We had a really pretty sunrise. I use to see a lot of these every morning on my 6 mile hour long run. I do miss having morning the favorite part of my day. 

I need to build back up to running miles again. Just need to finishing getting my feet fixed and all good again to run without hurting. 

Two more work days and I'm off for T-day, then back to work for a few hours on Friday. I thought T-day week was going to be extra busy, turns out the week after is more busy for working. 

I tried to start a diet yesterday. Skipped breakfast but ended up eating it anyway for lunch. Plus, the cookie dough didn't help matters. 

Trying again today to lose weight. 

off to do my morning plank, weights and a quick 10 minute run on the cross ramp. 

Friday, November 18, 2022

Dinner Party

 We had our first dinner party with neighbor friends post Covid. 

I made Chicken lettuce wraps and Thai Chicken soup with some pork Hawaiian egg rolls and a pumpkin cheesecake with caramel sauce and whipped cream for dessert. Everything turned out excellent. I even decorated for the occasion. 
It was for Mollie's birthday. A fun night, which we will have to do more dinner parties. 

I took a few good photos of two deer I saw in a Burnsville neighborhood as I was driving by. 

Monday, November 14, 2022

Holiday idea's

 Some Thanksgiving day idea's for a cute food displays. I might need to do one of these this year? 

Saturday, November 12, 2022


 Friday felt like a weekend since Steve and I were both home at 11:30a.m. He starts a job on Monday. (thankfully!!!). We most likely will have to do some advertising. It all depends on if this next job, they sell their old house, so he can start working on their basement. Two jobs are still in limbo due to selling issues. Ugh! I just have to remind myself, that at least he can work. Not like when he had the eye accident. So it's just a matter of doing a little advertising which we hardly ever do. Most is word of mouth or past jobs calling for more work. Makes it easy as he has people waiting for work for months. There is work lined up in the spring too, once the weather is nice since it's outdoor work. I always tell people, T-day through the new year is the best time to get work done. Cheaper due to people holding off till after Jan 1st to get through the holidays. 

I found this new Asia mall in Eden Prairie just opened.  We will have to check it out once it's less busy. Sounds like parking is crazy right now. They must have just opened this week!

Speaking of opening up... Cliff road which they have closed down all spring/summer and fall is set to open on Nov 19th! Steve actually drove on the road and went past the road closed sign yesterday morning.  They will be closing down the road again in the spring to finish the Dodd road section where there will be a round about. So yet another full summer/fall of not being able to use Cliff Road! ugh! Can it just be done already? I'm hoping the phase 2 part since it's just a round about won't take up as much time. They did a lot of work to fix Cliff road, many retaining walls, divided road, landscape, bike paths and stop lights. A lot more involved than a round about. 

Since we were doing nothing Friday afternoon. We went to an early 4pm happy hour. Got the two for one deal in Farmington. Also drove down to Northfield to the brewery to play some cribbage and have a drink or two. Three drinks for the night and I was done. We also shared some Mac and cheese with BBQ pork which was delicious. I did make a crock pot of country style ribs, but we'll eat those today. It was more fun going out! 

I'm working this morning and then working on cleaning/organizing our house. I decided to have neighbor friends over for her birthday and asked the other neighbors to join us on Tuesday! I'll be making a pumpkin cheesecake and asian food for dinner. Chicken lettuce wraps, pork dumplings, egg rolls and some pork bites with a sweet asian soy sauce. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2022


 Happy 36th Birthday Kendra!!

We went to HaiHai last night for dinner. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Happy Birthday Kendra!

VOTE!! Blue Wave~~~~~

 Early poles closed at 5pm yesterday. We all decided at 4:15pm that we were going to vote early. Off we drove to City Hall along with quite a few others. I think we picked the busiest time to go! The process was longer than voting today, but we were all done with in 20 minutes. I sure hope it's a blue majority in both the house and senate. Fingers crossed!!!! 

Celina's first day of work, in her room/office! 

This new generation of workers has it all! Flex work schedule, work from home, no commute! 

Poor Zoey, she has some type of sore on her nose. I keep checking it. I did make her a vet appointment for this Friday. It was the earliest I could get her in to see a vet and get her up to date shots. It didn't look any worse today, more black and crusted over. She otherwise seems fine and it doesn't seem to be bothering her unless I try to look at it and she does a little growl at me to stay away from it. 

Monday, November 7, 2022

Celina's 1st Day of working!!

 I don't have a first day of work photo yet of Celina. It's her first day on the job, full time after graduating college. A real job in the field she went to school for working for G.M. Its a contract job right now, hopefully they will hire her on as an actual employee after the contract expires. At any rate, she is getting working experience and getting paid. 

We faced timed Logan yesterday with Celina on his birthday. Sounds like he had fun with his college friends. They made him a cake and watched movies. We will see him in two more weeks and then can have cake to celebrate his 20th birthday! 

I finally checked off getting a shingle shot. I got it Friday afternoon. I'll have another one in two months. It sure made me tired and sore. I was so tired Saturday, I slept till 10am! I never sleep that long and was still tired when I woke up so I slept more on the couch! 

We did go to a wine tasting Friday night at the Cannon falls winery with Don and Celina. A fun night out. 
Saturday, we picked up the turkeys and had a drink at the brewery in Cannon falls before coming home. I was too tired and sore from the shot to do much of anything. 

Sunday, I woke up feeling great! We got to sleep an extra hour. Day light savings time, fall back! I was in full cleaning mode. Deep cleaned the lights, under the couch, windows, behind the furniture etc.. Now to organize the laundry room and office this coming weekend to prep for everyone coming over for T-day. I am starting early, so all is ready! 

I'm also cat feeding this week! I had to feed the cat Saturday morning. Peeled myself off the couch todo that and came home. I'll be cat sitting till Wednesday morning. It's a little extra money! nice! 

I also have plans to spend Tuesday and Thursday morning hanging out with Evan before School for an hour. This way he won't be home along. I'm bringing over some kid cook books for us to make something for breakfast. I'll bring over croissants tomorrow. They are from TJoes and just put out the night before and bake. We made donuts together a few weeks ago and he liked cooking. Maybe I'll bring over my waffle maker? Lots of options! 

before the 4th

 The 4th weekend is going to go fast. unfortunately looks like rain every day! Probably should have done option #2 and headed to the north s...