Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Last Day of April!!

 We are finally at the last day of April. It sure started out good with our trip and of course ended good too with everything greening up at home looking more like summer every day! 

Steve and I both had Monday off from working. We opted to go to the zoo since it was misty raining all day. 

We have never gone and looked at the Japanese gardens. Not sure why other than we always go in the winter. Spring is the perfect time to check it out with the trees and bushes in bloom. I'm sure this weekend they all will be in full bloom. It was still super pretty and the highlight of the zoo for me this time. 

They had rock bridges over the water

One of my favorite flower photos. They were selling bulbs that had been planted in the atrium for $1 each. I didn't have cash, so didn't purchase any but will remember for next time. 
This is the 2nd time we went during a replanting of the conservatory, so nothing to look at. We still got to see the sloth climb up the tree and eat. Usually, it's just sleeping and not moving as they are nocturnal. So that also was a highlight. We did go outside to check out the primates and giraffes, buffalo and foxes. We skipped the polar bears, tiger and seals. Maybe we'll be back this summer to check that out on a rain filled day? 

I work today, but just for a little over an hour. I had a schedule change, which moved to Thursday. It all works just fine. Plus, a client called and was added to my next weeks schedule. Steve also got a call for a job, which he forgot to return. Ugh!! I'm hoping he does that this morning and stays on top of any leads for more jobs. We need to start booking out more projects into June/July etc.. Which is why I need to do some advertising. I'll also ask a client that I heard wanted some remodeling work. 

Found some free things to do this weekend. At the State Fair they are having a horse show and then there is Cinco De Mayo parade and dog show in St. Paul which is also free. It's something to do if the weather is okay. Its supposed to rain Saturday. Which would work out for both since the horse stuff in inside and the parade is Sunday which it's not supposed to rain. 

Tonight is $6 dollar cheap movie night at 6ish. We are going to see Civil War. The previews looked good. 

I need to book seats this morning. Plus, remember to get tabs for my SUV today too after work. I'm out of coffee so it will be a stop at the store too. 

I did nothing after the zoo yesterday. Well, I helped a tiny bit with dinner. Steve made chicken taco's and I cooked or browned up the tortilla on the stove. We watched Below Deck from 7 to 9pm, and that took up the rest of the night. 

I need to move my potted plants on the deck to the front steps. It's supposed to storm this afternoon and they will be more protected at the front door. They are making a mess on the deck with the dirt splashing up from the heavy rain we had. 

I probably could groom Zoey today too, but I'll save that for Friday or the weekend. 

I could probably work on the deck and also plant my flower seeds around the yard or in some pots to see if anything comes up. I have morning glories that I also can plant and see if they come up too. I probably should have done that a few days ago to get the seeds going with all the rain. 

Celina's quick Monday interview was canceled due to a family emergency. I'm hoping that is rescheduled before her Friday interview, which is with the team and 2 hours. I'm guessing she will find out next week if she got the job. I sure hope so!! 

I'll be watching the last of the spring baking championship on TV tonight. It aired last night, but since we watch Below Deck and nothing is on Tuesdays, that's my day. Bummer it's the last one. With the weather getting nice, I usually don't want to watch much summer TV. We still have Survivor and the Amazing race for a few more weeks. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Only a few days left of April...showers

 We have a weeks worth of rain coming! Ugh!!!! We do need the rain, but a week! I want to get my outdoor projects done and of course that's on hold till the sun comes out and stays dry for a few days. Right now Friday and Sunday look like the best non- rain days of the week. That's not going to allow the deck to dry out for staining/painting. Maybe we can get the branches and trees trimmed instead next weekend? 

Sunday we went to breakfast with Steve's parents/brother in Hastings at the new hotel/Restaurant Confluence. It was good. I opted for the burger instead of breakfast and glad I did! I could only eat half the burger which Steve finished. 

Burger for breakfast! 

Logan driving off to go back to Milwaukee to finish out his Junior year of college. 10 days left and he is back home again for the summer. It might be the last summer home, so I have to take it all in! 
Our front crab apple trees are in full bloom. 

My one and only tulip coming up. I always get at least one. I'd like them all to have flowers, but every year I forget to plant more in the fall. 

I have the day off. I worked Saturday, so now I have Monday without work. I could advertise if it wasn't raining, but that's out all week due to the weather outlook, every day rain! 

I will go to the gym and then have bed sheets to wash. The kitchen to clean and then always organizing. I wasted Sunday away by napping and sitting on my phone. We re-watched Taylor Swift Eros tour last night, so at least I put the phone down for awhile. 

Kind of a slow work week too. I might have a new client meeting and maybe adding one job on to my schedule. Steve also might be home today. Has a few outdoor projects that might have to wait with the rain. Guess we could always go to Como Zoo again and enjoy the indoor displays. Not sure what else we can do on a Monday?? Bakeries are closed, don't want to drink at a brewery or winery. Not eating out, don't need anything at the store. I do need to get tabs, but will wait till tomorrow to pick those up or order on line. We can't work on the yard or any outdoor projects in the rain. Maybe get rid of the branches if it's not raining, but they will be all wet and gross. 

I'm already planning mini trips for us to go camping this spring/summer. Just have to wait till it warms up and good weather to go! 

I do have some baking in our microwave/oven combo to try making crackers and popovers. I'll do that today since I've been putting it off for over a week. 

Zoey also could use another grooming. Maybe today? 

Celina has a 2nd interviews scheduled this week I think 30 min today and 2 hours Friday! 

That's it for this week of what is going on here. Maybe I should try meal planning? 

Sunday, April 28, 2024


 I had a productive Saturday morning since I worked from 10 to 12. At least that kept me busy. I did nothing all afternoon. We did go to the store for a few items for dinner then back out again for a few more things for Logan as he requested fresh fruit. We also filled up his tank with gas. Logan and his friend Maggie joined us for pizza dinner at home with a few mocktails. It was nice they joined us and we talked about the future cabin plans which both were interested in seeing and figuring out what will eventually be built. We are a few years away from being able to build since we want to wait till our mortgage is 100% paid off, which is 2026. It can't come soon enough! We will need the rental income to help pay for the cabin, but that's fine because we won't want to be up there every weekend anyway. Sounds like all the kids friends want to join us again for the holiday weekend at the lake. I was hoping to get a new tent so we have enough for all. We do have at least 3 good tents that sleep 10 total. We have a back up tent Steve and I can use, but the zipper is questionable, which is why I only like to use it in the back yard. I was going to not use the really big tent anymore, but might just use it anyway. We took out all the tent stakes last year, but I guess we could always put more in the ground. A new tent is around $300 and I really don't want to spend more on that right now. 

We are all going out for breakfast this morning, then Logan will do the 5 hour drive back to Milwaukee. It's going to rain all day too. Although now it looks like it won't start till around noon. He might have some dry weather before the rain starts. He will be back home on May 9th or 10th. Which isn't too many more days left of college. It will be nice having him home for the summer. He still has not lined up any jobs, but has at least applied for a few online. He at least will have his grandparents yard to mow, which they pay $100 per mowing which will be at least $200 a month for him. Plus, I'm sure he could do other landscaping for them this year and get extra money too since there is always branches to pick up and trim mulch to refresh and flower to plant etc.. It's something at least! 

I also would like to do more advertising for jobs. We are getting a lot of rain all week. So no advertising or getting any outdoor projects done. All will have to wait till next week. 

I did hear back from the new client and will most likely meet sometime this week as she wasn't feeling well. Glad she texted to let me know as I was beginning to wonder. I'm also hoping another client that I've been filling in for, will need me again this week. Fingers crossed that turns into a permeant job. Its just if her current person isn't able to do the job any longer, she had some surgery and is still recovering. I like the extra money it provides. All my snow birds are back for the summer too. Which is extra money/jobs. I still have spaces on my schedule to fill up as I have some every now and then clients call too. Some weeks are less busy and I'd like them all with at least 2 per day and I could do 3 some days too. 

I managed to get to the gym at least 2 times this week. Not exactly as much as I would have liked. It's 27 per month, so I need to make it cost less per visit, which means I need to go more often! Otherwise, I'm paying too much per workout. I need to go in the morning with Steve or at least go in the afternoon too. If the chiropractor copay wasn't $28 per visit, I'd go more often. Not going to go now that the amount is more per visit. Good thing I feel good! 

I'd also like to do more baking in the micro/oven combo. We broiled pizzas since the cheese on top wasn't  melting, but we grilled them and were starting to get burnt on the bottom. Worked great!! I'm getting the hang of it! You just can't put that much in since it's small, so we had to cut the pizza rectangles in half to fit and cook 4 separate times. I want to try crackers and popovers. Maybe I'll do that this afternoon while it rains. 

Other than work next week, all that is going on is Celina's 2, 2nd interviews. Monday and Friday. I'm sure we won't find out till next week if she got the job. I sure hope she gets this one!! 

I put my indoor herbs outside a few days ago. The basil took a little bit of a hit with the temperature change, but still looks good. I added in some flowers since I had a few leftover from the front pots. 

Just bough a few flowers to freshen up the pots. I usually plant herbs, but since I saved them from last year I don't need extra herbs. I'll bring out the other planters on the deck to the front just one of the tall planters to make both sides even and the other planters will remain on the deck. Less clutter! I do like having color back at the front door in the pots. 

I just kept it super simple as I didn't want to spend a lot on flowers right now. I still have my SUV tabs to purchase which I need to do by the 30th. I'll go do that on Tuesday after work, which is the last day before they expire. I think I have a 15 day grace, but don't want to go there! 

I managed to pay all the bills and then some with what I earned this month, plus we went on a 10 day vacation so I consider that a win/win!!  I also won't have to give Logan money for food etc during the summer months, so will save there too. I'll be using that money to pay off what we owe for the remaining college balance to get that paid off by September or sooner. 

The cost of living has gone up so much they now say you need to earn $200K for a family of 4 to live middle class. Most incomes per person look to be around $50 to $70K on the average. I see why young people are not having kids and are not buying houses. They are falling $50 to $70K behind every year. How are you going to add the expense of kids on to that?? 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Saturday... Saturday

 Happy Saturday! I switched my weekend work day from Sunday to today. I just work for a hour, maybe a bit longer around 9:30/10am. I want to go to the gym this morning too. That's about all planned for today. It's supposed to rain on and off. Maybe I'll do a little deck scraping since the paint that's still stuck comes off easier when the wood is wet. I don't even want plans to go out anywhere, which is a 100% turn from what I used to like doing on the weekend. Must be age because this is the new normal, stay at home because I just don't want to go anywhere or be around a bunch of people. I also don't want to pay for over priced drinks and food that is just so/so. 

Logan decided to go back to college tomorrow. He has a 5 hour drive and it's supposed to rain most of Sunday too. I wish it was clear weather for his drive, but maybe it will be? I probably should recheck the forecast. It's nice to have him home all week. He has 9 days left of school but that's not including the weekends in-between. May 9th is his last day. I paid for his parking which was 22.50, then they added on 9.99 to the cost in the app. Wish I would have waited to pay rent because it would have only been one charge of 9.99 instead of 2. My mistake! 

No change in my seeds. I keep spraying them with water/plant food every day and recovering them up with plastic. I still haven't started any other seeds because I don't have containers (egg cartons). I'm so impatient with this whole seed germinating process. Still hasn't even been a week, but it looks like white mold is growing a little on the dirt. Maybe I'm not doing this right? 

I finally got the toll bill in the mail for our trip. $2.20 for Oklahoma. We paid $6 at the toll booth so I wasn't expecting any tolls but still cheap. I need to pay this asap so I don't forget! We are waiting on Texas. I think last time we paid around $30 or was it $50? and that was to drive to San Antonio. We got a lot of vacation for our money!! 

I'm ready for another adventure of camping. I found a Wisconsin long weekend trip to Chippewa falls. It's only 1.5 hours away where they have the brewery tour and camping along the river plus the town. I'm sure at some point this spring/summer or fall we will have a chance to go there as long as the weather is good. It would be an inexpensive trip. I found a few hip camps in the area which would be around $20 to $30 per night. Plus, the cost of beer at the brewery. We could bring the bikes/kayak and have other things to do. We would spend the same or more staying home. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Logan's time home...

 Logan started his short visit at home with friends going to a Concert. They all did shots before and we drove them to Mpls. 

They shared some photos of the concert. 

Celina and Logan before the concert. Wish they would have gotten a group photo. 
Claudette made an apple tart with a gluten free crust. Turned out pretty and tasted too good. 

Dinner with the kids helping out.

Making pasta and pea pesto. 

Today is Friday. Logan will drive back to Milwaukee I'm guessing Sunday. It's supposed to rain all weekend, but now Saturday looks like the better dry day. I might suggest he travel that day instead of leaving Sunday. 

I worked on the deck a little yesterday, scraping off the paint. 

We purchased all the stain and paint for the deck and rails. I had a rebate for $43 which paid for at least half the cost. I'm not sure when we will be able to do the stain and paint since it's supposed to rain for at least a week on and off. I have a little more sanding to do on the deck rails and a little more paint to get off on the deck. I'll be so happy once it all is done and we can move on to the next home outdoor project. which is tar the driveway. That was only $25 per bucket and we will need at least 2. I'll do it myself and will save at least $150 if not more money. We also have branches to dispose of and then some mulch. Not too much for expense which is nice, plus it will look good. I am guessing we will also put down sod in the front yard and more black dirt with some seeds too. That will be an on going summer project and I'll buy some flowers and herbs for the front door pots to use all summer. 

Celina was notified last night that she has a 2nd interview next week. I sure hope she gets this job!! Fingers crossed once again! She hasn't heard back from WF, so at least this one she got a 2nd interview. 

I have a mini vacation idea to go to Chippewa falls brewery and do kayaking / camping in that area of Wisconsin. Found a few hip camps that also look good for May. 

I put out my over the winter herbs/flower on the deck. I think the cold over night temps below frosting are over. I'll bring them in again if it does get too cold. They need the light and rain to perk up after being inside all winter. I'm just amazed that I kept them alive. All but the parsley and other weird rosemary plant. Maybe the flowers will even bloom again? 

The seeds I planted aren't doing anything, but it's only been 2 days. I have them covered under scran wrap. 
I think it takes at least 7 days before you see anything coming up. I need more egg cartons to do a few more seeds. I forgot and threw away the last egg carton. I have a ton more seeds I'd like to plant and see if they grow. 

Steve's father.

 We had another scare last night at dinner. Steve's dad passed out during dinner. This was a little different as he asked for water. Usually he just passes out and doesn't say anything. 

We did call 911 and they ended up taking him to the hospital due to his heart fluctuations and low blood pressure. They kept him over night and are running more tests today. Everything so far checked out fine. It's just food that gets suck and his reaction is to pass out. This is at least the 5th time its happened. It's still scary. 

All the paramedics and fire department came to help. I think there was 6 in all. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Thursday.... Spring.

 Good news is that spring is here and the trees all have buds and now are finally starting to green up! 

It was nice enough yesterday, sun out but a bit cool in the shade. I had time to sand the deck rails, but I didn't get far before the sander stopped working. Ugh!! While it did work, it worked great. Now to figure out if the sander is caput or still functional. I'd like to make more progress on this deck project!! Plus, it gives me something to do. 

It's supposed to rain from Friday - all next week. We could use the rain, but what a bummer! I would love to do some advertising for more jobs since my schedule is fairly light. I have a light schedule today too. Even though Logan is home, I won't see much of him as he will probably be in his room most of the day. 

They must have had a good time at the concert. All the friends are still here, sleeping on the couch. Not sure what time they will be leaving, but I'm guessing will be gone by the time I'm back home from working. 

I probably should go to the gym this morning. We went yesterday to lift weights but no chair massage as we both didn't have time for that. My new client was super easy. That is now an every 2 weeks job. Nice!! Wish that other client would call me back this week, I'd like to pick up that one too. I am working this Sunday. I had the option of Friday, Saturday or Sunday and to fit them in, it was Sunday morning for me! Friday is busy!! I'll be working a full day! Wish I could have spread out the work for at least one today, but oh well! 

I also need to go to the bank to deposit money to pay Logan's apartment. Plus parking. I need to call and give them the parking dates for the time he will have the car at school. Easy enough! 

That's about all I have going on today. I was planning on making fried rice yesterday, but only made the rice. Also was going to make popovers but didn't do that either. I was home alone as everyone had plans. My plans were TV night, Survivor and Amazing Race which was a perfect night. Steve was home in time to watch the Amazing race. 

I probably should get a list going of being more productive in life. I waste a lot of time on the internet just reading the news or scrolling through Tic tok. I'm sure once they ban it for good, I'll be doing less of internet. Maybe a good thing, but less informed in the future about the shitty things the republicans are doing. It would be down right scary to be pg if the Supreme Court rules against women's rights for health care in June. A lot is on the line for women. I'm thinking the next show is the handmaids tail. It's in process now and that makes me sick! Its going to be hard to watch knowing this could be the future of women and happening right now in red states. I sure hope all these republican women wake the hell up before their voting rights are gone. 

I need to get ready for the gym. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Middle of the week!

 Made it through Tuesday late night pick up of Logan. Sooo good to have him home. Our visit last night was short since the train arrived in at 10:40pm, 20 minutes early! We picked up Canes for him and then drove home and I went to bed. 

I was extremely unproductive all day on Tuesday with only going to work. My work day was split up 9:30 a.m to 10:30a.m and again at 2:15 to 3:30pm. I didn't feel like doing much of anything. It was windy out and not the warmest with it being cloudy and occasional rain. The deck sanding was out on my todo list, but at least I have the sander and can do it when I'm ready, which might be after work today. I have a new client, but starting work around 10:15am today and not sure how long it will take but I'm sure to be home around noon. Gives me plenty of time to sand the deck. 

I'm thinking about letting Logan use my car for going back to Milwaukee. It's supposed to rain a lot and be super windy both Friday and Sunday when he has a lot of driving to do. His plan is to stay in Madison for the weekend and head back Sunday. If I do let him use my SUV for 2-1/2 weeks, I'll need to get the tabs either today or tomorrow. Tabs are still pretty costly for my 2019 SUV! Good thing I picked up two more jobs this week with working on Sunday! I'm off Monday, so this is the trade off. Plus, next weeks schedule is on the lighter side and unfortunately is supposed to rain most of the week. Which means, no advertising! 

I will lose a client in July due to her finances after her husbands death. I have her scheduled at least 2 more times and then will need a replacement, which I hope to pick up soon with the new client. Hopefully, I'll hear back this week. Plus, I'm cat sitting next month for a week, which is easy good extra money. Plenty of time to get a replacement client to fill that spot. 

My goal this week is to just work, workout, get to the gym and try to eat healthy. I did get some low cal 80 yogurt and some strawberries instead of raspberries just because the price was a lot lower. I add fruit to my yogurt and it makes a good after dinner treat. Plus, I need the calcium in my diet other than getting it from cheese alone. 

A few of my clients have been getting covid. Yikes! I'm hoping I don't catch it! One of the clients is 98 years old, so this is not good! I was around him on Monday and he found out yesterday, tested positive for covid. I did wake up with a headache, so took Advil and had my coffee. The headache feels a little better, but it's still there. Logan also said a lot of friends/kids at college are getting covid. It's going around again! 

I did start my little egg carton garden of just sunflower seeds. They are really old seeds, so I hope it works. I have them covered under scran wrap and added some food fertilizer to a spray bottle that I'll use to water daily. I have other seeds I want to plant, but need to wait for more egg cartons. I'll have to make some popovers to use up the milk and eggs. Might have to do that today. Although, it will be interesting to see if that also works in our microwave/oven combo. I'll use the silicone cupcake pan and see if that works. Might as well try!! I've been wanting to make some crackers too, so that's also on my baking list. 

It's sunny today and less windy, so I'll probably try some sanding on the deck too. I have the stairs and rails to get some of the chipped paint off. I'm guessing the staining of the deck will have to wait at least a week till all the rain is done. We won't get any outdoor projects done this weekend since it will rain all weekend. Maybe get some indoor stuff done. I have yet to put away my clothes from our Texas trip. Probably should empty out the suitcase and put that all away. 

Survivor and Amazing race is on TV tonight, so we have that to watch all evening. The kids have a concert so we need to drive them to Mpls by 6pm and will be home in plenty of time for the start of the TV shows at 7pm. 

Celina had her interview yesterday. It was short with just HR. She will find out Thursday if she gets a 2nd interview with the hiring manager. Fingers crossed!! Plus still waiting to hear back from WF recruiter. I sure hope she finds a job soon before the end of May, both these jobs would start exactly at that time, so it all would work out perfectly. 

Logan is also applying for internships etc. I sure hope he gets something as most companies don't bother to even answer back. Its a weird and tough hiring process now.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Today is the day!!

 Logan is home tonight!! I did check the upcoming weather for his drive back to Milwaukee and it looks like wind/rain combo Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The only clear day is Thursday. I never heard back on his plans after the concert Wednesday. Go figure! I'll probably be scrambling to get all in place for him with either parking or a train ticket. Ugh!! Kids! 

I woke to 2 good text messages. Finally heard back from a client and got that on my schedule then got another once in a while client needing work too for this week. It all helps as auto insurance is due this week and my tabs by April 30th. I've been managing to pay all the bills minus mortgage and cell phone. I'd like to pick up a few more jobs to cover the cost of the cell bill too. This way, bill paying is a lot easier for me each month. It's a 50/50 split on bills, which I like to keep fair. Although, I have been paying a lot less than my share in the past, but I've covered most of the food/misc supplies etc. I figure it all evens out and it really doesn't matter what account the bills come out of, but it just feels better splitting the costs. 

I keep checking the weather/rain/wind combo to see when I'll be able to do some advertising. Also my work schedule can't be overly busy either and I don't work on weekends as it has to be M-F. Saturday would also work, but I don't want to do it then either. Next week also looks like an advertising bust as it's going to rain pretty much every day! We do need the rain, but I'd like to pick up a few clients for both of us!! 

I made my first quiche in the microwave/oven combo. It was about the same amount of time baking, but sure turned out better! The crust was the best one yet! I'm loving baking in the microwave. The only down side, is that its a lot smaller then the oven. If we wanted to bake a big pan of veggies or cookies we'd be out of luck. We can only bake a smaller pan size amount. I'm sure it would be easy to just cook a few batches. 

My chocolate croissants this morning. This is the pan size the microwave came with. I did bake in a glass pan for the quiche, but haven't tried other types of pans. I'm kind of scared to do that! Slow and steady baking progress in that oven combo. Thankfully, we have an oven to use until we do purchase a new gas stove/oven. It's a bummer we even have to replace it since everything else works just fine. Its just the stupid start button on a panel they no longer make. Between the air frier and the combo m/o we are making due just fine. 

I have work this morning and then again at 2:30 pm this afternoon. In between I need to clean the kids bathroom and then I'll work on sanding the deck. Steve needs to find my sander I purchased for the deck, but of course has put in some place I can't find in all his work stuff in the garage. I've been asking him to locate it for me, so hopefully he does that this morning. I want to make more progress on getting the deck all finished before all the rain next week. I can knock out all the sanding today and we can do the stain tomorrow or Thursday. 

The last episode of season 1 of Shogun is on TV tonight. I'm not sure it's going to extend beyond 10 episodes, so we are done watching this show and will have to find another one to watch. Survivor is also dwindling down and the amazing race, plus the boat show. Pretty much the only TV we watch. 

I was emailing a friend M-F, but her work schedule is pretty over whelming, so no time to respond back to me. I've decided while I enjoy the email writing, if I don't get a response back, there is no point in continuing. I'm lacking responding friends in my life that live near by. I'm guilty of not really going out of my way to include friends. No one's fault but myself. I'm okay with it being mostly just me and Steve. He does have his brother. I have my three kids and grandkids that I can make plans with, but I don't even seem to do that as I like my alone Thursday time most weeks. I do need to do a better job of making plans with my kids/grandkids. Things that don't cost money! Going out to dinner or get coffees add up. Even holidays buying things every doesn't need adds up to added not needed expenses. This idea that we always have to spend to see each other is what stops me. Maybe a picnic at a park / potluck where everyone brings something to share. I need to figure out ideas that I enjoy and can be done with out adding extra expenses to just see each other. 

I did run errands yesterday since I couldn't' work on our deck. It also rained around 3:30pm. So no deck sanding since it was all wet. I made the quiche to use up eggs for the carton to plant my seeds. I need to get dirt today and start my seeds. It's on the todo list! 

Still waiting for my refund from the sander rental deposit. That was $100 and the return of $40 in sand paper. Home Depot sure takes their time getting you the money back on your card. I am checking because I want the refund! 

Monday, April 22, 2024

Monday.... here we are

 Back at Monday. It kind of felt like mid week to me for a second. Days are kind of all blending together! 

We were productive on our Sunday compared to Saturday. The weather was much warmer and less windy, so that made outdoor projects possible. While we aren't done with it, we made good progress on the deck repair and restore! 

We rented that big heavy sander from Home Depot. We only had to use 1 sandpaper which was $10 per sheet. I'm still waiting for the money to go back for the rental, but it was around $65 total. Our labor was of course free. While Steve sanded, I scraped the stairs and side rails along with some paint on the top deck that is still stuck. Never again will we paint our deck!!! Much better to just stain. Steve thinks a stain color would look better then just clear since its a little green in some areas from never seeing the sun. I'd like to just do a clear coat and be done. We do need to purchase some black paint for the rails. I have more sanding and scraping to do first. I'm sure at some point, we will replace the rails with metal and probably the posts. It's still good just needs to be painted. Even the top boards are good and don't need replacing. We'll use the Menards rebate now on the stain, which should be covered by the rebate. In all a cheap home project with big results once finished. I'm hoping to get this done this week before the weekend rain. I do have a somewhat busy work schedule this week, but enough time in the afternoons to get this done. 

We are still getting by with our microwave/oven. Steve cooked some chocolate croissants this morning and wow, turned out beautiful, crispy brown!  Can't wait to eat one! Thankfully, this option has worked for an oven until we can replace our gas stove/oven. I have tabs on my SUV to pay this month and we went on the Texas trip, so of course any extra funds went to those expenses. We haven't really looked for a replacement seriously yet and will do that I'm guessing in May. Maybe a good bday gift for Steve! Because what else do you really need? Other than he probably could use another pair of shoes for work, which means route out and get a new every day good pair of shoes. 

We treated ourselves to a beer out after the deck projects. Since we didn't need more then 1 sheet of sand paper at $10 per sheet. So with saving on the other 4 sheets $40, we treated ourselves to $5 dollar beers in River falls, WI. It was a nice drive. I was kind of tired after the deck project, but Steve wanted to go and it was nice getting out of the house. Although, I was happy to be back home and making burgers on the indoor grill for dinner. 

Today, I have a busy work day. Probably finishing around 1:30/2pm. Tuesday is another busy day and Friday. My Wednesday and Thursday are not busy this week, which is fine. I do need to also advertise for more jobs. One more client is coming back mid May, so I'll have an extra job per month until October. Plus, I will most likely have another estimate next week for that other new client and that too is just a monthly client. Which leaves me with picking up at least 2 more clients on my schedule because I still have those every once in a while clients that I have to allow for in my schedule. 

Dieting, is what I should be doing. It's not what's going on. Now that I ate a chocolate croissant for breakfast, I'm not off to a good start. It's in total calories for the day, not just one meal. I have time to correct and still come under calories. I'll have popcorn for lunch at 130 cal and not sure what for dinner? 

Logan comes home tomorrow!! It will be sooo nice to see him and have him home for a few days. I'm not sure what his plans are, if he will go back the next day or stay the weekend? I think Celina needs his car on Thursday for work, so he wouldn't be leaving until she gets home at 3 or drives back Friday, then there is just staying the weekend or taking the train which I found out is a lot cheaper Thursday then the weekend Friday- Sunday! It goes from $50 to $150! I need to follow up on the cost for having his car parked at his apartment. It will save us money and time if we don't have to pick him up when he is done with school this year. Celina will be out of a car, but should be able to use mine in the afternoons if needed. She might have to miss a day at work or could also take my car that day too. I need to find out from Logan asap what his plans are for the weekend and going back. 

We have other outdoor projects to complete that also don't cost that much. Just tree trimming which Steve can do. We will have to pay to dump the branches which is $15 per truck load. Most likely we will have to make at least 2 or 3 trips as we have a lot of branches already and will add more once more trees are trimmed up. 

We have at least 10 bags of dirt leftover from a few years ago. We will use that to seed some grass or use to build up the front yard where tree roots are coming up. Probably just purchase sod and lay it ourselves in the front yard. The dog goes out there and it would just be easier by the front door to have sod vs seed and dirt. I'll just have to be better about watering the grass daily until it takes hold. 

I haven't started my seed project. I am waiting on the egg carton. I will make a quiche for dinner to use up lots of eggs so I can start this asap. I just need some half and half cream and some cream cheese for the crust. 

I've been reading blogs and have a few customers and a friend that has retired from working. I'm not sure that's a great option. They seem bored with life. No purpose any more. We wonder what the heck they do all day?? I love my part time working schedule that I've been doing since getting laid off in my mid 30's. I will always want to have something to do each day. Plus, keeps you young and moving. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Sunday funday...

 Good morning its Sunday! Let's hope it warms up quickly to 60 or higher today! We have yard work todo which we didn't want to do on Saturday because it was cold and windy, only in the mid 40's with clouds most of the day until evening when the sun broke out. 

I'm ready for a project! Yesterday, I did get an inside project done but not sure I really 100% love it. I've been looking for a new rug, but then decided to just use what we have and rearrange the furniture. 

We have a somewhat large area in front of our sliding doors going out to the deck where I put a rug and 2 chairs with a small table/lamp for sitting. It's a cozy area to just sit and relax. We don't use it much, but the dog/Zoey sure likes to sit there to see what's on the countertops while we cook. 

The rug was just put in this location because we had it from when Celina had an apartment for college. 

The space is now empty. I moved all this into the front sitting room/our old dining room. 
I have a smaller rug in this room which is okay, not great and the two chairs by the window with the table and lamp  in the corner. I moved the chair that was in the corner to our bedroom and replaced the other chair on my side. 

It is nice to have another spot for 2 others to sit in this room. Just not sure I love it? I tried in front of the window, but I don't want to block that either. It at least saves me from going out and purchasing a new rug for this room. I have the old one in the garage ready to be thrown away. It's matted down since it's more of a shag rug. I'd like just a flat rug for this space. For now, I'll just use this rug till I find a good replacement. Most likely, we'll just keep things this way till winter and I'll move the chairs back to the other spot in the kitchen. 

If I were to sell this house, we'd have to move the dinning room table back in here and put the chairs where we had the table and move the couch in there too. We host too many family gatherings and need a big table area to seat everyone. 

Yesterday, I got to the gym with Steve. We did our weight workout, got a chair massage and headed home. I spent time rearranging and cleaning the house while he was picking up the boat. I also cleaned the kitchen dishes and put them away from the night before. 

I was pretty tired after all the furniture arranging, washing rugs, cleaning floors and windows that I ended up napping for an hour after being on my cell for a few hours. We had our own happy hour and then made taco's for dinner. I helped in putting away all and doing the clean up. We played a few rounds of Domino's and then watched 2 episodes of Shogun. I think we only have one more before we are caught up. 

I should go to the gym this morning. We have to wait till it warms up anyway before we start the yard. 

I did find some old seeds to plant and start an indoor garden. I have the dirt too and some plant food to get it going. I just need to get some egg cartons instead of purchasing some growing cups. 
I know the seeds are pretty old, but I'll try to see if they will grow. If not, no big deal. I'll probably set that up today too. 

I wanted to change up the deck rail, but upon Steve's further thoughts, it would require too much changing around the deck /trouble for him to make it work. I just wanted to lop off the taller posts and make them all flush. Well, that would require moving the poles for our lights and the hand rail. A bigger project then just cutting them off and replacing the top boards. I really wanted to change up the look of the deck, so instead we will just paint the rails black and get brown treated wood for the top and then clear coat all. We are renting that sander today which I found out costs $54 an hour plus, $10 per sheet of sandpaper which we will need at least 2 sheets. It's mainly for sanding the stairs and a little on the deck top. We also will use up our $44 Rebate money from Menards to pay for the top deck wood. I'm sure its going to cost more then the rebate amount, but that will help save some money on the project. 

We also opted for just having coffee at home instead of going to get one, saving at least $12 dollars. We are trying to be more frugal with going out, which always isn't the fun way, but we can find other ways to have fun. I was perfectly happy with our Saturday night plans of just being home, cooking together and then playing domino's and watching a good show after. Happy hour at home is also perfect as I get exactly what I want to drink for a fraction of the cost of having a drink out. We can always take our happy hour to the park or to a lake and bring a cooler and some game with us. Same as going out and a change of scenery. I think we'll have to do this more often! 

I whispered to Alexia, are there ghosts in the house. She said no, but never saw the jalapeño devilish smile, lol... 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

not so silent Saturday.

 Thought I'd try a not so silent Saturday. Which is every Saturday! 

It's 30 degrees this morning. Thankfully, it will warm up to 50, but cold!! I'm missing all the green from our trip to the southern states where it looks like summer! I'm so ready for our trees all to be green again. It's slowly getting there as some buds are on the trees. Just not as advanced as Arkansas, Texas etc.. We even had snow flakes yesterday and a cold wind when it was 40 degrees for the high. Next week will warm up to the 60's with another crappy rain filled weekend Friday - Monday. I did see a 70+F on May 1st. The warm up is sooooo close now!! 

What do we have planned for today/Saturday? 

Gym - I need to lift some weights 24 minutes and will come home to do a mile on the cross ramp. I have to start doing this every day as it only takes 12 minutes. Not much time at all. Plus, do my daily plank/weights at home. The reward is always a chair massage at the gym! 

We will wait till the warm up today to sand the deck, or maybe we'll just get rid of the branches? I've stopped the inside home projects for now. Even though we could do more purging! It will be outside stuff for a few weekends. 

Also saving money. We didn't go out for dinner or drinks Friday night. I actually had purchase a $4.?? Rotisserie chicken at Costco and made some fried rice with leftover veggies from the frig, peppers, onion, broccoli, garlic and ginger root. It was delicious and we have left overs for today. The rest of the chicken, I'll go thought to feed Zoey a little all week mixed in with her veggies and ground turkey. This way it's not wasted. We've been trying to not go out for dinners since it really adds up every month. During our vacation we splurged a bit with going out to eat, but not as much as we thought we would. 

I tried to figure out exactly what it cost for our 10 day trip and with food, gas, misc stuff, eating out, camping over night costs it averaged about $100 per day or maybe a little bit more. The most expensive part was gas! We had quite a few nights where we stayed with friends in Texas that were free. The most expensive camping location was next to Lake of the Ozarks at $38 plus tax per night. I'm sure I missed a few purchases since we paid some with cash too, but in all a cheap trip!! There is no way we could have done it any cheaper unless we didn't do the camping at all and didn't get out or have drinks out. That's part of the fun of the trip and without camping it would have cut our trip 5 days shorter. I love taking a more adventurous trip. The hip camping is the part I love the most. It's just so different in all these cool locations. We get a true adventure when that's hard to do these days. It's the part I look forward to the most. If I could do it all year round as adventure I'd do it in a second. Feels like you are truly living when you are closer to nature and the elements of course, I'm more of a fair weather person. It wasn't bad in the rain, but obviously you are limited in the exploring part. Its still do able. I'd skip all 30 or below temps too. That's just too cold, unless you have a heater, but would rather be in warm areas. I don't think I could do a humid place either like Florida and camp. That seems miserable. I think Spring without scary storms are the best time to camp/car camp/road trips. We'll continue to do a spring trip every year and fall too! 

I finally figured out what I did wrong on the FASFA for Logan. Ugh! Should have said no instead of yes to a weirdly worded question on the on line form. Once I clicked no, there was other info to fill out for the parent income and the IRS info was able to transfer. He should know in 3 days what kind of aid he will get for college his senior year. Guess this year more kids qualify for money so we shall see what the amount is as it's supposed to be even more funds? Not sure if that is true or not? Any help is great help in paying for college and less loans. We do pay as we go for his apartment/food/supplies etc. So at least that will help long run keeping up with the expenses. Logan will have student loans of at least $15 to 20K. My father had put money into a college account before he died in 2002, but found out from their financial adviser that my mother took out all the money and closed the accounts. I have no idea of when she did this as the advisor couldn't disclose that info with out my mom's approval which she didn't give. So crappy of her to do that, but it still is her money, just was left for my other two kids. It sure would have made it possible to not have student loans for them, but it is what it is and I can't do anything about it. I just can't imagine doing that to be cruel. They did nothing to her, only exist which they don't for her by choice. She wanted me out of her life and I complied. I'm not 100% innocent in the situation and take full responsibility for my actions. I see where I was wrong, but just because I decided to speak out a few times, should I be exiled for life? Guess so because that's where we are at. It's all for the better as I always felt harshly judged and treated. Why surround yourself with people that want to bring you down. Why do that? Are you that miserable? I sure don't want to do that to my kids. Build them up and be proud of them no matter their faults or differences. We all just want to be happy and live how we see fit. I try to forget the labels they put on me, not responsible, a lier, a pain. I am responsible, I might be a pain sometimes and might tell a few lies here and there like everyone tells a few lies, but I've learned admit when you lie/and its always easier to remember the truth then a lie. More than often the truth is always sounds better then making up a story that you won't remember. Just because at 5 years old I had a good imagination I'm forever called a lier. I got pg at 18 so I'm forever irresponsible, I've always been called Lorraine the pain by my sister so that's what I must be to everyone. The damage is done, but I can rewrite my own names. Carrying, giving, responsible and generous. I might still be a pain but isn't everyone sometimes. I might still tell small lies but I sure try to be honest and yes, I'm a very responsible person with work, life and commitments. 

I was going to delete that last post, but this is my thoughts and I'm okay with posting. 

Friday, April 19, 2024

The long wait of the release.. TTPD

 Taylor Swifts new album was released last night and I waited to hear it. I had a feeling this was going to be the tune of the album.. every song sounds like a continuous poem/same note. I had high hopes at least one song I'd love, not the case as it's very somber and dull sounding. Even the Post Malone song combo with him was a sleeper for me. Ugh! I so wanted to be wrong and love at least a few songs if not all. I have zero I like or even want to listen to fully. I ended up fast forwarding all the songs in hopes even the Bridge I'd love, nope. None. Oh well, can't love everything an artist puts out. It does speak to her last relationship and give everyone more info. I might read the lyrics later to find out more. All the reviews are positive, but ?? I just don't get it, maybe I will later? 

I made it through my busy Thursday work schedule. It's a lot for me, but it would be good money maker to have more work per day and I'm sure I'd get used to it after a while. I'm still done early enough in the day to enjoy a late afternoon or run some errands. 

I did zero yesterday after work. I didn't even want to pick up take out food. I just had salad which sounded great! Although, leftovers for lunch today would have been nice! I do have to run some errands today. I'll just go after work and try to hit the gym too, just for a massage. I was going to do that yesterday, but of course that was a fail! 

I have managed to do my small before work/workout of a 1 min plank and my dumbbells 15 pound lifts of 10/10/30/10 every day so far. I'll keep that as it doesn't take much time and feels good to check those boxes off my todo list for the day. 

While I feel guilty I'm not getting in more cardio, I have to remind myself that I am moving all morning at a fast pace when working. I work up a sweat! That is my big workout M_F. So when people that have desk jobs go for a run or to the gym for an hour, does that equal my work-workout? I am trying to push myself to do more since I just want to lay around all afternoon. I do need the rest, but I go beyond needing so much to recuperate.  I will get to the gym both Saturday and Sunday as I need the exercise since I don't work those days. I do need to be active at least part of my day/every day which is usually in the mornings. 

I have FAFSA to figure out. Still no income listed which I am not sure why?? I have to call and ask for help at this point. I have no idea what to correct and why! I've located the number to call and I'll do that this afternoon. Plus, I have a bill to pay that I didn't realize I didn't pay. It's just the home internet/TV. We pay far too much for Xfinity at $260 per month. I'd like to switch over to something else that's cheaper like everyone else is doing. Ugh! I'm just not sure where to start! YIKES!! We did get RUCO or something like that for Logan. You pay for what you want to watch. We basically just want BRAVO, MTV, MSNBC, Channel 4 and the spring baking show which is on?? I need to figure that out. For the few shows we watch, we pay far too much every month. Guess its time to figure it all out! I'll have to do some calling and check into it more. 

Steve made some yummy chicken, tomato pasta the other night. Maybe we have more for leftovers for todays lunch? 

Our neighbor friends new condo that Steve is painting. 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Making it through the week!

 Two more super busy work days to go! It was a rough one yesterday afternoon. My last house of the day was at 1pm, so I had a break from 11:30 to 12:30, then drove to my next job. I was just tired/sleepy and didn't want to leave the house. I probably should have drank some coffee to wake up! Maybe today if I get a break I'll do that! Three houses again today. That's busy for me as I work from 9am, leave the house to around 2/2:30pm today. I'm guessing, I'll either be done earlier if I start the last house before 1pm or I'll just have a break and end my day later. I hate feeling so tired, but after working I always need a break! 

I did have errands to run after work yesterday, so instead of coming home to change, I just did it on the way home. Just to Aldi for my coffee and then to the bank to deposit money for Logan. Oh and the dollar store for Steve's paint trays. They are only 1.25 for disposable trays. A lot cheaper and easier to just throw away instead of trying to clean up the paint! 

I also paid some bills yesterday and called to make a payment plan for Logan's college bill. We just paid out thousands for taxes. so if I can spread out the college bill that will help so we don't have to go into savings. I'm also making more since I picked up 4 new jobs lately with old clients coming back and starting up again with a few new ones too. That will cover the extra school costs. I sent a email and have yet to hear back on if his school will allow me to pay this way. I'll have extra interest payments, but I'd rather do it this way then charge it or take it from savings to never repay it. One more year and 2 more college payments to go and then 12 months left to pay on his apartment. 3-1/2 months of his apartment with out getting any use other then to store his stuff! That's $650 per month! It will be nice to have that all done and not have to pay that out every month, plus give him money for food, utilities etc once he gets a job. 

Not sure about C situation on the job searching. There might be a wf job, but ?? have not heard back from the recruiter again after she made some resume changes. Ugh!! Her current job ends May 31st and It would be nice if she had something lined up before that date!! At least she had an interview, didn't get the job, but its practice. Guess you are still entry level until you've had at least 3 to 5 years of experience. So everything is up in the air right now. Good thing she lives at home and only has car insurance and cell to pay us every month. She is a good saver only buying some food and clothes once in awhile. She also paid off her school loans 100%. 

3 house day for me and then I have Costco and Cub on my errand list. Since I'll be by the gym. I should go workout. It's cool enough today to keep the rasp and butter in the car while I workout. Otherwise, I'd go after which I might just do! This way, I have zero excuse to not go to the gym. Might just get a massage or two and then leave. Most likely, I'll lift weights while there. I know that I'll feel tired.. but I need to move more once home and be a little more productive. 

Still trying to finish up the Texas Eclipse trip!

 The most exciting part of our vacations are always the different hip camps we stay at. I just love car and tent camping! I'd much rather stay in the woods etc.. than at a hotel next to a highway! No bed bugs here or anything gross!! Just nature! 

After we left Texas, we drove to Arkansas near the diamond fields. Our plan was to get some quartz crystals and do some diamond digging. Turns out it rained. We just car camped. Which meant while in the car, move all that was in the back, tent, grill, food, cooking stuff and 2 coolers  etc.. all to the front seats. I got in the back and handed it all up to Steve, then he crawled in back. This was the best way to not get wet! We didn't have any trouble doing this and it really didn't take that long to transfer it all. We had the back already set up for sleeping. I'd do another foam layer to make it more soft for sleeping for our next car camping. It still worked great! We slept sooo good. Just cracked the window a bit for some air. We also have car window covers which I kept up all the time on the 2 side back windows and then I had the front window cover that I put between the front seat and the back instead of on the windshield. We usually have a tent for the back, so I didn't block that out, but we didn't need it. It's more for keeping it dark when the moon is out or the sun comes up too early. 

We found plenty of quartz rocks, not huge crystals, but nice enough rocks to bring back home. 

We took a walk at a park down the road and found even more rocks. Steve didn't want to leave the car due to a van pulling up. Who knows if they are going to break your window and take stuff. We were more worried about someone breaking the window then taking anything. 

The trails were pretty and soo green there.

We said good bye to our campsite for the night. Sun was out the next day, so it was easier to pack up. Although we just transferred the stuff the same way inside the car. 

The countryside was sooo green in Ark, and Ok

We stopped at a lake in a park

Drove through Brandon. We hated it! Kind of like Wisconsin Dells, less water more rides and the old town area for shops. 

We did walk the old town area shops. Did that quick and left

I was excited for Hot springs, but it turned out to be a dud. Only bath houses for the spring water. Not any at the parks. 
We did drive up to the top of the hill that over looked Hot springs. 

Car camping again at a new location in Arkansas, next to a river that looked aqua blue. Sooo pretty. We had to share with 4 other campers for the night. We set up the back of the car tent. Not enough room or conditions for a tent set up as the ground was all rocks. We were fine because we were there for just one night. Since we killed the battery the first night with leaving the back open/lights on inside. We disconnected the battery to save it! Great idea as it worked perfect! 

I love camping this way especially when its chilly 50 /40 degrees at night. Stays okay inside the car for most of the night, only getting a little bit chilly right before sun rise, low temp of the night. We can set up the back car tent quickly and move all the stuff in the back to that tent. Plus, have room to stand and setup chairs, change clothes etc.
This was my favorite camping spot even though we were not alone. The camp sites were spread out and it still felt private. 

Since it rained, the water was up higher. We could have crossed to the other side, but we didn't want to risk it. Someone else did that instead thankfully. We had no idea what campsites where which so since were were there first we grabbed the best location! 

The trees were not super green here.

oops here is Brandon. Will not go back!

Last stop, the Ozarks in Mo. We drove in and saw 2 deer at our camping spot. We stayed there last year and loved this place. We had it all to ourselves! Otherwise, it would have had 5 other campers that are close together. No privacy, which isn't an issue if we are there alone! 

Just love the view!! We always go here off season in April/May and never camp with anyone. It's the most expensive campspot which is still cheap at $37 per night and with tax I think the 2 nights were about $90 total. Far cheaper than a hotel and a way better view!! 

had some great food from the trails end restaurant that's our favorite. It's an old 100+ year log cabin, added on and made into a restaurant The best one in the area. 
Our favorite sticky asian ribs!! We have to figure out how they made these. BBQ and sweet and sour with some spice? 

Also shared a chicken sandwich. The fries were thick and too good!

Lots of local beers for the day

I finally got to use the hammock and enjoyed the rest of the late afternoon into the evening. We cooked beef tenderloins the 2nd night. 

Our favorite beach bar on the Ozarks.

Saying good bye to our 10 day vacation. Not sure if we will do this again next spring. We've done it the last 3 years. I think we might go to South Dakota depending on the weather. South is more reliable for warm, but if we go in May, it should be better weather. I'm not against going back to the Ozarks. 

before the 4th

 The 4th weekend is going to go fast. unfortunately looks like rain every day! Probably should have done option #2 and headed to the north s...