Thursday, November 30, 2023

Last day of November!

 This month sure went fast! Does that mean all of winter will fly by too? Seems life in general is flying by faster and faster. Am I making the most out of every day? Not really! 

Yesterday was a I'm going to be sick all day. My nose felt awful, I'm sure it's a sinus infection. I just laid in bed, taking Advil and Sudafed every 4 hours, blowing my nose and resting. Didn't even clean the kitchen or do anything other then just work for a few hours. I am feeling a lot better today, just tired and my nose still isn't 100%, but a lot better than it was, less pain! I'm still taking Sudafed!

This was the sunset the other night. It's the view from our stairs, on the side of the house facing west. 

I was thinking of canceling my dentist, filling appointment, but would rather just get it over with. Now that my head/nose isn't killing me as much, it shouldn't be that bad. Of course, my face will be numb on the right side for a few hours after, so no plans for Friday night! Which is fine because I doubt I'll be up to having a drink or going to any outdoor markets. I did go through what events are going on around town this weekend. Just lots of craft stuff, markets, etc.. Not sure what we will do? 

Only 25 days left till Christmas and 20 days till Logan is back home for the winter break! I still need to put up our tree and start getting gifts. I did make a gift list, which is a start! Plus, sent away and cashed in some points from Fetch and Visa to get some gift cards, which I can use to purchase some gifts. It's not a whole lot of money, but will buy a few items. I'm going to do just one gift per person this year. It just too much for me to try and buy and spend. The kids just want to buy things they want or use the money to go out with friends. 


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Middle of the week

 I'm still dealing with head pain/sinus. Picked up some Sudafed, that was recommended by the pharmacy. It helps better than Musinex at this point, but I still take Advil too. I'm tired of this cold/pain in my face. Otherwise I feel fine! 

Saw this Cookie of the week from Crumble. I need to make some of these cookies! Of course dieting and cookies are a bad idea! In other news, I did cave and wanted apple pie, so we picked up a frozen one and baked it. Yum... 

These items are from Aldi. Might be a good stocking stuffer? Something new to try. 

Cute  coco bomb, also a good snap chat post! 

Some holiday bars to check out as snap posts too. I need to set up lights in our house to make it look more festive. 

Steve and I went to watch the new Hunger Games movie last night. It was just okay. Too much singing for me. I'd still watch sequels of Hunger Games so I'm not 100% done with this yet! 

Since my head is still hurting from sinus issues, we skipped going to happy hour/free taco bar at Caspers before the movie. Just ate the chicken taco leftovers instead. Which were delicious. I sure do need to diet, but now we have an apple pie to eat up! I started dieting last year on the 30th. Maybe I'll make that day 1? I am tracking calories and writing down exactly what I eat. So making progress, although skipping my workout since my head hurt and I don't want to go to the gym to spread my cold to others. 

I have two tiny cavities on my back right molars. I've only had 2 fillings ever! So back to the dentist Friday. I am scared! lol. Just of the shot! 

Steve cut the trim for the vanity mirror. We decided to keep it white as we were thinking of painting it matte black. He just has to glue it on today and it's done! I'll paint the vanity where we raised it up after work today. I just need to get started on finishing up that project! Plus, I have kitchen clean up from last nights dinner and bread making. I think Celina has now perfected her bread making! She makes a loaf a week from her sour dough starter. It was the best yet! Makes me want to make bread too. Maybe I'll make a crasin one, once I'm back to feeling good. 

Speaking of my head and the sinus pain. Called the pharmacy and they recommended Sudafed. I was using Musinex, but that wasn't touching the head pain. It does help a bit but I still have pain today. That's at least 3 days in a row and I'm ready to be done with this! I'll try calling Virtual care today. Can't hurt! 

Sunday, November 26, 2023

See you in 3 weeks!

 We said our goodbyes to Logan at the train Depot St Paul early this morning. One more year of sending him back to college on the train. It's always sad to see him go, but we only have 3 weeks to go before he is flying home for a month over Christmas break. His almost week M-Sunday, home over Thanksgiving went by fast as they always do. Just glad Celina was able to pick him up and come home for few extra days , otherwise it would have been Wednesday at midnight -Sunday morning. 

See you in 3 weeks Logan!!
It started snowing last night around 7pm. We have about an inch of snow now on the ground and it's supposed to stop soon. I'm hoping with the 40 degree temps next week, it will all melt away. Not sure I'm completely ready for snow on the ground till spring! Makes it a little easier to get in the mood to decorate for the holidays. 

Here's a memory from last year when Logan was home. We were in Mpls and took a photo of this giant decorate tree inside a building. Might have to go back here and re-take a photo! 

Steve and I just went to the store to pick up trim for the mirror and to get some food. We didn't go out last night and just watched the last of the Hunger Game Movies. Since we are both sick, he is getting over covid. I still didn't test positive and I have a cold, runny nose, sneezing and a little cough sometimes. Not bad, but not great either as I hate even having a cold. I'm masking up in the mean time to not spread it to the kids. 

The last day, Sunday of the long weekend. It's felt long since I only worked an hour Wednesday and have had sooo much time off. I'm back to working almost a full day tomorrow! It's going to be a rough Monday with a move out and another house at 1pm. Tuesday is a day off due me and Steve's dentist appointments. It's just easier to not work that day since we won't be home till late morning/noon. The rest of my week is good. 

I also got an email for a potential new customer thanks to my advertising a few weeks ago! 
It feels good to pick up work from my efforts!! I'll keep doing more advertising any day where I have less work that day. Just do a little bit when weather conditions are good. Light to no wind or snow. 

It's a good day to put up the Christmas tree, paint the bathroom vanity and mirror trim. Other than that, just stay home and rest. The kitchen is cleaned as I did that last night and early this morning. 

Other plans next week include hopefully, Tuesday going to the movies since it's cheap night to watch the new Hunger Games movie. There is one other movie I'd like to see, Napoleon which I think Steve would also like. Gives us something to do on a Tuesday for not that much money. 

Saturday, November 25, 2023


 It's our last full day with Logan home for Thanksgiving break. While it wasn't the holiday we all thought we would have, Steve's positive covid test, it was very relaxing and nice to have Logan home with a few extra days. He leaves on the train bright and early 8:50am tomorrow. Glad we aren't driving him back as its supposed to also snow a bit here and more in Milwaukee up to 1". That would be too much driving in one day!! 

Steve hung the old bathroom mirror back up on the wall. Good thing we saved it when we replaced it with a framed mirror years ago. We went back to Menards to exchange the wider wood we purchased for more normal sized trim for around the mirror. It need to be painted white and cut, then glued on the mirror. The raised vanity also needs to be painted and I need to find 2 false drawers panels. It's not a have to have, but at some point, I'd like that added too for a more finished look. Vanities are expensive, so I'm super glad we were able to still use ours and just fix it up. It was maple and now is white and raised up. I'll have to take a finished photo. 

It's Don's official 28th birthday today. The kids are all going to Top Golf with other friends to celebrate. We gave him our gifts and had pie on Thanksgiving, a few days early. 

We did a little shopping yesterday on Black Friday. Just went to Costco to get items we needed. I mentioned we went to Menards to do some returns and get more wood. After we stopped at the local brewery for one and done drink. 

I now feel like I could have covid. I've been sneezing and have a slight headache. I took a 2nd covid test today and its negative. Must be just a regular starting of a very mild cold? I feel fine, other than when I'm sneezing or have a runny nose. 

Other than doing some painting of the vanity and mirror wood. We have nothing else planned for today. I probably should get out more Christmas decorations. We can bring up the trees and the mantle stuff. I did decorate the door and the table in the entry along with our dinning room table all in winter stuff. Making some progress! Guess that would be a good thing to just do and get out of the way when the kids are all gone today. 

Our only cutting we need to do is to stop at the bank and deposit a few checks. We still have leftovers for lunch/dinner, so no need to pick up more food, but we could use more iced coffee and some ham/lunch meat. Might just go to Aldi for that as we always forget about that store. All the pie is gone so dieting come Monday won't be as difficult. 

Yes, I'm starting my winter diet to be ready for summer on Monday. This will give me enough time to lose weight slowly over the winter! Dec- May!! 6 months of weight loss 5 pounds per month = 30 pounds which is what I need to lose! Maybe I'll start Sunday! Day 1 just eating 1500 calories then I'll drop to 1000 per day. 

We just had to hustle to get our garbage out. We almost missed the pickup! Our garbage is full due to my purging of the linen closet. I'll do more purging today since I still need to find a spot for all those cook books in the porch! 

Next week, I'll have to get back to doing some advertising depending on the weather. Steve has about 5 jobs left this winter before he runs out. A few this spring, but not until April, so need to fill up Feb and march with more jobs. Of course people are traveling now and not doing home repairs, but houses are money pits and styles change and things break etc.. so always jobs to do. We saw one person advertising just for grab bars. Is there enough work just to install those? I don't see how! 

My neighbor friend wants to start back at the gym. That will help get me there in the afternoons. I can even go two times a day if I go in the morning with Steve too. We usually go for just 30 minutes, so can't do stairs and lift weights in that time frame. It will get my off the couch in the afternoons too this all helps to lose weight! 

Friday, November 24, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!!

 We had a quiet but nice Thanksgiving with just the 5 of us. I now need to switch out our front door decorations from pumpkins to Christmas! 

We celebrated Celina's boyfriend Don's birthday a few days early with pumpkin and pecan pie. 
The kids each made a pie, Logan pumpkin and Celina chocolate chip pecan. 

My plate of food. We tried the Popeye's precooked cajun Turkey which was a little dry. Steve's 20 pound turkey was so good with the mayo on it this year and rosemary. Everything was delicious! 

Steve also makes my Dad's stuffing with a little twist every year. Steve added in craisins and uses broth/olive oil instead of lots of cream and butter. Celina /Don made some sweet potatoes using coconut cream which was a little tropical/sweet tasting, but good. 

The kids dropped off half the turkey to his brother/gf and stayed for a drink. Everyone did Thanksgiving separate this year due to Steve having covid and his parents not getting their boosted shots. Just like the early days of covid in 2020... 

Today, is a shopping day, but not for Christmas items. We just are going to purchase the everyday things we need around the house. Dish soap, dog food etc. 

I did start a Christmas list of what to buy this year. We are doing a gift game exchange with extended family, so no need to purchase a bunch of gifts for everyone. We did get Steve's mom a shirt that I'm having made for her. It's her favorite shirt they no longer make, so getting a customer of mine to sew a replica. I'm excited to give her this gift and see if it turns out!We will also have to buy his Dad something similar. Just not sure what?? 

I'm going to purchase some sweatshirts and make Game Day on Everyone's as I think that's a great idea! Just get all Large size. 

Otherwise, gift cards are always liked by all even thought its not much to wrap up. Plus cash for Logan. 

I'm going to scale down the stocking stuffers too. We all don't need a bunch of stuff! Of course get some scratch off's and some alcohol. 

I just want some new black casual slip on tennis shoes, but will get those for myself. I'd also like a camping battery pack to charge up cell phones and an electric blanket while car camping in the spring.  We also need one more big tent for the lake which I can purchase in the spring on line.  2 battery or solar rope light too for inside the tents. 

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Covid Thanksgiving day!

 Yep that's right. Another holiday and another sick person in our household. Steve tested positive for covid yesterday. We host, so the extended family dinner was canceled today. It will be just the 5 of us with a 20 pound turkey and lots of stuffing. I did purchase some crab legs that were on sale for $5.99 per pound. Crazy considering I thought snow crab had a bad harvest year! 

I made sure I didn't have covid too since I've been around Steve the last few days. Negative! Hope it stays that way. Steve and I got our covid shots right before Halloween. Logan got his on Wednesday, so not enough time for it to be effective as I think its a two week window. Celina, probably won't be getting a booster shot since the side effects seem worse then actually getting covid. Which is very minor illness. Steve just has a slight cough, some times sneezes, a little sinus infection now and had a slight headache, otherwise feels fine. His 85 year old parents have not gotten their booster and plan to wait till December to get the shot at the Dr office instead of just going to Cub pharmacy and getting it done asap! He was over at their house the day before installing smoke detectors and then went over the morning of for a bit. Hopefully it wasn't enough to get them sick too. Not sure where he picked it up, other then a week ago said some guy was sneezing on him at the bar on his Thursday night out with his brother. He even said, watch, I'll be sick for T-day. Sure enough! 

I did more purging yesterday. Went through our linen closet and got rid of a lot of old kids blankets, pillows etc. Anything that had started turning yellow was thrown out. I still could purge more stuff since no one ever uses anything up there. I did find a new spot for all our kitchen big platters! I'd have space for cook books too if I did more purging. I still need a new spot for those or I need to get rid of them. Maybe just buy us a new book case from Ikea? Might be a better option! 

Celina and Don are off to do a Turkey Trot race this morning. Logan is still sleeping as he was out last night till 12:30pm. I had plans to clean today which I'll still do. I already tackled the kitchen mess from pie making yesterday. I have a feeling there will be more kitchen messes later for me to clean up! I'll find a spot for those books today too. 

We also didn't finish our bathroom vanity. It still needs to be painted and the drawer needs to be cut to fit back in with the plumbing in the way. We also need the mirror framed and the wood painted. Plenty to do on this project that we can probably work on today and tomorrow. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The new vanity counter, 2 sinks and new faucets!

Steve has the week off since its Thanksgiving week. He installed the new master bathroom vanity counter top. We had to raise up the counter so we wouldn't lose all the drawers and we also wanted it up higher and not sooo low. I love the new sink and faucets. Such an improvement!  

 Of course our framed mirror does not fit! So it's off to look for a mirror to either frame in or have one that's already framed. I'm going to check FB market place to see if I can get one for a lot less $$. If not, we'll just go purchase one. We might have the existing glass in the basement and then Steve can frame that on the wall. 
For comparison here is the old vanity counter and one sink with old faucet. It's also low, below the half wall and now the new one is up 1" above it. I would have rather had it at the same height, but that's what Steve decided so we could save a few drawers with the added sink. 

Good riddance old counter/sinks!! You won't be missed!! I absolutely hated the dirt around the faucet handles. It was so tight that I had a hard time cleaning it and it would always get gunked up no matter how often I cleaned it.  Plus, it's 24 years old and builders grade, should have been gone years ago! 

Fix one issue and now on to finding a mirror! We also still have to paint the top area where the cabinet was raised up and I need to find some 2 false drawer panels.
Since we emptied the cabinet out, I cleaned the bottom and applied some liner to the bottom. If and when we move, it can just be picked up and thrown away, and it will be all clean under. No need to clean out! I plan to line some of the drawers too that we use frequently. I still have that todo. I just used the same liner as the under the sink in the kitchen. 

I still hate the tile and shower in our bathroom, but that's a project for another time. I'm guessing next winter after we save up enough Menards rebates to pay for the tile. Might as well, get it free and not have to pay for the materials. So I guess I'm waiting another year for our bathroom to be done. I'm good with the upgraded countertop for now. 

Found this company that might make towels for the grand kids with their names on it. I used to be able to go to the Mall and have a guy do all the embroidery. He's been gone for years and I've been looking ever since. It makes an easy personalized gift. I'll have to call today and see if they can do just one item and the cost. 

The sun is out today. The last of the warm November days getting up to 49*F!! November is supposed to be the cloudiest month of the year. It's good to see the sun. It was cloudy until 3pm yesterday. It's not going to snow for at least 10 days according to the projected forecast. Not sure when we will see snow. It did snow a little a few weeks ago but temps got up to 60 and melted everything right away. I do love to ski, but the snow can hold off as winter is long enough. It just has to be white for Christmas morning! We still have 4 weeks left to still get some. I'd rather see green for as long as possible. 

In other news, Logan has been home since Monday at noon for the Thanksgiving weekend. Celina drove out to pick him up in Milwaukee Sunday. A 12 hour trip there and back as they were supposed to come back Tuesday. 

Logan has a meeting with an Architecture company today. He wants to get a paid internship this summer. Which would be great! Gives him money and work experience. Unfortunately, we won't see him much because he will be working full time. Which means he won't be able to go on Sumer trips? 

Monday, November 20, 2023

Our weekend..

 We helped Celebrate Madelyn's 4th Birthday. Kendra threw a really nice family dinner party for her Saturday night. 

Madelyn had another family brunch birthday on Sunday. 
Here are some photos that I used off FB. Kendra's father had a Paw Patrol character visit the birthday. It was nice seeing photos of her other birthday. 

I'm sure it's difficult to have to do two family parties. I'm thinking to keep things easier for Kendra since we are a smaller amount of people, maybe just doing a special activity, so there won't be a need for two separate parties. I can imagine that's a lot of work! 

I decorated our front door with holiday lights. I am not planning on doing trees. Just keeping it simple. I'll wait till after T-day to take down the pumpkins and put up my Christmas wreath. We do have lights we can put up inside the house which we will also do after Thanksgiving. 
Celina drove out to Milwaukee to pick up Logan from college on Sunday. She will spend Monday there and they will drive back home on Tuesday for the Thanksgiving holiday. It will be nice to have Logan home for a few days, till Sunday. He is taking the train back. 
Glad it's only a few more weeks till he is back home for Christmas break, an entire month!! We won't see him again till spring break. That's if he comes home and doesn't go somewhere with friends. 

It was kind of a busy T-day work week, now I had 3 schedule changes, so not as busy. I also have Thursday/Friday off for the holiday. It would have been nice to make some more money, but also nice to have time off while Logan is home. Not sure of my work schedule today on Monday as I'm waiting for a client to get back on what time today. Ugh!! It's' a wait and see.. right now! I'm not loving that! I just don't want to drive there and have to go back another time. 

Steve painted the half bathroom/same color just cleaned up the paint. Plus, he switched back around the light fixture since he hung it upside down after spray painting it matte black. Now everything pretty much matches in that bathroom. He also caulked the crown molding in the bathroom. It was installed years ago and never 100% finished. Now that's at least done. He still has a few more unfinished projects. Like the quarter round trim on the main floor. That can wait since I want my new vanity counter /sinks installed in our master bathroom this week. He is not working since it's a short week. This gives him time to work on a few home projects! 

He booked another 2 jobs, so they will be in January. Plus, can finish up a few jobs 3 in December. We will have to do some more advertising in December/January but for now we are good through the holidays. Which is always good. It should be busy once again with more after the holidays. It's always a slow time of year and to stay busy with projects is always great and much needed! His parents also need work done at their house, a new kitchen floor, microwave and carpet on the stairs glad for that added project!

I should start dieting, but will wait till next week, Sunday as my start date to get serious to lose weight before summer to be swim suit ready. 

I also really need a new hair style. I hate having hair in my face, but I'm also tired of having it up all the time too. Time to try other styles out and see what works best. 

I have plans to do more purging this week. I tackled our kitchen corner lazy Susan cabinet with all the plastic containers/lids. Not the best place to store those items, but where they are at the moment. At least it's manageable right now. 

I need to clear out the laundry room and get that all uncluttered. Plus, find a new place for all our platters and cook books. Not sure where until I purge more stuff! 

Saturday, November 18, 2023


 I am super looking forward to Logan being home in just a few more days! I made a huge mistake with is college rent payment this month! It started off at the bank, depositing my cash for his payment in the wrong account. That was the least of my worries! It really doesn't matter what account the payment comes out of, but I set up payment with the other account. I decided might as well just pay it early and be done this month since I also had to pay extra for the water bill. I wasn't paying very close attention to the amount and ended up paying the entire bill for his roommate and parking, plus the entire water bill that was to be split. Ugh!!!! It also can't be reversed. I can get a check issued back to me, but not sure that would be worth it since it obviously takes time to cut a check and send it to me. So we have a few options. 

1. I can just cover this months rent and get reimbursed from his roommate half the water and all the parking fee. 

2. His roommate can just pay Logan via Venmo at the end of the month when rent is due. I don't expect it earlier since its not due till the 30th. Then I'd have to get Logan to pay me, the money because I don't have Venmo, only PayPal. Ugh!! Complicated!! 

I'm just letting Logan and his roommate decide what option or if they come up with something else?? It's paid so it doesn't matter! Just way more then I wanted to pay this month. I'm sure December I won't be complaining if his rent ends up being 100% paid. So I'm kind of hoping that's the option that is chosen at this point. Its the least complicated for me. 

Such a dumb two mistakes in a row. Not sure how I managed that! 

Today, it's Madelyn's 4th birthday. We are going to her family party today. I have to wrap up her gifts. I'm going with Kendra to a craft fair she has some baked goods at this morning. Not sure what else is planned for the day?? 

Last night, Steve and I went and used our 2 tokens for 2 free beers out in Bloomington. Then we went to St. Paul to have a Philly steak sandwich that I had been craving. It was as good as I remembered. 

Friday, November 17, 2023

New vanity coming soon!

The new vanity counter and double sink bowl are still waiting to be installed. Steve has the day off this Friday and I'm Really hoping it's on his todo plan today!! We have everything ready to go with the exception of the wood to raise up the vanity higher. It's kid height right now and I hate having to hunch over to wash my face. It's sooo ugly and I want to get rid of this asap!!  

It just is dirty all the time since I can't clean very well with the way the faucet is set up, so close together. I won't miss the dirty look all the time. We will have a lot less countertop space since we will have two sinks and might lose all the top drawers. The drawers are mostly just junk, stuff I don't use on a regular basis, so I won't really miss them. 

I am sure once the countertop is done, I'll really want the rest of the bathroom updated. I hate the tile and shower. It's just got to go! That's next on the project todo list. Would be nice to have enough Menards rebate money to cover the tile cost too, which means we'd have to wait another year to collect and save up.  Do we really want to wait that long? Guess it depends on if Steve wants to do our last big home project?? I would do it asap, but I'm not doing the work. 

Fingers crossed tomorrow I'm posting an updated new vanity counter top photo!!

Went to Starbucks especially to get a reusable free red cup with purchase of a holiday drink, only to find out it was a limited amount of cups. I still got a drink that I didn't need and spent $14 on both! Just tried the caramel brûlée latte with almond milk. It was actually really good. I got it hot. 

I had a schedule change and not a cancelation, just another day to do the work. So I have this Friday morning off, but do have to work at noon. I'm also cat feeding this weekend 3 times for extra cash. Since I have the morning off, I'll go to the gym and then stop in to help Kendra blow up balloons for Madelyn's 4th Birthday party tomorrow. 

No plans tonight, but I've been wanting to go back and have a steak sandwich in St Paul. So might end up going there?? 

Thursday, November 16, 2023

The last of the warm 65*F temps for the year!

 There you have it. We are going to get the last warm 65*F temp of the year today. It's going to top out at 65*F, but windy 20mph! ugh! At least the sun came out because it started off 100% cloudy. I laid in the back yard hammock all afternoon till around 4pm yesterday and the day before and will do it one last time today. I just bundle up in a sleeping bag and blanket to stay warm out there. It still feels chilly with it only in the 60's with the wind. I just want to soak up being outdoors with fresh air for as long as I can until we are all stuck inside this winter. It's going to be a long one since it really doesn't get nice till the end of April into May. 5 to 6 months to go!!150 to 180 days to go!!Ugh!!! 

It was our neighbor friends birthday yesterday. We took her out to a new to us restaurant in Eagan, Southern Social. We tried a few appetizers, some pork biscuits and fried green tomatoes with grits. All the food was really good!  We definitely will be back to have a meal! 

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Middle of November and the warm up continues!!

The temp got up to 64 /65 degrees yesterday. The only down side is, the wind!! It was super, super windy which didn't make it feel that warm. Plus, a little cloudy too. I still set up the back yard hammock, brought out a sleeping bag and blanket to keep warm while I enjoyed being outdoors. 
Deer hunting is going on at the local parks, so I can't even take Zoey for a walk around the lakes. Hammocking was the next best option to be outdoors as long as possible. It was semi tempting to set up the tent and sleep outside last night. We put away all the camping stuff, so that was a NOPE!
Just relaxing in the hammock most of Tuesday afternoon. 

Steve and I did go get a beer and some wings around 2:30pm. We were going to go to the brewery with the new beer release, but they didn't open till 4pm, then I read of FB that it was a sour beer. No thanks. 

We went to Bricksworth Brewery in Burnsville 

We tried two flavors of wings, I liked the wings on the right. Steve ate the lemon butter wings while I ate all the spicy/sweet asian wings. 
We went over to Steve's parents house for dinner last night. What's not pictured is the beef tenderloin and Celina's sour dough bread she made. I haven't gone over on a Tuesday night in forever. Usually, its Timmy and Celina night. 
Dinner was excellent! I ate far too much with the bread. 

I sat outside for a bit when we got home since it was still 61+F and not much wind. 
Saw this humas idea and want to try making this. Using olive oil, chick peas and salami into a rose. It looked so pretty and festive for the holidays. 

A restaurant I want to try again. 

World Street kitchen we picked up food from there a few years ago and I remember it was really good. Not in a great neighborhood, but good food to take to go. The food critic rated it a 9.5 out of 10! I would agree. 


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

62*F, November 14th!!!

It's going to be a nice warm November day!!! Too bad it's going to be extra windy too! I still plan to get outdoors and soak up the 30*f plus heat wave! It's all going to end on Friday! Bummer because I want this warmer weather to stay!! 

Good news, as Steve picked up yet another job to fill up his schedule through December and into January. He also might get a big paint job from one of my clients. Fingers crossed as they are still undecided on paint colors and take forever deciding. That would be a great job to get as their house is big and the whole inside needs to be painted. I do feel better knowing that at least the jobs are coming in through the holidays! It's always a slower time of year, so that is great news until the winter and spring boom of jobs! Not having to worry for years and then all of a sudden having to worry again is not a great feeling. Glad it all worked out as it always does! Just needed to do a little work to keep the jobs rolling in.. Its always best to have jobs booked out 6 months to a year. 

A neighbor friends birthday is tomorrow. I invited her either out for happy hour or over here for dinner. Also asked another neighbor to join us. Now just waiting to hear back if everyone wants to get together and what option. We were undecided, so whatever is fine. I just am not sure what I'll cook if everyone comes over here. I don't cook that many dinners so?? Yikes!!! Not sure what I'd make. They had my chicken lettuce wraps and Thai soup last year. I do make pepper steak but I think we are having steak tonight. I can make pork tacos? or maybe another crockpot meal? I do make pasta shells, but we just had that too. I was thinking a roast that can just be cooked in the crockpot and easy to make with some sweet potatoes on the side and roasted red cabbage with a salad and make a cheesecake? No idea?? Of course I'd have to make the cheesecake today and buy the food for tomorrow also today. Hopefully they all get back asap! 

At least our house is clean. I just did more paint touchups and cleaned the house over the weekend. Plus, did a little more drawer purging. The office is a mess with Steve's stuff, but we can just shut the door. The porch still has piles of books which I need to relocate asap because they are just on the floor! I really need a new bookcase as we won't have anything for that area for 2 years since I gave the bookcase to Logan to use. Might have to go to Ikea and just buy another one or keep looking on FB market place. 

Monday, November 13, 2023

What's on my mind?

I need to try these whipped cream combo's at Target. It's on my todo list for this week! 

I'll add them to my iced coffee or maybe hot coffee? 

Outside our front door. Most of the leaves are off the trees. I did the last of the yard mulching this weekend. Leaves are still hanging on the back yard maple tree so those leaves will have the wait till spring! I've mulched the leaves up 3 times and am done! 

November is supposed to be the cloudiest month of the year. We are going to have lots of sunshine and warm 60*F temps this week which is at least 20 degrees above normal. I'll take it! I plan to get the hammock out and enjoy the temps and sunshine in our backyard all this week! 
Look at Tuesday's temp!! 61*F!! I think it's also supposed to be a little bit more windy, so today with the full sun might feel better! Nov 13th and the month is almost half over. I'm actually looking forward to 2024, since in 2026 our mortgage is 100 paid off. It's sooo close to being done!!! Also Logan graduates in 2025, so getting that much closer to college expense being done too! 

We finally made the purchase, a new vanity countertop for our master bathroom. We are now adding a sink since we originally built our house with just one. We didn't want two since the last house we never used the other sink and wanted more countertop space. Now most master baths want two sinks. Steve didn't install the new countertop just yet. We have to raise up the height of the vanity to make it taller. Its standard height right now, by lifting it, we might not lose a drawer? We also purchased two new faucets in brushed nickel to match the drawer handles. When we redo our shower, next year, we will switch out the shower fixtures to match. Right now they are chrome. The bathroom tub is chrome, but that can be changed out at anytime. We were able to use all Menards rebate money along with a gift card to pay for most of the project. Only had to pay $52 out of pocket. Which all came to around $900! Nice to have it mostly free from saving up those rebates all last year. We used other rebates to purchase the kids glass shower door and will save up again for next years purchase of tile to re-do our bathroom shower and floor. 
I'm excited for the change in countertop. I need to take a before photo. I am already saying I can't believe we waited this many years to replace that ugly countertop that has be in our house for 24 years! 

The other project is changing out the half bathroom light fixture to paint it matte black. 
All spray painted but of course Steve put it back up, upside down! Ugh!!!! It's going to have to be switched around. We are painting this bathroom, so when we do that, I'll have him switch the light. I also spray painted the outlet plate matte black. Now it all matches with the exception of the towel bar, which is still a black/copper. It's fine the way it is. I do have all the porch lights to spray paint matte black, but there are 6 lights to do. That will be a project for next spring! I can take down the lights and clean them at that time too. One more paint project to do before Thanksgiving, which is getting that bathroom painted. Now to pick up the paint and match it from the wall chip! It's on my todo list! 

Baking has also been on my mind. Look at these cute cookies. I have all these cookie cutters. I'll have to try decorating my cookies to look like this! Super cute!! Which reminds me, I need more powder to make some royal icing! 

Logan is also on my mind. 

He will be home in 8 days! Its been since August! Celina leave Sunday to drive out to Milwaukee to pick him up and stay for a few days before they drive back home. He will have to renew his drivers license the next day on Wednesday. Plus, make pies for T-day. 

Birthday's are also on my mind... 

We have a neighbor friends birthday this week and Miss Madelyn's 4th birthday on Saturday. November is a busy birthday month!! As is December around here! Celina also has a big Golden birthday in February, she will be 24 on the 24th in 2024!!! Crazy 24's!! A big birthday!! 

Weight loss.. getting started and sticking with a plan. I've been wanting to lose weight. I just need to stick with a plan and don't go off. I just can't seem to get motivated to cut calories. I at least have been doing the work out part. lifting weights and doing my morning planks/weights with even running on the cross ramp and doing yard work. I want to give myself plenty of time to lose the weight before summer. Got to start now like I did last year to be down weight by summer. I pretty much started my diet right after T-day last year. I'd like to get started this week. Just need to finish the banana bread and coffee, after that I will be ready to do more calorie counting and staying under 1000 to 1500 with trying to burn more calories by going to the gym and just moving more throughout the day. 

It's always slow during the holidays. Most holidays Steve has enough jobs to keep going and then it starts picking up again after Jan 1st. Spring time it really gets going again, but its time to ramp up the advertising and get his schedule filled so I don't have to worry! I could always use a few more new clients too and fill up my schedule. I've picked up one new job on a regular basis, but the others have been just one time jobs, which helps but its not what I'm looking for. I really wanted to start my own dog grooming business. I just would have to clear out a room to do it, most likely the office and then set up the laundry room to wash dogs. It just doesn't pay as well and would be taxed. Plus, I need more practice to get better. I might just do a neighborhood flyer and see if I can pick up a few dogs to practice on. I just would want to get paid, which I can offer at a discount. It's something to think about doing?? It would be late afternoon/evening/work. Maybe just 1 or 2 dogs a week?? 

Home purging of stuff... 
Still want to get rid of a lot of stuff around the house. We have an entire bedroom of things to go through. Plenty of drawers, closets and cabinets to go though also. I just need to pick one a day. Today I'm starting on the laundry room. Going to find new spaces for what we have stored in that room. 


before the 4th

 The 4th weekend is going to go fast. unfortunately looks like rain every day! Probably should have done option #2 and headed to the north s...