Saturday, December 31, 2022

New Years Eve....2022...

 It's the last day of 2022! Gone forever at midnight... 

We woke up to a beautiful frosty coated trees. Picture perfect!

Started off the day right with a 1 minute plank, dumb bell weights and then off to the gym for a chair massage, 30 minutes of biking and 15 minutes of various weight machines for a full body workout. 

Yesterday we didn't get to the gym. Instead Steve wanted to go to Como Zoo and take in some warm tropical air and greenery. 
We were treated to an all white December conservatory building display. We usually go in the spring and see full color. It was extra pretty all in white and green. 

Zoey with her new baby she received for Christmas from Steve's parents. So funny how she loves her big babies. 

I splurged a little Friday night. Suck with popcorn for lunch and got in some exercise working burning 400 calories for the day. Dinner was 1 beer, and we shared a burger, cheese and bacon with fries. I had one slice of bacon and gave 90% of the fries to Steve to eat. We also stopped at another brewery on the way home. Which I had a few sips. I didn't finish my first beer with dinner so I figure it was one beer total I drank. It all worked out because then Steve didn't have to order one more and I still got to take a few sips. 
In all I was around 640 calories for the day. A little over 500, but still in the weight loss zone! 

Today, will be another splurge day. I'm going to have popcorn for lunch and then a taste of my Thai Chicken soup. Tonight we are going out to dinner. Having a pizza along with one beer. I'll skip more drinks! 

I wanted to ski this afternoon, but might end up just making soup, going to Costco and then washing/ curling my hair. 

Still haven't found my week #5 reward of sunglasses but I keep looking. 

Next week, I plan to get my hair cut and styled. Maybe even go for a facial at the beauty school and get a pedicure. Well, best to space those treats out for week 7 and 8. 

I plan to purchase a Fitbit scale so I can finally weight myself. I am a bit scared to find out how much more weight I have to lose. I'd like to think I'm in the 170's, but it's just a guess. I'll have to purchase that today and maybe Tuesday if it arrives I'll weight myself or not? Might wait till week #10! I just don't want to get discouraged with having to lose a lot more than I originally was thinking. I do plan to measure my inches lost every Tuesday or Wednesday morning to see if there is any more progress. My jeans are loose enough now where I don't have to unzip or unbutton them. I just just pull them off. Nice! I'll need a new pair soon as they are feeling saggy. 

Friday, December 30, 2022

Two days left of 2022!!

I like even years, but we have to get through the next odd year first! Not sure if I'm going to be looking forward to 2024, just depends on what happens to our elections that year, so better enjoy 2023!

What are my Fitness, financial and family goals for 2023?  


Continue to go to the gym at least 5 days a week, lift weights and do 30 to 1 hour of cardio

Outdoors, bike, run, hike, ski as weather permits

Continue to lose weight on my 500 cal diet till I reach 149/145 pounds and then maintain by counting calories and staying around 1500 to 2000 per day with working out. 

Limit alcohol to max 3 drinks a week, better yet zero! 


Pay off Truck loan in May, keep adding extra money per month to pay off my Toyota auto loan. 

Check one more year of paying mortgage and getting closer 2026 to being mortgage free. 

Pay off visa credit cards

Get tax refund and add to savings

Have both kids working and making their own money. Logan needs an internship this summer! Celina needs to be hired on after her contract expires in May. 


Prepare for Celina to move out to her own T.H sometime in the fall/late summer. Organize house 

Take more camping trips with the kids 

Spend more time with Evan and Madelyn / Plan activities I can bring them to. Movies, sledding, skiing, parks, camping , picnics etc.. 

That's about all I can think of for this year, which is similar to last year, only this year I'm getting down to my goal weight and fitness again! 

I'm on day #31, past the one month of being on a diet mark! A big goal day! 

I tried to find some sunglasses as my week #5 goal reward. I'm still looking! 

Thursday is fairly easy for me to stay on my diet. Steve goes out and I'm on my own for dinner. Steve had cooked up three chicken breast so I had half of one along with left over smashed potatoes, roasted broccoli and squash slice. My stomach was hurting after I ate half the chicken, so I can eat the rest for dinner tonight if we don't go out. I'd like to save the going out for NYE. We have pizza dinner reservations. Thankfully, it's wood fire, thin crust pizza but still 250 calories per slice as I looked up calories. I'd like to think one slice would be enough, but I'll most likely want at least 2 but won't go beyond that since I want a drink too. I'll stick with popcorn for lunch like I've been doing every day. Which reminds me, better get more popcorn asap as we are almost out! 

I find it's easier to pre-think about meals. This way I plan splurges and am able to predetermine how much I'll eat and what I will drink. Do I always stick with that, no but at least I've thought about calories and am mindful of going beyond. I was super tempted to skip dinner last night, but I would have been extra hungry today, so It's better to just eat up to 500 calories per day instead of a starvation diet of only 130 calories with eating popcorn. 

I'm never hungry in the mornings, I get hungry around noon and look forward to my popcorn and a little down time after working. Makes it easier to go to the gym with a little rest and some food in my stomach. The gym has been filling up my afternoon along with shopping while I'm already out. 

Yesterday, I went to Michaels and got paper for my calendars along with some 70% off Christmas stuff. Also stopped at the dollar store looking for NYE stuff, which they had zero but found 50% of 2 white fur small trees for the table. I also stopped at the party store and spent more then planned with party stuff and a game. The kids will be back here to ring in the new year, so I wanted to make sure they had party favors. It will be a small mess to clean up, but I had to get some poppers etc.. 

Still want to go cross country skiing, but after my foot appointment.. I need to wait a few days before doing too much walking/skiing. My feet are a lot better today but still a little sore. Might have to wait till Saturday/Sunday to ski when we get some fresh snow. It's been melting like crazy! I'm guessing it could be icy since it's been 35 and now down to 21 and the teens last night. I don't need to fall and get hurt! 

I'm working this morning for 3 hours and then will go to the gym, probably the store again to look for some sunglasses at TJ Maxx. Steve needs some gloves and scran wrap. Plus, make a Costco stop for popcorn and ? 

Another thing I'm doing soon is getting my hair cut with long bangs and face framing. Plus, getting a much needed pedicure and a facial at the beauty school. I'll save those for weight loss  rewards, when hitting more weeks. 

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Day 30, 1 month!

Another big goal day. Day #30, 1month on my weight loss diet of staying around 500 calories for the day!  

It's easy to stay on my diet in the morning and afternoon. It's hardest in the evening after dinner. I'm always more hungry after eating my main meal. Not sure why this is? I stay hungry till I go to bed and sometime during the night that hunger goes away. 

Never got to the gym yesterday as my feet were sore. They are still sore today, but I'll go this afternoon anyway since I can lift weights sitting and then go for a massage. 

I've also been planning out my food for the day. Today I'll have popcorn for lunch, and a chicken breast for dinner with lot of water throughout the day. 

My other meal planned is Saturday night, NYE when we go to dinner. I'll be having some wood fire pizza and a beer. 280 calories per slice and I'm going to have 2 slices and 1 beer. Plus, I'll have popcorn for lunch to keep me from being overly hungry and wanting 3 slices instead of 2. 

Most likely, I'll keep having a lunch of popcorn or a can of veggie soup. Dinner is open to what ever is on the menu with some changes to not have high calories. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Number 29

 It's day 29 of my diet or the start of week #5! It's getting harder to remember the day I'm on.. but every day closer to my weight loss goals and to day #100. 

The kids and their friends long with Steve's parents joined us for Bingo last night in Hastings. Steve and Maggie both got a Bingo. Steve won 81 and Maggie won just $20 since 4 others also got Bingo. It was a fun night out. 

I'm wanting to get my hair cut again. I'd like bangs and some face framing. Not sure what to do that is an easy style. 
I liked my bangs on the longer side so they can be out of my eyes. I can still have a pony tail too. 

Yesterday, I waited to eat until we got to Bingo in Hastings. It was at least 6:30pm before we got our food. I just ordered 1 beer 150 calories and 2 beef taco's. I tried to scrap off most of the cheese. I should have just ordered cheese free. I did add a little sour cream and brought some salsa. Around 500 for the two soft taco's is just a guess?? so 650 calories and I had water the rest of the night. I made sure to drink my beer slow.... 

Got lots of exercise too. Morning plank, weights and then working 1 hour, plus the gym biked 25 minutes on fat burning and did machine weights for 15 minutes. I made sure to do the 2 massage machines to relax after as a bonus for hitting up the gym. 

Today on day #29, I have working for 4 hours or 400 calories burned, going to cross country ski this afternoon and evening hit the gym for weights and a massage. plus do my morning plank/weights. I'll have left over turkey for dinner along with some Coleslaw and 1 potato/squash. I'll have to figure out the calories. No gravy!!! Just salt/pepper. 

It will be a splurge day on NYE, Saturday night because I plan to have a drink along with pizza. I might even have popcorn for lunch that day as to not take more then 2 slices of pizza. 

My jeans now are getting much looser. My large tank tops are also not tight. Losing back fat! No one really has noticed I've lost weight. It might take another 10 to 20 pounds or the end of January before I start having people say something. I certainly know that I've dropped at least 15 pounds and maybe more. I'm being conservative since I have no idea the actual weight loss. I'm too afraid to look at the scale. Maybe I'll weight myself once I reach day #100. Maybe before? Not really sure. Just depends on how I feel about my inches lost and how my clothes fit. 

My reward this week... pedicure? Jeans? Sunglasses? 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Happy 47th Birthday Tim


We went out last night to Malcome Yard in Mps to celebrate Tim's 47th birthday.

I have no photo's of the food last night. We all got the fried Korean chicken sandwich. I ended up just eating half since it was so big! Also tried some bean pancake with pork belly with some Indian red curry sauce on top that was very tasty and flavorful. Had one glass of beer and called it good, then had a small glass of champagne while having a silver of cake and skipped most of the frosting. 
Still a higher calorie day with the fried food. I did only have 3 cups of popcorn for lunch to keep the calories on the lower side. In all I did save on calories by only having one beer, a small taste of cake and half the sandwich. It sure makes a difference!! 

The last three days have been more challenging to stay on my diet. Christmas Eve I managed to have just one low 100 cal drink/spritzer and stuck to lower cal foods, skipping the desserts, cheese or any other high cal foods. 
Christmas Day I knew the calories would be higher as I wanted more drinks and have dessert along with bread and some gravy. Plus ate two meals with having breakfast that morning too. In all I stopped with 1 slice of bacon, a small slice of quiche and didn't make coffee cake or caramel rolls to not tempt me into eating stuff to gain and not lose. Could I have skipped some extra drinks? Maybe, but I wanted to have a splurge day without going too extreme. 

Now that Christmas is over and the birthday celebrations, we move on to NYE.. but before we are going out to play Bingo tonight which of course has more non diet temptations. 

My goal is to skip alcohol tonight and just drink water. I've had alcohol 3 or 4 days in a row now. It's time for a break! I've also decided to just get one soft beef taco for dinner while out. I should be around 100 for lunch /popcorn and 250 calories for the taco. Which will be a very low cal day coming off two higher cal days. 

I also didn't get in a workout, but I did move a lot more and had almost zero couch time the last 3 days. 

Today, is work to burn 200 calories and the gym plus my morning workout. It's also nice enough to go cross country skiing today with the temp warm up to 27*f for the high. It's only 8 degrees early this morning, so I'll wait till 2:30/3pm to ski for at least 40 minutes before we head out to play bingo tonight. 

I fit into a holiday sweater that I didn't need to purchase. Just went through my closet. Jacket are also fitting less tight and I can wear all my large leggings comfortably now. Which its nice to have more clothes options that are smaller in size! Dropped half inch on my waist too even with the 3 days of splurges. Goes to show you, sometimes the weight comes off after a splurge day and not always needing to be so strict on food. 

I made it to my initial goal of Christmas Day #26 on my diet. Now to get to day #100!! I also have another goal date of Feb 24th Which is Celina's birthday to be down more weight too. Some mini goals of hitting every new week. Starting tomorrow week #5, can I still say 5 pounds of weight loss per week? 
I have lost 3-1/2 inches around my waist and hips since day #9, 14 pounds since week #1-1/2. I'm guessing I'm over 15 pounds of weight loss. I was hoping to say 5 pounds per week? I still won't weight myself for fear I'll give up if the scale is heavier than I want to be at this point. There is really no reason to weight myself since I know the inches are coming off and my clothes fit a whole lot looser. I know I have at least 20 more pounds to lose. I've got the dieting down, now to pick up the exercise and make sure I do some cardio and weights every day once again as this is critical to keeping the weight off in the future. I'm tired of gaining and having to re-loose 40 to 50 pounds. I want to just keep it off and be tone. It will require me to be more mindful, but in the long run it pays off! This will be my 3rd time losing at least 30 pounds. It's so much easier to stay lower in calories then to gain. It's also important to keep moving so I am heartier going into the upper 50's and beyond. 

Monday, December 26, 2022

December 26th It's all over...

 The Christmas festivities are all over. It's clean up time of dishes, packages and taking down the extra table. I'll leave all the decorations up till the middle of January. 

I forgot to take a dinner photo of us all. We had fun playing the dollar game, which I won the 2nd game and the gift exchange. After we played hot seat which was also a very fun game. Probably one of the better Christmas in quite a few years. Everyone stayed till 11:30pm! Which was late! 

I ate way more then 1500 calories probably more like 2500 with the drinks and having breakfast. I still didn't eat all the cake on my plate, or have any cheese. I stayed with just trying the bread and limited myself to 3 lower calorie drinks then switched to water. 

I'm back dieting today. Skipping breakfast, popcorn for lunch and most likely turkey and Coleslaw for dinner. I'll try to stick around 500 calories for the day along with getting in some exercise at the gym. I slept in till 9:30pm since I was up till 1am just winding down from the night. 

I have more kitchen clean up and house fixing today once everyone is up and awake I 'll be able to make noise. 

One more day and I move on to week #5! My next goal is to get to New Years Day with a splurge of pizza new years eve along with a drink. Then it's right back to dieting till the end of January 31st the next  big goal or until I reach my goal weight of 150/149. I figure if I can keep losing 5 pounds per week, it will go fairly quickly. 

The goal is to go to the gym every day to burn more calories and get more tone. I'll lift weights, and do cardio along with my job every morning. 

It's going to warm up to the 30's this week. Which means, I can go cross country skiing in the afternoon! Today is the last of the cold weather in the low teens. We might have some rain later this week, which will mess up up the ski conditions, but should get some fresh snow shortly after to refresh them. I'll have to check the trail conditions. I'm excited to start skiing again and will take Evan with me next week. 

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Weightless on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

(before starting my diet)

 Christmas Eve day. I had popcorn for lunch 130 calories

for Christmas Eve we all snacked on all kinds of foods everyone brought. 

I had shrimp, 1 mushroom cap with sausage, 2 chucks of sausages, peppers roasted, beef bulgogi, 1 spritzer 100 calories, 1 shot of peppermint Rum chata and some raw veggies (carrots and califlower). I stayed away from cheese, bread, crackers or anything high in calorie. I'm guessing 730 calorie for the day. 

Christmas morning, since I made a cheese/ham quiche I ate half of a slice, some scrambled eggs, hash brows, and one slice bacon with a glass of mango wine. Today, will be a higher calorie day since I ate breakfast and will have dinner of turkey, potatoes and coleslaw. I will have at least one drink, seltzer maybe a glass of wine too and a taste of Yule log Celina made. I'm not expecting this to be a diet day. 

My size 14 jeans are falling down. I can now wear a size 12. Still have weight to lose to get down to a size 8/10. 

Merry Christmas 2022!!

 We opened stocking Christmas Eve... 

Tim's for Christmas Eve...

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve


I finally figured out why my photos were not available to post! Now I can post pictures once again!!
I haven't been taking many photos since I could not upload to blogger. I'll have to take photos of our tree etc. 

Day #25 of my weight loss diet. 

We went to the gym for the 2nd time yesterday. I had two hydromassage for a total of 20 minutes. Defiantly a perk for working out. I did bike on the fat burning setting for 21 minutes and did various weights for my arms and legs. Not sure how much time, but I lifted 10 times on each machine. I'm a little sore today on my shoulders. 

I finished off my Chicken Thai soup yesterday having a big bowl. Plus, had 3 cups of popcorn, and a sliver of pizza. After dinner I ate an entire pomegranate. It was delicious! A little over calories I'm guessing 730 for the day. Still under 1000 and over 500. 

Today is Christmas Eve.. tomorrow Christmas where I reach my goal date for weight loss. Am I at my goal weight? Nope. I plan to continue my weight loss till January 1st. The 2nd big goal date and then January 31st the 3rd goal date. Will I be at my goal weight? That's 5 weeks away. I plan to be a lot closer if I stick to 500 calories a day weight loss that's 4 to 5 pounds of loss per week. Another 20 - 25 pounds gone! I'm just going to continue going to the gym and eating less to lose the rest of the weight. 

I tried on more old sweaters and they once again fit, but could be a lot looser. I'll wait until the end of January before trying on old jeans. I'll need to be around 155 at least or lower to fit into any of those. More like 145. I'm going for 155 and anything below is a plus! 

Maintaining, I'll have to continue to count calories and not go above 1500 for the day. Plus, I'll need to keep working out and adding more to burn the extra calories I'm eating. 

I'm hoping next week with the warm up to the 30's, I can get out and cross country ski too! My pass is paid and ready to go. I'll use it as much as the weather and ski conditions allow. 

Merry Christmas Eve... 

Back to baking and cleaning today! 

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Day #23 of weight loss

 I reached day #23. I had some doubts last night about if I've lost weight at all. Is it only 10 pounds? Could it be 5 pounds per week or 4 pounds? Not really sure since I have no idea where I started from. I can tell my waist is smaller and maybe my neck fat is going down. The rest of me? Not so sure I've lost much weight. Well, there is two paint sizes that I've lost. So yes, it's working but sometimes not fast enough. 

I did go through my closet and picked out a few sweater to try on. I'm wearing one today. The others.. I have more weight to lose before they fit better. That in itself is a win! I'll wash this sweater and maybe wear it on Christmas since it's red. I have one more black and white sweater that I could try on to see if it fits. It's a cardigan so it should look good too. Clothes I haven't worn in a few years. 

Yesterday I ate popcorn again for lunch and a bowl of my Thai soup along with one ravioli. I should have skipped the ravioli but I wanted to eat it and was still around 530 aprox calories given I'm guessing. I have no idea what the calories are in the soup or ravioli. It's just an estimate. Still low calories for the day even if I under guess the calories. Probably why I am not losing weight faster, but it's still fast weight loss for 23 days. The articles I read are just reduce calories by 500 per week and you'll lose a pound a week. OMG, I'd have to diet for 20 weeks just to lose 20 pounds! I'd rather have lost 20 pounds in 4 weeks on this low calorie diet. or 8 weeks to lose 40 pounds. Half way there to my weight loss goals!! 

What's in store for today? We had about 12" of snow yesterday. It's a guess but it's light and fluffy. Around -20 out there. Super cold! Not very windy yet, the winds start tomorrow. I canceled work for today since the weather reports all said Blizzard 50 mph winds. Well, that doesn't arrive till Friday early morning. I texted my Friday customer to see what she wants to do for this week. I'm hoping it can wait till after Christmas so I don't have to work today. I really want to just wrap the rest of my packages, shower and then bake some cookies today. That might change if I'm working today. I'll still wrap the gifts and shower, but baking will have to wait till Friday and I'll clean my own house Saturday morning. Plenty of time to get all done. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Dropped a size

 I tried on jeans and I'm down one size. I still have at least one more size to lose if not two. Plus, shirt size went down and I need it to go down to one more. I'd like to be a medium once again! 

Day #22 of my weight loss where I'm trying to stay around 500 calories for the day. It's been pretty easy to do. I skip breakfast, but I did eat it on Sunday and will have breakfast on Christmas morning, but skipped lunch instead. 

I have been eating popcorn measuring out 3 cups or using a container I know is around that amount. Dinner has been soup, guessing at the calories since its soup I made. Mostly veggies with some chicken in broth and low cal coconut milk. I've also had just a taste of ravoli  just having one and stopping there. 

I only have 3 days till Christmas goal day. I still plan on dieting after till Jan 1st and beyond to get into shape for summer. 

I made my first trip to the new gym PF, yesterday afternoon. Started off on the warm hydro machine for 10 min and then biked for 30 minutes. I didn't work at it very hard since I'm just getting used to going to the gym again. I'll add in more as the days go by. 

We have a Blizzard coming this week Thursday/ Friday, then there is Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. So this week probably will only make it to the gym 1 day. It's a start! Today, it's supposed to dump a lot of snow, plus be around zero, cold temps lasting 7 days! Burr... 

Last night we saw the movie Avatar Under water. It was a 3 hour movie but good. We all went as a family, so that was nice to be able to do a family activity. 

Today, is working till noon, paying the truck loan and stopping at the store to pick up items to bake cookies. Steve and I also need to pick up his eye drops at 5pm and stop at the liquor store and will go out to eat at Dolittle's. I'll just get some baked wings and not eat the skin to save calories. Most likely, I'll still have some soup today and skip the popcorn since I'll be eating wings. No drinks as I'll have plenty of those Christmas Eve/Day. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Week #4 here we go!

 Feels great to reach week #4. Day #22 of dieting. 

I ate popcorn for lunch 140 calories and a cup of my Thai Chicken soup for dinner and 1 ravioli with meat sauce to just try. It was delicious! I could have ate more ravioli but I didn't. I had around 530 calories for the day aprox since I really don't know how many calories are in my soup which is mainly veggies with a little chicken and low cal coconut milk with chicken broth. The ravioli was a guess too, but I put it at 100 calories since it was cheese and meat sauce. I want more of the same today! Yum!!

Steve and I joined Planet Fitness. It was a no-brainer! Only $25 per month which is the deluxe membership with no contract. It has hydro massagers and chair massage with a red light skin therapy. I liked the extras and felt that was worth the upgrade from the $10 per month membership. Plus, you can go to any Planet fitness in the USA. Which means showers when camping or working out, massages. etc.. a nice perk! I'll use it even if I'm tired since I'll go just for a massage! 

The weather is supposed to be blizzard, below zero temps the next few days. Of course this is my before Christmas rush week. Hopefully, I'll get some tip money today. I didn't get any extra yesterday. Bummer! I managed to get a lot of unexpected nice tips last week of $320 in all. I was hoping to do the same this week! Still have 4 days to go and 7 more houses to finish, plus my own. 

Dieting is going good. I'd love to weight less and have all the fat gone from my stomach. It's smaller and I'm thinking of digging out some old sweaters to see how they fit. I would rather just wear what I have then purchase new. I am thinking of buying another pair of jeans. Do I want to buy them in a larger size? Not really, but I need one more pair of pants to wear for the holiday unless I did out a skirt or dress? Doubt I have anything to wear or want to wear. I do need a 4 week reward, so jeans might be the answer! I also want to get a pedicure! That will be week #5 reward. 

I still have a few gifts to purchase. Just gift cards and stuff to wrap up. I need to finish that all today. Along with going to the gym after work. 

Well, off to do my morning workout and get ready for work! 


Monday, December 19, 2022

Making Soup!

 I made Chicken Thai soup yesterday and only had a small taste. I opted to have my left over shrimp, broccoli and rice for dinner. 

Since I had breakfast/brunch on Sunday morning, mostly had fruit, some egg, taste of cake and a sausage. I wanted to keep my other calories I ate the rest of the day low. Still around 750 calories for the day since I had to eat a tiny slice of birthday cake. I did scrape off most of the frosting only eating the small amount of cake. 

I didn't feel very hungry at all yesterday after having a little breakfast. I thought about skipping dinner altogether, but figured I should at least eat my leftovers and not end up throwing them away. A few more calories above 500, but still low for the day. 

We were so busy yesterday, I didn't have time to run on the cross ramp or do my morning exercises. 

We actually have enough snow to go ski, but of course it's like -2 out this morning with a high only in the low teens. Next week will warm up to the 20's and I'll have plenty of opportunity to ski. 

Day #20! A big goal day! Could I have lost 20 pounds? At least 10 if not 15 or somewhere in there. Week #4 is coming up tomorrow!! Another big goal day. I might need one more pair of pants/jeans to wear for the holidays as my weekly reward. 

What has been the most difficult part of losing weight? Probably going out on the weekends and having more calories than I want for the day due to having alcohol. I'm not hungry, so it's not an issue controlling wanting to eat. Maybe in the evenings sometimes I'd like to have a taste of candy or cookies but it never lasts long. I get over it. I've only felt hungry a few times and it's mostly after I already ate dinner or a snack where I just want to eat something else. Maybe it's more bored than hungry at that point? 

I still have weight to lose, but I can tell my weight is going down. Feeling better every day that I check off on my planner. 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Checking off the days

Checking off the days to day #19! Yesterday was one of my highest calorie days at 790. I started off great only having 170 calorie soup for lunch. Dinner was out to eat at Outback Steak house. I was starving, I ate some of the bread 100 calories, then did order a low cal meal on the menu. The grilled shrimp, rice and steamed broccoli 300 calories. Everything was extra salty. I did have two drinks, one glass of wine at the winery 110 and a drink, mule of 110 the lowest calorie drink option. I could have skipped the dinner drink and saved 110 calories. Lesson learned! I'm okay with once in a while eating above 500 calories for the day. It was still under 1000, so I'm happy about that. I also wasn't tempted to have two glasses of wine or an extra drink after dinner. I did avoid eating any Holiday candies too. A win/win! 

I also did a 10 minute cross ramp workout and did my plank/weights in the morning. 

We are off to a birthday brunch soon. Yikes! I'll choose to eat fruit, eggs and potatoes. Stay away from any sugar if possible. Won't have lunch and will make Thai soup for dinner. Not sure how many calories I'll be eating today, but it will be under 1000. I have a week to go before Christmas. A big 4 week goal day!! 

Figure I can easily lose 5pounds a week. My jeans definitely are getting looser along with my tank tops. /Leggings are also falling down a little. No more progress on inches lost, but it will come.. maybe in a week? 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Day #18

 I think for an estimate of weightless I can say that I've lost at least 5 pounds per week on this low calories 500- 600 per day diet with exercise every day burning at least 200 calories up to 500. It's a conservative estimate. So soon I will have lost 15 pounds at the end of week #3, on Tuesday. Next week it will be 20 pounds lost by Christmas and so on. I'm going to go to week #9 with weightloss. 

While I did lose some weight, it's still not enough. I am still over weight, feeling fat. Although, at least my waist is feeling and looking thinner. I'm only in the beginning of my weight loss journey to get back down to my pre-covid weight. I'd like to weight somewhere around 155/150. I'd even take 159 at this point. I've got a good start to my weight loss. Past week 8, I'd be aiming for a much lower weight. 

How was going to a party with all kinds of temptations around work? First, I did have popcorn for lunch. It was something, but not much at 130 calories. We made some small kabobs, with chicken sausage, pineapple, peppers, small potatoes and mushroom. I ate two which was equal to 1 whole kabob plus had a taste test at home so 3 in all which was I'm guessing 100 - 200 calories total. I only ate 3 nuts and had 2 little bread crackers with the jalapeño dip Steve made for food. I drank most of my calorie for the night with bringing my own 100 calorie drink and then having 2 pomogrante drinks. I did drink an entire water bottle too. 

I'm kind of paying for drinking 3 drinks today. I've got a slight headache and I feel a little hungry like I could eat, but I won't tell at least lunch where I'll have some soup. 

Today, Steve wants to go pick up a turkey in Cannon falls and stop for a drink. I really don't want to drink away calories today. A big dilemma as I'd rather eat my calories today than drink. Maybe my headache will be way to not drink? I can just sip off his once in awhile. 

I wore my new week #1 reward sweater to the party along with week #2 reward shoes. Week #3, I'd really like a pedicure as a reward and a Christmas gift to myself! 

We have enough snow where I should go ski. It's going to get super cold this coming week, close to zero! Burrr. I'll pick up my ski pass today, so I'm ready to go ski. Mostly, I'm just trying to concentrate on eating less right now. Working getting exercise, doing my daily plank, weight and 10 minutes on the cross ramp. I do know burning more calories would help speed up my weight loss but also makes me more hungry and tired. It's all a balancing act. 

I do plan to join Planet fitness and start going daily. Just doing a little of everything until I get back into it. Just going every day is a start. I'll just go from machine to machine until I get more consistent and pick and choose my preferences. Plus, build up endurance and strength. I have all winter to work on me! I'm ready to look and feel great this spring and summer!! 

Friday, December 16, 2022

Day #17.. I can see the progress!!

We are going to have a white Christmas this year! More snow today! Yesterday we got about 3" and another 2 or 3" today. It's wet and heavy stuff!  

Day #17 of my weight loss diet of eating around 500 calories per day. It's also week #3!! 

My waist is actually looking smaller. Sometimes it's hard to notice the weight loss. I asked Steve if he could tell I've lost a little weight. He agreed! So it's working! This diet isn't difficult for me either which is nice. I am not starving. I still have energy and feel good. Plus, it makes losing weight a lot quicker than eating 1000 - 1500 calories a day and only losing 1 pound a week. I'd never last on that for very long since I wouldn't see results. It's a good calorie amount to maintain after I get to my goal weight. 

Right now I'm concentrating on getting to week #4, and hitting Christmas Day #26! after I want to keep dieting till January 1st. I'll have a few splurge days where I'm going to go over 500 calories but want to stay under 1000. I am a bit worried about tonight. We are bringing kabobs, chicken sausage, pineapple, potatoes and peppers. If I stick to real foods, not cheese, or high calorie dips. Limit myself to one drink 100 - 200 calories I should be fine. I'll have soup for lunch as to not be starving before going to the party tonight. I'll also be burning around 500 calories for the day with work and working out on the cross ramp. All this will help to burn calories. 

Yesterday. I mixed up my eating a bit. Only had popcorn for lunch, took a long hour plus nap in the afternoon. Ate some soup and rice/pork for dinner. Eating around 490 calories for the day and bring 500 calories. 

Other news, Logan comes home today at 2:44pm. Plus, I have most of my shopping done. I just have to wrap stocking stuffers and a few more gifts. It will be nice to be done a whole week before Christmas so I can concentrate on baking cookies and breads to give away. 

I also need to take some measurements today. So 4 pounds is equal to 1" lost around your waist. I think I thought it was 8 pounds. So I've lost 3-1/2 pounds so far starting on day #9. Maybe I can add 2 more inches? That would be a 20 pounds weight loss? Not sure if I lost that much, but I at least lost 10 pounds if not 15 or close to it. 12? Unfortuntley, I have more weight to lose and this is the good point where I should really be able to see more weight loss as long as I keep going on my weight loss diet and don't give up! I have a goal to wear a bikini this summer! I have all these summer clothes I'd like to wear again along with some cute red jeans I need to fit into! 

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Day #16!

 One more day till Goal day Friday # 17. Why is that a goal day? It's a party day and the day Logan comes home from college. 

Started measuring on day #9, so far I've lost 3-1/2 inches in 7 days! Makes me wonder if I added another 3" to make 6-1/2 inches lost on my waist so far since the beginning. How much weight loss could that be? 

8 pounds per inch on the average. Could I have lost 28 pounds. Nope. I think it's half that amount of weightloss which would e more like 14 pounds. Well, who knows because I refuse to step on the scale to find out. I can tell by my clothes and they are getting looser. Shirts fitting better and leggings slipping down. 

I feel like two weeks is over and now week 3 is the point where I'll start actually seeing more weight loss if I can get to the end of week #4, this is where others should start to notice some weight loss. Right now, I'm probably the only one who can tell that I've lost a little weight around my middle and face. 

What I've been eating. 

nothing for breakfast - fast from dinner to late lunch. (1 mint ) zero cal) 

Lunch around 12:30- 2pm, Veggie soup in a can that's a controlled portion of 170 calories

Lots of water all day long

Snack - 3 cups popcorn 130 calories. 

Dinner - 4:30pm to 6pm, Protein and veggie. 

It's around 500 to 600 calories per day. 

Do I feel hungry on this diet? I get hungry around noon. I actually feel more hungry once I start eating for the day. It's just hard to wait till dinner 5pm if I don't have soup and then I want an afternoon snack to get me to dinner of popcorn. Can I eliminate some calories? Only on days where I don't feel hungry. Right now, I needed to eat something and not wait till dinner. 

I always pre-think my dinner meals and make sure we have something I'm going to eat. I made pork in the crock pot yesterday, so dinner was hot and ready to eat asap! Also pre-cooked veggies to go with also helped. 

Party plan; 1 drink or maybe just water? I have yet to decide?? I'll bring a veggie platter to snack on carrots, cauliflower and will eat a few pickles before going over so I'm not starved. Stay away from dips and high calorie foods. I want to continue to lose weight till Christmas. Which is in 10 days!! 

I did have a tiny taste of some chocolate Christmas Crack I made yesterday. The taste was enough! I don't feel deprived of any foods. I just would rather eat calories then drink them. 

Christmas morning is the only breakfast I'll be eating on this diet. Along with dinner that night. I just want to make sure I'm back on my diet the next day. I would still like to stay under 1000  to 1500 calories for Christmas. It's the only day of more calories. I just want to make good calorie choices. Only a taste of any desserts and limit a drink to 1 or none. 

NYE, also will be pizza and a glass of alcohol. I'll have to workout that morning. 

Thinking of joining the gym now that we have to go to Planet fitness as the old gym closed this week. 

Also we are getting snow today and Friday. Might be enough to ski? It's wet and sticky right now. Next week is close to zero, too cold to go out and ski and it might be icy! Maybe a good gift to give myself for the new year! 

I have been doing daily planks, weights and the cross ramp at home. Plus working to burn calories at least 200 per day! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Made it.. 2 weeks! 15 days

Going on Week #3!! Day 15 with 12 more days left. 

 I've been eating lunch of soup, but skipping breakfast. Some days I have popcorn too which is low calorie. Trying to keep dinner healthy too. Skipped the pasta and only ate the chicken. 

It's hard to know how much weight I've lost. My leggings are a bit looser on the waist and are starting to fall down. My size smaller tank is loose. I don't measure my inches lost every day.. but will do it again today. So every 3 days is probably enough to maybe see some changes. 

Am I hungry? Sometimes? This is why I've been eating lunch and getting in some protein at night for dinner. 

I have been making candy for the holidays, but haven't touched any. It's around the house, but I don't need it. 

I'm looking forward to Friday, another goal day! 

Monday, December 12, 2022

Day #13 almost 2 weeks done!

I'll be super happy to reach my diet day of #14, 2 weeks done! I'm on day 13. The weekend was a little challenging on Saturday night and Sunday till noon. 

Going out to eat is difficult staying on a diet. We shared food which made it easier to not eat as much. Although I was able to limit it to one drink. Those calories I needed to eat instead of drink away as I was starving on Sunday and very grouchy because of it. I'd rather eat my food then drink the calories. I paid the price for that on Sunday. 

Sunday I ended up having a bowl of veggie soup (can) that was 170 calories and I felt much better after. Then I had some low cal 3 cups of popcorn for 120 calories and dinner which was a chicken breast without skin, sweet potatoes roasted and a small white potato. All I figure around 600 calories for the day, which was 100 more then my goal of 500 or less, but still good considering I actually was super hungry all day! 

I managed to make candies this weekend, Santa bellies, almond bark pretzels, 7 layer bars, fudge and peanut brittle. I didn't even have a taste of sugar! I've had all in the past and know what they taste like, no need to indulge. I'll be giving away all the treats to family and neighbors. This way, less for us to eat around the house. I love baking during the holidays. 

I've also worked out. 
1 min plank, 
Dumb bell weights of 15 pounds 10/10/30/10 lifts
10 min on the cross ramp
Cleaning our house or working. 
Drinking lots of water and only water! 

I actually purchased a large tank top instead of an extra large. It fits loose. My jeans also weren't tight and I can tell my leggings are also getting looser. Starting to feel the weight loss effort but I still have lots to go! 

I'm planning on measuring my waist, hips, thighs and arms today to see if I lost any inches. 

We have Logan coming home on Friday and a neighbor's party to attend Friday night. I'd like to drop some more weight before Friday, so I need to stay focused. Only 13 more days to go till Christmas. I've got this!! I'm at the half way point!! 

I've been looking up how much weight can you lose on a 500 a day calorie diet. Well, I suppose it's possible to lose anywhere from 10 pounds to 20 pounds. Maybe 15 is more realistic in a month? At any rate, any weight loss is better then staying the same, not losing or gaining this time of year. 

I have a goal weight of 155/145 by spring time(May). That is 100% do-able if I keep going and stay focused. 

It will be nice once I lose enough weight for everyone to start noticing. Plus, have more clothes options to wear! Time to feel off this fat suit and be healthy again at a lower weight! 


Sunday, December 11, 2022

A Saturday night and dieting

 Going out on a Saturday is not easy. I stayed with one small beer 10 oz and then had water. Did I miss the extra drinks. Nope! We shared the food which made it easier to not eat as much. We did split the two taco's evenly and I had 4 wings with out the skin. Kept it lower in calories. Plus we did some walking around the city of St. Paul taking in the European market. 

I stayed under 500 calories for the day which was right on target. I had my wild rice chicken broth soup for lunch. Still haven't weighted in, but I've been taking my measurements. Went down a few inches on my waist since I started on day #9, day #12 now. 

I did notice my jeans aren't as tight. There is progress and my tank tops are much looser on my body. I'm hoping the next week, I'll be able to see even more weight loss as this is the point where I feel like I'll make more weight loss progress and be able to notice it a lot more. 

We have a party on Friday, in 5 days, can I lose another 5 pounds? I sure hope so, but of course have no idea how much weight I am losing. Which really doesn't matter. Sometimes the number on the scale and it not moving or seeing it go up, is a weigh loss buster. I want to stay focused on my goal of 20 to 30 pounds of weight loss. can I say I've lost 12 pounds? Maybe?? I know the weight loss will slow down as my body adjusts to the low calories and the fluctuation of how many calories I do end up eating with a few splurge days in there too for Christmas. 

I'm hoping to not splurge on food at the party. I want to limit my drinks to 1, and fill up on raw veggies. Not eating too many other treats! I'll probably fill up on healthy foods before I go, so not tempted to eat stuff that isn't healthy. I have a goal date of Dec 25th and then plan to get right back on dieting till past Jan 1st. I can't expect to lose all 30 pounds if I don't keep going through January. This will give me something todo over the winter months so I'm back down to my lower weight come spring. 

I added in exercise, planks and 10 min on the cross ramp. I'll fit this in every day along with working to burn more calories. 

Friday, December 9, 2022


 I can't seem to upload my photos on to my blog page any longer. Ugh!! I've had this issue in the past and somehow it's been fixed? No idea why it won't upload my cell photos?? 

Day 10, of my weight loss diet. It's a big goal day!! Did I lose 10 pounds? Maybe not, but I'm on my way to bigger weight loss ahead if I stay with it. I am dieting till December 25th. I did finally take out the tape measure and see where I was for waist, hips and thighs. Do I wish I would have done this on day 1? Maybe, but doing it on day #9 is a good start point too. 

Still saying around 400 calories for the day. I didn't eat till around 4:00/4:30pm yesterday. I kept myself busy by going to work later, stopping at the stores (Walmart /Cub) and then had a Chiro appointment at 2:45pm followed by getting an oil change. By the time I got home, it was late and I was ready to eat. Just ate a can of veggie soup along with 6 slices of Canadian bacon and 3 measured cups of popcorn. 170 calories for the soup, 120 calories for the meat and 150 for the popcorn. Grand total of 440 calories for the day. Do I ever feel hungry? Yep, start feeling hungry after 12, but I try and hold off till at least 4pm. I also drink lots of water and have a few mints in the morning. 

It defiantly helped being sick the first few days of this diet. I wasn't hungry and my stomach hurt from just feeling sick with covid. It's always the hardest the first 3 days. It seems like a long time ago now, even though I'm on day 10. I look to day 25 and that seems like a long way to go, but time will pass either way and I still have weight to lose and lots of it! 

I have a spring time weight loss goal. Time to work on myself this winter to get back into shape for the new year 2023! I'm not getting any younger. The older you get the more it's important to work on your health! I want to stay as active as I can. So it's time to do more weights, planks, running, biking and skiing or whatever to stay moving! I'll add that back in soon. I know it has to be done to maintain once I lose weight or it will just all be put back on. 

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Almost 10

 Day 9 of my diet of 500 or less calories. I've been staying around 400 every day. Yesterday I had a late lunch of 4 pieces of Canadian bacon, and some roasted parsnips followed by 4 more for dinner and some popcorn. All which was around 410 calories. I needed the protein!! Hard to tell if I've lost much weight. Could I have lost 9 pounds by now.. almost 10? Maybe as it's possible. I still need to lose a lot more weight! More like 30 to 40. Why did I let myself gain back that weight! Would have been easier to just do this low cal died a few days every once in a while. I'll have to get my brain to remember that its easier to do a shorter fast diet then to go back from scratch and have to lose the weight all over gain. 

Since I still have covid, I haven't been exercising. Just working a little every day which does burn around 200 calories. I still have a headache every day which could be from covid or my low cal diet? Not really sure but I am taking Excederin for the caffeine too. 

I'll be happy when I reach day 10! Only 16 more days of dieting to do before Dec 25th. I did book restaurant reservations for Dec 31st at a pizza place. I do plan to only have one meal that day to allow myself some pizza. Same with Christmas, save the calories for dinner. I just have to stay on track and not give up for myself. I need to be back down to around 145/150pounds this spring or sooner! 

How I've been feeling on my diet. The hardest time of the day is afternoon, sometimes evening but not as much as afternoon. It's because I'm not doing much. Just sitting around on my phone or watching TV. 

Haven't measured my waist, thighs or hips yet but I'll start today! A good starting point for continued weight loss. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Moving on to Week #2, day 8

 Last night I had pasta sauce with yellow squash and mushroom with a few small meatballs. Oh and some roasted parsnips in olive oil.  A low cal dinner around 6pm. I actually didn't eat it all and felt sick after eating kind of between heartburn and wanting to throw up. Probably still covid symptoms and maybe just getting used to eating 500 cal or less per day. At any rate. Not feeling hungry today either which is good. 

I have been getting used to sleeping in every morning, laying in bed watching TV or being on the internet since I still have till Friday to wear a mask, it's just easier to be away from everyone rather then wear a mask for hours. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

1 week!!

 I made sure to get myself a few rewards for making it a week on my diet. Day #7 of 25! 17 days to go! 

Here's my rewards, new ankle black boots, and 3 new tops and 1 pair of leggings. I wasn't planning on buying so many rewards, but I found so many good deals at Marshalls. All things I need. 

Has my dieting been easy? Not that difficult since I'm still sick with Covid, day #6 of 10. The hardest part of the day is waiting till dinner or 4pm to eat for the day. I have to admit, it's getting easier to not want to eat in the afternoons. I've never been a morning eater, so lunch is more of a challenge. 

I stopped at the store and purchased yellow squash, mushrooms and parsnips to cook with Steve's homemade spaghetti sauce and meatballs. I'm skipping pasta and just loading up with veggies that are low cal. Lots of flavor and delicious! 

Still getting in cleaning exercise daily. Planks and lifting weights. Still need to do that today. I usually like to get in my exercises in the morning. Always have to move every day. Plus I did some shopping, walking and looking taking more steps for few hours to burn calories. 

Have I noticed some weight loss? Just in my tank top fitting more loose on my body. Could I have lost a pound a day with eating 500 or under calories for the last week? I sure hope so, or at least 5 pounds. I need to start measuring my waist, hips, thighs and arms. I need some type of base to see my weight loss progress other than just how my clothes fit. 

I have also been telling a few people I'm on a diet. Neighbor friends, customers and Steve. It helps to get support and keep me focused now that I've told people, I expect I'll need to have weight loss results in the coming weeks! 

Wish I would have been better at keeping the weight off. It's tough to have to lose all that weight again. I recalculated the time it took to drop a significant amount of weight. From the End of August (last week, to when we went on vacation to Florida, coming home on the 11th. Exactly 6 weeks to wear a swim suit. I kept losing to get to my goal weight through November another 4 weeks. to get down to 145. 12 weeks total or 3 months and 1 week. Right now I'm focused on just getting to day #25 Christmas. I'll set another goal after I reach that date with a little indulging allowed, but only due to being Christmas. Maybe a drink and taste of desserts. Nothing crazy as I want to keep dieting and lose the rest of the weight for spring. I want to fit back into my swim suit this summer and not have to cover up. I want all of my old skinny clothes to fit so I have more clothing options to wear both this winter and summer. Plus, I want to feel healthy and look better now that I'm approaching my mid 50's. This is the age where your health is most important. 

I also want to enjoy running again. I am still working on getting my feet fixed so they don't burn when I run more than 2 miles. I need to build up my miles again to 6. Maybe not every day I'll run, give myself 2 days a week rest. 

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Day 5 diet

 Have I lost 5 pounds?  I sure hope so! But who knows? I have no idea what my weight might be. Do I feel any thinner? Maybe?? 

Day 4 was not so bad. Spent the day in bed, covid day #3 of 5. Still have a fever and on meds. I'm hoping to ween myself off them today. I ended up having two small bowl of Steve's homemade tomato basil soup one for lunch and the other for dinner along with PB nuggets whenever I took some meds. 

Do I feel hungry on day 5, with less than 500 calories the last 4 days? Not really, maybe being sick with covid has something to do with that since my stomach hurt and was upset till day #3. Yesterday, I probably was a little hungry like today, but I'm keeping with my diet. Not sure what I'll want for dinner tonight. Maybe more soup or rice/salsa? I have yet to decide. Steve brings up food to our bedroom for me. I've been masking up around anyone and staying isolated for the 5 contagious days. Monday I'll be back to work, masking up and then staying away in my room for the night. After I should be fine. All this is dependent on my fever being gone. I was trying to do away with meds this morning, but I was freezing and achy which means I still have a fever and my headache was returning. I need to go 24 hours without meds! 

I'd like to start getting some exercise today. Maybe just a plank since that's about all I can do. If I'm up to it? I don't need to make my body more achy than it already feels. 

Yesterday, I spent the day watching movies, looking at news on the internet, watching Tic tok, and took a much needed shower to feel normal. 

Today, more of the same, minus the shower and a Vikings football game at noon. Not sure I'll watch any movies as there really isn't anything to watch! I'm tired of being alone and home. I'd rather be out skiing or at least down stairs with my family. It does make it a bit easier to diet being upstairs and away from food. Having to ask Steve to bring up food for me. I think he went to work since there was nothing else to do on a Sunday. Sounds like he spent Saturday watching the Soccer games, cooking soup and making spaghetti sauce and then going to the store for more water bottles etc. 

I'm ready to work on Monday and get out of the house! Thankfully, I don't have to be isolated for 10 days, 5 is enough! 

To keep me diet motivated, this will be a big challenge. I just have 20 more days to go. 5 done. The hardest part was the first 3 days. Day 1 and 2 are always a big challenge just to start a diet. Now to keep the momentum. A few years ago, I went over 100 days on a diet. Week after week I'd check off. It does give me a purpose and something todo. I just need to remind myself that. 

I also will need to start moving more. Lifting more weights, walking or skiing to not lose muscle, but to burn fat. When I lost 30 pounds in two months, I was eating low calorie, didn't really exercise but then started exercising after 40 pounds of weight loss and kept that up for over a year. I just really have to be focused on my goal of spring weight loss. I want to feel good again in a swim suit. Feel good in clothes and not hid out. I want my energy back, and I want to look and feel good. 

My rewards, a pedicure (1 week)

new shoes (2 weeks) 

40 pounds - botox to get rid of my frown. 

New clothes or to wear my skinny clothes again. 

Will anyone notice my weight loss come day 25? Christmas? Everyone saw me T-day. Will they notice 10 to 15 pounds of weightless? Not sure.. I might have to lose 20 before anyone notices or 30. I want the days to go by fast. Time seems to go by faster and faster either way. Might as well work on a body goal and get ready for a new 2023! I am wanting to feel younger and look younger in a slimmed down body. Maybe cut my hair too and start styling it. 

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Weight loss day 4, Saturday

 I'm on day 4 of my weight loss journey to get back down to my goal weight. I gained all of the weight I lost back 10 years ago. I managed to keep it off till covid hit in 2020. With lock downs, happy hours and bread with the stress of it all I packed on the pounds. I hurt my feet after the last 1/2 marathon. Not sure what year that was. Without being able to run 6 miles a day the weight came back quickly. 

So far day 1 through 3 were pretty easy. Maybe because I ended up getting Covid on day 2 of my weight loss journey. My stomach was upset and hurt the last 3 days. I didn't have an appetite. 

Yesterday I only ate a can of veggie soup 160 calories and a few PB nuggets with meds to help my stomach from burning. 

I want to lose at least 20 if not 30 or 40 pounds. I did it before losing at least 40 to 50 pounds and I can certainly do it again. It took from the end of August to the Middle of October on a low calorie diet to lose most of the weight. It came off fast and quick as I was determined to lose weight. I never weighed myself, I just went by how my clothes were fitting. At some point I got out the tape measure and would keep track of my losses by the inches. 

I already notice a difference in my waist. 

Will it be easy to keep going day after day? I have an end point. December 25th because it will be Christmas where I'll want a drink and maybe a taste of dessert. Maybe try everything but eat nothing is the way to go on deserts? Just a taste if it's worth the calories? If not, skip it. Same as alcohol just empty calories that pack on the pounds. Maybe just a sip or none at all? Not really sure how I'll feel come dec 25th. It seems like a very attainable goal to reach that date. I have lots of incentive as family will all be here. I'll have more clothes options too! If I stay around 500 calories per day, can I expect to lose a pound a day? Not really sure. I'd settle for a pound every 2 days which would be 17 pounds weight loss or 25 depending on how much I lose. Do I feel deprived? No, hungry? no.. 

I've done successfully both the diet part and exercise. I just need to recreate that and make progress. It sure feels better to wake up each morning knowing I'm losing weight and not gaining or staying the same. 

I might not be doing both the diet and exercise at the same time, but I know it's critical to keeping the weight off once it's gone. When I first lost 40 pounds, I just dieted to November. In November I added Cross country skiing and then started in on the gym lifting weights and running on the cross ramp 15 minutes at first and upping it to 1 hour eventually. Spring time I started running outdoors and started off with 3 miles and then up to 6 daily. It made my morning the best part of the day. Just running and working up a sweat. Sometimes, I'd be tired after my early morning workout and I'd go back to bed for an hour before having to go to work at 9am. It's time to recreate that plan. It made me feel so much younger to be able to move. 

I've got this.... 

Friday, December 2, 2022


 Tested Positive for Covid this morning. I was feeling fine yesterday morning and by 6pm felt achy, headache, mucus in the back of my throat and a dry tickle cough. Took some Excederin this morning and I actually feel fine. This is the first time being sick since early 2020 of Feb when everyone had something. Feels similar to what I had back then with the dry cough. First time having covid for me that I actually tested positive. 

Guess we know how I'll be spending my weekend, on the couch watching lots of TV. Guess you only need to quarenteen for 5 days, so Thursday - Monday, and I'm good to go! 

Diet day 3, go figure it's been easy staying on my diet. I haven't really felt hungry. Ate rice, peppers and onions with salsa for diner again last night. Oh, and 2 pieces of beef jerky. 

I did eat 2 PB pretzel nuggets this morning since I took 2 excederin for my headache and fever. I had to eat something with my pills otherwise, It might burn my stomach. I will most likely make some fresh salsa with the raw peppers, onion, garlic and lime juice today to eat with my rice. Not really hungry for anything other than salsa or rice. It will be easy to stick with my diet now that I'm sick. Wonder if I can smell? I'll need to test that out. I think I can smell? I doubt it's really a symptom any longer or at least it doesn't seem to be. 

Hopefully, no one else in my family gets covid. I might have caught it over T-day with Steve's father being sick and Celina's BF Don also sick last week. I don't think either tested for Covid. Steve was also sick before T-day, but had a sore throat and it was just a virus as he tested negative for both covid and strep. I was hoping this was just a normal virus too. I did see Evan yesterday morning before I had symptoms, so hopefully, I don't pass it on to my grandkids. We were planning on skiing this weekend and now that's out! 

I'm supposed to work today till 1pm. I won't be around anyone and as long as I feel fine, wear a mask it should be fine to work. It's only for 2-1/2 hours anyway. I can do that easily! Plus easier to diet when I get some exercise too. 

I was planning on x-skiing yesterday, but the ski's were up in the rafters and Steve had the ladder so I couldn't get them down. Goes to show you, I felt fine yesterday afternoon. Just around 6pm, I went downhill fast. By 8:30pm I was asking Steve to bring up meds for me. It came on quickly. Hopefully, it will be mild covid since I'm boosted back in October. I just hate being sick! I got a small taste of being sick after my 1st dose/shot of shingles. That knocked me out for a day, tired, fever etc.. Not looking forward to shot #2 since I will probably have similar symptoms. That's not for another month, end of December or January. 

In other news.. my new 20ft sleeps 12 people instant dark tent arrived yesterday. I saved well over $150 by getting it on Black Friday! Delivery to my door. I'm excited for camping 2023 season!! Too bad I can't set it up to check out the new bigger size! I think the last tent was 14 x 10, so 6 feet larger in size. We do have room to set it up in the family room, just not sure it would clear the hanging light? So I will probably have to wait till spring to set it up outdoors. It might be too large for fall camping since it's more area to keep warm with the heater? Then again, I bring two heaters and it was too hot with both on all night. 80*F gets too warm! So should be fine plus, more space to move around the air mattress. 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Day #2 of 25 dieting... Success #1

 This is going to be my before diet photo taken the day after T-day. They say you lose weight first in your face and then women lose weight all over where men lose it in their belly. 

I have till May to lose all the weight I want to get back to having all my clothes fit once more. It's not about the weight, just about feeling better and fitting back into all my clothes. Having more to wear and feeling comfortable again! Which means more exercise too in addition to cutting calories and eliminating sugar and drinks. 

Day 1 went great. I worked late till 1:45, then had to bring Zoey to the Vet at 3:30pm. When I got home around 4:15 from the Vet, I made my dinner. Cooked some rice and had some with Salsa. A low cal but filling early dinner around 5pm. I figure the rice was most the calories and I probably ate around 400 for the day. A good start to my 500 calorie diet for the next 25 days. 

I did wake up to a head ache. Took 2 Advil. I don't feel hungry this morning and I have plans to cross country ski this afternoon. I'm on my own for dinner, so most likely will just have rice and salsa again to control the calories I'm eating. Might add some chicken for protein and to fill me up. Guess we will see if I  feel like cooking or stopping at the store to pick up chicken? 

So far Day 1 was pretty easy for me to stick to my diet. I didn't feel hungry and I kept busy which was key! I only had 2 hours to kill of not breaking my diet and eating extras. I did it! Which feels like a great start to my weight loss journey. 

Not going to weight myself because I'll just feel the weight come off by how my clothes fit. I'm right now just concentrating on going to day 25 Christmas dieting, but do plan to keep going until all the extra weight is gone for the summer. 

I plan cross country ski every day the snow is good. Do my daily exercises and try to keep busy and out of the kitchen between working and dinner time. Plus, after dinner no going back for more food or a snack. 

Right now starting day 2, I don't feel hungry. Of course I don't ever feel hungry in the morning 99% of the time. It's just after I'm done working I look forward to lunch. Now that I can ski, I'll keep myself busy and will have less time to wait to dinner. I might have dinner early around 4 or 4:30pm some days. Once I start dieting, my cravings usually go away and I only want really health foods. 

I'll be choosing low calorie option, pickles, popcorn, sweet potatoes, rice/salsa, chicken protein, peppers/onions/broth soups etc. 

Weekends might be more of a CHALLENGE with wanting to have drinks or go out to eat. I've already told Steve I am doing a 25 day diet to Christmas and if he wanted to join me. He already wants to lose a few pounds too and give up drinks other than his guys night out on Thursday. Plus, we will save money not eating and drinking out. We just need to find other entertainment on the weekends. Skiing, movies and home projects will be on the list as well as cribbage games. I went a whole year dieting and lost 50 pounds in all, keeping it off for years by running 6 miles and watching what I ate. Now it's time to do it all again. I did it before and I can do it again. I just need to stay focused on my summer plans of fun and being fit again. 

before the 4th

 The 4th weekend is going to go fast. unfortunately looks like rain every day! Probably should have done option #2 and headed to the north s...