Friday, March 31, 2023

Weight loss day #122, Mid-week #18

 Here I am on Day #122, its been a while since I started this weight loss journey. Here's some photos that I hate to post of before. Which is some time over the summer. I had Steve go though his photos and see if I was in any. 

Before 2022

Summer of 2022, wearing XL tank tops, and XL skirts. Lots of stomach fat.

Hiding my fat
Fall 2022

(Now! March 31st, 2023)
Now 4 months on my weight loss journey. Down aprox 50 pounds!! 
Waist 33, hips 40, thighs 24
Weight some where aprox 160 or less? no idea or more? 

What a big change in my face! 

Glad I have some progress photos because sometimes I think there isn't a whole big difference, but after looking at my before, there is!! 


I measured my % fat and BMI
Fat is 31.0% and BMI is at 25.3 which would put me at 160.1 pounds based on BMI. Body fat is still in the poor rang of 30.5 to 34.5%. It's still considered acceptable at 31%. I'm closet o being in the fair 27 - 30.4%. Just got to keep working out! 

Thursday, March 30, 2023

What have I learned about my weight loss journey after 18 weeks?

 I've now done 3 weight loss journeys. The first I did over 10 years ago in my early 40's. I lost at least 50 pounds and kept it off with running and watching what I ate. Gained a little back and re-did a weightloss journey a year before covid. During Covid I gained all the weight I orig lost 10+ years ago and then some. Ugh! Was not feeling great at all about myself. In fact, I would hide from people I knew so they wouldn't see me at my heaviest. I'd avoided wearing a swim suit because I didn't have any that fit. I wore my cover up and some yoga shorts into the water with a sports bra the last 2 summers. I didn't want to do that again this summer! I was also running out of clothes that fit comfortable without having to purchase more. I was wearing XL pants and shirts and some of those were getting tighter. 

I decided on a Tuesday back in November that I was going to go on a weight loss journey and do it over the holidays. This was right after Thanksgiving. I was finally ready to tackle my weight gain. 

I always need to do very low calories for the first 4 weeks. This was 500 or less some days, but weekends were still more calories around 600 to 700 for the day. I still try to aim for low under 700 calories for the day but it's easier at this point where I'm almost at my goal weight to go up to 900 most days, with weekends 1200 to 1500. I still have belly fat I want to lose. I will keep working on that. 

I orig gave myself until the end of May to lose all the weight. 6 months seems like a good plan to get down to my goal weight. Of course I wanted to lose it all in 2 to 3 months. While I did lose a lot and after 4 months I'm in a good place weight wise, I still have weight to lose. I don't feel like I need to lose it all tomorrow. I am taking it day by day. 

I never felt deprived. If I wanted a donut, I'd have a taste. If I wanted fried food, I'd eat it but on weekends. Drinks I tried to limit to lower cal options or drink less or none at all. Sometimes that would work and others not so much. 

I tried to stay away from negative thoughts about going over calories for the day or making a poor food choice. I'd just get right back on track the next meal or day. It's life, you have to live a little too and save splurges for weekends or special occasions. 

I did stay away from Christmas cookies and candy. I did have a taste or two of some cake and candy, but didn't keep eating it day after day till it was gone. If something was over the top good, sure I would let myself eat, but if it was just okay, I'd stop and not finish. 

Summer 2022. Pretty much my only full body picture. I still need to get any photos from Steve to see if he has other before photos. You can see the weight loss for sure in my face. I was wearing an XL tank and XL skirt. Probably sucking in my stomach too. My arms really have come down in size!! 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Week 18

 Weight loss week #18. Can you believe it! This whole weightloss journey has been fairly easy. I really restricted my calories those first few weeks and still did a little splurge on the weekends. Even with weighting myself after dieting for 28 days and not being happy where my weight was at the time 190, I managed to ignore that and keep going. Who knows what I weight all I know is that I can fit back into my skinny/low rise ripped jeans, button and zip up, but still have some skin/fat spilling over. Not enough where it's uncomfortable, but enough that it doesn't look good with a medium tank top where you can see the spillage. I do need to work on losing more fat and the fat on my lower stomach need to go! 

I have been wanting to try Nashville Coop and we finally went last night. Not diet food that's for sure! I ordered 2 tenders. I probably could have just ordered 1, but I didn't know how large they were. Steve didn't want to share his sandwich so I had to order some for myself. I also wanted to try the Mac and cheese, it was okay. I only had a few bites and hardly made a dent in the container. I did have a few fries too. In all, I'd get the chicken again but skip the rest. For a chicken tender it's only $3 or $6 for two which is filling. 

here's what I ate yesterday

Lunch - popcorn 3 cups 130cal + evening snack 3 cups 130 cal

Fried rice with broccoli 1 cup 300 cal

Afternoon snack - 1 cutie - 40 cal

dinner- 2 chicken tenders fried = 500?

few fries = 150

Mac and cheese = 200 

blueberries 1 cup= 50

Total calories = 1500 (a lot!) I need to save the splurges for the weekend! 

Today, I'm going to just stick with popcorn 130, blueberries 50, sweet potato 100 and finish the last of the fried rice 300 for a total of =580 calories more like it! 

I do feel like I should slowly start transitioning to maintenance weight soon. Which will be higher calories then under 1000 for the day. Which is what I'm now going for anywhere from 500 to 1000 to lose weight. 

Thankfully, I got in some good exercise yesterday with the gym workout, working too and cleaning my closet. Yep, finally started to tackle the closet project. I now need more brown bags to finish up the purge! It's a big job but I'm making progress. I am going to donate lots of clothes I no longer will ever wear. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Last Day week #17

My last day of weight loss journey week #17!  Which means measure Tuesday! Where I find out if I've lost any inches. I never expect to see any changes and am always not believing the inches lost if there are any. I'll post them soon as I do this! 

Here's the report:

Waist = 33" no change

Hips went from 41.5 to 40.5 = 1 inch lost!!!

Thighs = 24" no change

Wow, didn't expect to lose more on my hips, but then again my reward I put down for this week was getting a belt for my jeans. They are slowly creaping down, so I need a belt! 

How do I stay on my weight loss journey? 

I mostly skip breakfast. It's just because I am not usually hungry in the morning. I will eat something if I am hungry or if we have breakfast some mornings. 

Lunch I've mostly been just eating popcorn. Really, nothing else. I have my container that holds 3 cups, but for 130 calories it's 3- 3/4cup, so I over fill the container. This is perfect for crunch, takes me a while to eat and fills me up for working out. I look forward to my popcorn lunch every day! 

Dinner- is usually what ever. If I want to stay low cal, I make rice/salsa or have a sweet potato. Maybe some chicken or pork or whatever veggies that have been roasted. 

Exercise is working, going to the gym and lifting weights for 30 minutes, stairs for 30 min. I've increased my exercise toughness the last 14weeks. I started out just showing up at the gym. Walking slowly on the treadmill and then getting in two chair massages. I soon added in the stairs for 5 minutes, then quickly adding to 15 and 30 minutes at level 4. Easy. Now I upped it to level 7 for 28 minute and 2 min of level 10. Weights I started out just doing 1 set maybe 2, not super heavy weights and now trying to do 2 or 3 reps and adding heavier weight. I also added in some cross country skiing when the snow was good. I do need to get in more movement in the afternoon/evening. I tend to sit too much. I'll get my bike out when it's at least 55*F. Pretty soon!! 

I probably should add take the dog for a walk to get some exercise or go hike, walk around the lake do something other then sit. It's just been too cold to want to go walk outdoors! 

I'm still making progress even though I am eating more calories. I am still showing up at the gym 7 days a week and upping what I do for a workout. Which is working because I'm down 1 inch on my hips!! That's huge! just wish the stomach fat would go away. I'm going to have to go back to 500 calories per day if I want to see stomach fat go down. 

Here's my food plan for this Tuesday

No breakfast - just water

Lunch- popcorn 130 cal

Dinner - Sweet potato 100 cal

After dinner snack- rasp 1 cup, blueberries 1 cup, 100 cal

Total Cals = 330 for the day. Well, below my calories for the day of 500. I could eat some fried rice with veggies to add 300 more for 630 cals for the day which is probably better since I won't be hungry if I eat more. I should probably switch it out for protein as that builds muscles and takes more to burn up the food. 

Monday, March 27, 2023

Sunday fun day at Mystic

Sunday morning Logan was headed back to college, Milwaukee on the train. It was delayed 1-1/2 hours so we got a little extra time with him. 

We only have 7 weeks left till he is home for the summer. I made our first camping trip plans the weekend of Mother's Day. We pick him up that Tuesday. We plan to camp 30 min North of Milwaukee at Harrington beach. It's our favorite camping spot by the city and I was lucky to book the last of 5 sites! Fingers crossed the weather is good that weekend. We will camp Saturday - Tuesday. It's much cheaper at only $70 to stay at the park. We will move all his stuff back home, or to an apartment, so hopefully not much to bring home only clothes and Logan! 

After seeing Logan off, Steve and I did a few errands/shopping. I also went to the gym and worked out. Got in my sweat before going to watch Don's brother/Matt's band at Mystic lake. We all did some gambling and watched the band. 


After we went to dinner late around 8pm in Lakeville. A fun extended 84th birthday for Wayne. 

Steve also won $270 with getting 4 of a kind and 4-2's and an Ace. I donated just $10 of my $20, but I played for a long time. I got tired of video poker, so cashed out on my nickel game. 

We ate late after which was okay because I saved my calories. I only had one hard seltzer while watching the band and zero drinks at dinner. Steve and I split the burger and I only had a few fries giving most to Steve. In all since I also had a taste of breakfast and finished the rest of the ravioli I was at around 930 cal for the day. I burned at least 350 at the gym. 

I upped the stair speed to 7 the last week and have kept it up. Slowly increasing the difficulty. Plus added 2 minutes at level 10 at the end. I'm always dripping with sweat after this workout. Also slowly increasing the weight load and sets of the machine/weights. I am at a little over 30 minutes for a full body workout. At some point, I'll probably increase my cardio and add in 30 min of walking or elliptical. I'd rather add in afternoon biking outdoors. Soon very soon I'll be able to do that! 

I'm nearing the end of week #17. The calories have been higher this week. I kept up on going to the gym every day 7 days. My red jeans are comfortable to wear once again. Just have a few pairs of ripped low rise skinny jeans that aren't 100% comfortable just yet. Almost as I can button them up. 

I'll be baking some sweet potatoes for dinners this week. Going back to simple, lower calories but filling foods to drop more weight this week. 

Sunday, March 26, 2023

A Blah kind of Saturday

 We didn't do a whole lot on Saturday. Just went to the gym which was probably the highlight of the day. I felt pretty tired from being up late Friday night. A nap was calling me Saturday afternoon. Since we have plans to go out today/Sunday to listen to a band, we didn't have the need to go out last night too. It would just be extra calories not needed to eat out and have drinks. We had plenty of food at home and needed to cook that up. Steve made the corn flakes but used pork tenderloin instead of chicken. They were delicious. plus, we used up some veggies in the frig, peppers, yellow squash and I added some soy sauce to make it asian style. Delicious meal and very different from other meals we've made. I forgot to take a photo. 

The week Logan was home from College went by far too fast. I made him some mini loaves of banana bread to bring back to school. His train has been delayed an hour, so we get a little extra time with him home. Thankfully, he will be back in 7 weeks the middle of May for the summer. 

It's day #117. I didn't do great on eating choices yesterday. I felt hungry in the afternoon and had some ravioli with meat sauce. Then I had a sliver of left over Crumble cookie, along with my popcorn for lunch. Dinner I had an extra serving having 2 pork pieces and extra veggies. Finally, some banana bread hot out of the oven late at night. In all only around 1160 or so calories. I burned around 350 for the day at the gym. Not a whole lot to burn but something. 

I wonder why I haven't lost my belly fat! Ugh! I am considering fasting and going back to  500 calories.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Happy 84th Birthday Pepe!

We celebrated Wayne's 84th birthday out at a Brewpub in Burnsville. We all shared pizza, fries and wings along with some beers/drinks. 

After dinner we headed out to Mancini's for a few drinks and some dancing to the band. 

We all had a fun night out! 

Friday, March 24, 2023


 Still working on weightloss!! 

I'm still not where I want to be for weight loss. I'm getting close! Which is the goal to keep going and making progress every day. I make sure to watch calories, and go to the gym. That's all I can do. The weight will come off I just need to be patient and keep doing what I'm doing. 

I tried this coffee flight at the Annabel house in Osseo yesterday morning with the kids. We all got the flights because they made them with oat milk/nondairy. I loved the key lime and hated the green tea and shark bite was just okay. 

Last night we got pho too. It was delicious! I almost ate the whole bowl. Good thing it's mostly broth and veggies with a little bit of steak. I took the rest home, but it's mostly broth which I can add more veggies too and make it another meal. 

After dinner we stopped at Crumble and got 4 cookies to taste test! 
I had to try a sliver of each. The first was a test cookie, Agava which was probably my favorite. We all thought the chocolate Texas sheet cake needed more frosting. Like the last two but they didn't wow me. All good selection this week. We didn't try the monster or toffee cookie but we probably should have as those also looked good. 

I cooked up these almond croissants for breakfast. I hate to do a taste test. Delicious! Thankfully, I checked the calories at 320 I didn't what to eat a whole one! 

In all with the coffee, taste testing of croissants and cookies I still stayed around 750 calories for the day and burned around 550 for the day working and working-out. I skipped lunch of popcorn too since the coffee kind of filled me up. I used to only having water in the mornings. 

I do feel a bit hungry this morning. Kind of craving some taste testing of the Crumble cookie. I won't because we are going out to diner and having pizza/wings. I will just wait for lunch and eat my popcorn around 11am today. 

Happy Friday! Which means I can splurge a little more over the weekend on calories. Thursday could have been a high calorie day or one where I needed to skip eating any of the above foods. I've learned to control my eating and just have a taste. I can still go back and have more if it's really good and worth it to me. I did eat more of the pho, but it was low calories and the main meal /only meal of the day. Not a bad splurge! Nothing really has to be a bad food. Just pick and choose where I want to spend my calories for the day and make sure its worth it. If it's delicious, I'll eat it and not worry about extra calories. Not everything is going to be a 10 out of 10 where I want more. 

No special plans for the weekend. Unfortuneatly, Logan leaves Sunday morning early on the train to go back to college for another 7 weeks. I'm sure the time will go fast. Just wish he was home longer. 

Happy weekend... Wish the weather would warm up as we've been suck in 30's. I think I do see some 40's next week. More snow too is on the way. Ugh! Here it is the end of March and we still can't warm up to at least 50! So much snow on the ground with a forecast of spring flooding too. We have far too much frozen snow on the ground! 

Thursday, March 23, 2023


Happy Thursday!  

I stopped at the dollar store and picked up a few Easter items along with some windex refill bottles. Zoey didn't love the ears but with a treat she kept them on long enough for a few photos

Here's an old - skinny photo of me when I was running 6 miles daily and lifting a little bit of weights on the machines. 
I am guessing I weighed around 145/147 at my lowest. Which Steve thinks is too skinny. 
I don't think that at all. I just want all my stomach fat and arm fat gone! I feel like this is my goal weight some where between 155 and 145 to maintain. 

Here's what I ate yesterday:

B-fast - nothing

Lunch- popcorn 3 cups a few hours laster, a few corn chips with the rest of the homemade pico

Dinner- 1 slice of bread with yogurt butter, ravioli with meat sauce, broccoli 

After dinner- Raspberries 2 cups and blueberrries 

We (me, Celina and Logan) are going for coffee today. I want to try a place out in Osseo that has coffee flights. It's a long drive, but we have to pick up Logan's car after it gets a manufacturing defect fixed which will be at least 1.5 hour wait. That's about the time it's going to take to get coffee and drive back. Maybe 2 hours? 

I have to work and will go to the gym too. I might get pho with the kids tonight if that's what they want for dinner. 

We still have tons of snow. The rain on Tuesday night did help melt a little, but we have a ton to go! 

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

New week #17!!

 It's a new week #17! Feels great to hit a new goal week! 

I love going though my closet and finding sweaters, tanks etc that now fit once more. When I was at my heaviest I was running out of clothes that fit. They were just far too tight and uncomfortable. Now I can wear all my old skinny clothes even if they might be a bit out of style. I like having more clothes options! I still need to go though my closet because its a disaster. Far too many items that I haven't worn in years and probably never will again even if they fit. I just need to get some brown bags to put in for a good will donation. I might try and sell a few things but not really sure?? 

The plan today is to work and burn some calories, go to the gym and burn more. Survivor is on TV tonight which is a favorite to watch. That's about all I have. I do need to make a stop at the store to pick up a few items to make fried rice for dinner tonight. 

Speaking of food. I tend to eat the same things over and over. Lunch I just love popcorn and can not go a day without it. I'm always stocked up on big bags from Costco. 

I always have an after dinner fruit treat. Berries are low in calories 50 for 1 cup and I usually have two cups. I'll be happy when I can switch to watermelon too. We did buy grapes, but I need to look up the calories and they aren't my favorite. 

What I realize after 113 days on a weight loss journey.
I don't like overly sweet desserts. I had a nut last night that was soooo sweet. I was more looking for salt! I defiantly like my fruit a little sweet, but not overly. 

I also realize I can wait till dinner for my meal and stop when full. I filled up a bowl with rice, pico and pork. Never finished the meat or rice. I mostly just wanted the pico/ veggies. I felt full before finishing and stopped. I still ate my fruit, but had room for that. 

I can eat whatever I want on this diet. Just a taste of something high in calories or the whole thing depending on if it's really good and I want it all. 

Sharing meals and not eating all the fries is a great way to still go out to dinner and eat less calories. Switching drinks to something lower in calories. 

Loving going to the gym again. I like my workout sweat time. Plus the massage chair reward after is pretty nice. 

According to my weight loss predictions I should weight any where from 154 to 166. Depending on if I lose 2 or 3 pounds per week. No idea since I still won't step on the scale. I'm leaning more toward 165 to 160 as a guess just by the way my swim suit top fits and the rest of my stomach fat. It sure is a long way from 190! When I weighted myself after 28 days on a very low cal diet. Which I could have lost 10 pounds so probably started out at 200! Yikes!! That's any where from 35 to 45 pounds lost over the last 17 weeks or 4.25 months. Did I lose at least 10 pounds per month? Or 2.5 pounds per week? Guess that all depends on if I really started out at 200 or was I over that? All I know is that I don't want to go back. Covid 2020 through 2022 did a number on me. I was enjoying food and drinks a little too much and not exercising enough. All the stress eating! 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Last day, week #16

 It's my last day of week#16 on my weight loss journey. Day # 112!!! I was starting to think because I still have stomach fat I want to lose that I wasn't making any progress the last two weeks. I sure thought I would see zero change in my measurements this week too. Last week there was zero change even though I was getting lots of calories burned up from cross country and the gym. It paid off staying the course and sticking to my weekend splurge meals out. 

I'm down another 1/2 inch on my waist and another 1/2 inch on my hips. No change on my thighs. Which you would think I would see a difference since I've been skiing and climbing stairs. Maybe it's more muscle gain on my legs and some fat loss? I would hope so! 

I have so many more clothes to wear in my closet now that I've lost all this weight. How much weight? No idea and I'm keeping it that way. Once I lose my stomach fat, I'll step on the scale. I want to just keep going with measuring and noticing the difference in my clothes! 

Since I'll be on maintenance soon. I did a week day, Monday splurge. Went to get a Philly sandwich. Steve  just ate lunch and this was around 3pm, so an early dinner? In stead of eating the whole sandwich, I ate just half with just a few fries. The rest came home for Steve and Logan to share for dinner. I still ate some dinner of pork and pico with guac. 

It's also my 3rd month working out at the gym. I started off slow, just going through the motions of once again going to the gym. I'd walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes and then get a chair massage. I would go at least 3 times a week and now I'm up to 7 days a week. I quickly started going at least 5 days a week that first month and then added in the stairs after about a month along with weight lifting. Now I do 30 min of stair climbing and 30 of weights. I'm at the point where I could add in extra cardio after, maybe 30 min of walking or elliptical until I can add outdoor biking/running to my workout. 

Glad I just kept plugging away at my weight loss journey. It can get discouraging when you put in all the efforts every week and don't see any changes with measurements or fat. One week might not change, but the next could. I can't always expect to see inches drop, but I'll get there. I still have a ways to go! 

Well, Sauk is changing once again. Our neighbor Tim on the left is moving. He would mow our lawn in exchange for beer. Nice guy that was there the last 8 years or so. We never had great neighbors up there till he moved in. I'm hoping the new neighbors are just as nice. You just never know?? I'm sure we won't get as lucky this time around, but for the last few years all has been good. His house goes up for sale next month and I'm sure we will have the new people in by Memorial Day. We also won't have our other neighbors two houses down, the Rice's. They are having their house lifted and a basement installed to fix the issues they are having. It will take pretty much all summer. It might be a quiet summer up there? Which is fine, that's Sauk. At least the fireworks won't burn down our tents this year! It was always a bit crazy with them lighting off right next to us. 

Monday, March 20, 2023

A new week!

 I don't cook very often, but I do make a few good meals. I actually don't mind making crockpot meals just because they are easy and you really can't screw that up! 

I used half a pork tenderloin we purchased from Costco and made Carnitas with it in the crockpot. I added white wine, lots of southwest seasonings, pepper, etc.. and OJ to make the sauce. Plus, made home made pico with some of the pineapple. Probably some of the best taco's we've had! I sure piled up my taco's and went back for a little more. Celina made the guac and everything turned out delicious! 

We started Logan's spring break off with a cinnamon roll from a gluten free coffee shop. I tried the cinnamon roll and 2 slices of bacon. The cinnamon roll was good, but I had to scrap off all the frosting it was far too sweet and too much that it didn't need. I think getting away from sugar has made it so I don't like sweet stuff or not overly sweet. A weekend splurge for breakfast which I normally don't eat, and still had popcorn for lunch followed by pork taco's for dinner (no cheese). 
Felt great to have us all together with Logan home from college this week. We sure missed having him at home! 

We all went to watch Celina's fun soccer league at the UofM Sunday night. 

We also stopped over to see Wayne and Claudette since they wanted to see Logan. 

I found this Get Lucky 4mile race Celina and I did together back in 2015 when I was at my thinnest and running a lot. I miss the days when my feet didn't kill me after 2 miles and I was able to run. I will try and run again this spring and see if they feel better. Might be too much arthritis in my toes at this point for my feet to not hurt. I can still run at least 2 miles and be okay. Something is better then nothing! 

I'm off work Monday and Tuesday with no other plans other than to go to the gym and workout. See if Logan wants to go get coffee or out to grab some food or to shop. 

I'm coming towards the end of week #16 on my diet. Not sure if I made much progress with weight loss, but I did get to the gym and workout 7 days, which is an accomplishment. I was building muscles and a habit of getting to the gym no matter what is going on in life. 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Spring Break Week!!

 Logan came home last night at 11pm on the train. We picked up Cane's for his dinner as he was starving! 

While we waited for his train, Steve and I went to 3rd Act Brewery for a drink and to play some cribbage. After, we went to have salad and deep dish pizza from Pezzo. We still had time to wait after picking up Canes, so we stopped at Mancinie's Bar and found a crowded bar with a band. We snagged a table and had yet one more drink before going to the train station. 

Soooo glad to have Logan back home for the week! 

I managed to wait and eat only at dinner. Had some popcorn and fruit for lunch keeping calories low. Ended up choosing hard seltzers, but had 4 drinks for the night! The night was 5pm to 11pm, so a few hours with food. I knew I'd be eating 2 slices of deep dish pizza. It took at least 45 minutes to an hour to get our pizza. We had a salad before which was good, but more added calories. I'm guessing the drinks 400 cal, salad, 300? and pizza 2 slices 1000 all added up to at least 2000 cal for the day. Its okay. I splurge on the weekends and got in a gym workout to burn at least 300 calories for the day. No big deal. 

We are planning on going out for Breakfast to a coffee shop this morning, but I'll probably just skip eating or drinking anything other than water. Maybe a taste of someone's drink? I'll be also going to the gym to burn off some of today's calories. We are making Pork Taco's tonight for dinner. Easy meal and using up all the avocados for guac. Which reminds me, I need to make more fresh pico. I'll load up on protein and veggies. 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Goal markers

 Do I have any more goal markers now that I'm past day 100.. at 109? 

The only markers I have are checking off each week of dieting/exercise. Of course I have one big goal left and that is to get to my Goal Weight around May/June when summer swim season starts. I did try on my swim suit and it fits. Fits enough so I could wear it, but I still have more weight to lose to feel 100% great in it. Just fitting isn't enough. 

My reward for getting to week #16 was a pedicure. It had been on my reward list for a while and I finally got one.  I choose light pink gel polish. I'm ready for Sandel weather. What's my next reward? Maybe new sandals or earrings or another pair of jeans? Not really 100% sure at this point. I don't feel the need to actually get a reward every week. I just have it on my list and should I find something, it goes towards that  weeks reward. 

Since it was St. Patty's Day on Friday, I wanted to try the mint brownie cookie from Crumble. I shared it and ate a wedge of cookie and then had another thin slice. I got home and there was still a slice left, so I finished it off. No guilt what so ever! I have't been eating any treats, so since I really enjoyed it, I ate it all. Not sure how many calories but I put it down for 200. It might have been more?? Well, worth the calories I ate. 
We started our St. Patty Friday night off at Baldman Brewery. I opted for the amber beer, again well worth the calories! I usually try to find a hard seltzer, but chose the beer instead. Then went to IGH Brewery and had one more Amber beer. 

Steve and I have been sharing food. So he picked the Philly steak sandwich. I did get cheese but kept the mayo on the side. I don't even like mayo, so no issue not having it on the sandwich! I also gave him most of the fries. 

Zoey all ready for St. Patty's Day!
These two, So cute! I should have dropped off Lucky Charms cereal and gold chocolate coins on the porch. I suppose I could still do that today! Along with a note. Might be a cute idea! 
I saw this on snapchat. Now if they could make this donut here, and not in London, I'd be all over it! Looks delicious! I'd be 100% getting this donut! 

I sure didn't feel like being at the gym on Friday. I did it anyway. I just went through the motions and didn't push myself. Some days it's fine to just be there and that's good enough. I still burnt 300 calories for my efforts. I even managed to keep moving at home, cleaning our house too! I just didn't count those calories. 

In all I burned 300 and ate around 1070 for the day. I also forgot to include a little humus and pita chips at the end of the night along with a cup of raspberries. Can you tell I was still hungry after drinking most of my calories! This is why it's better to skip the drinks and eat actual food. Maybe why my stomach fat isn't going away? 

before the 4th

 The 4th weekend is going to go fast. unfortunately looks like rain every day! Probably should have done option #2 and headed to the north s...